Department & University: English and German Studies, UAB
Brief summary of research interests: For the past fifteen years, my research has focused on war and its lasting impact on contemporary culture and society. While I examine the major conflicts of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, my interest is not in their military aspects. Instead, I explore the challenges of representing war, particularly how it is remembered, retold, and reinterpreted.
I am especially drawn to how second- and third-generation writers grapple with the repercussions of wars they did not experience firsthand but that continue to shape their identities. My work examines the intersection of trauma, memory, and aesthetics, focusing on how literature and cultural narratives reimagine conflict and its aftermath. Ultimately, I am interested in how storytelling captures both the rupture of war and its enduring impact.
Recent publications:
- 2025 “From the First World War to Iraq: Teaching War and Conflict through Contemporary Literature and Culture” FWW Studies Special Issue: Teaching the First World War for the Twenty-First Century: Pedagogies in Dialogue (forthcoming).
- 2025 “Owen and Sassoon Reconsidered: The Trauma of the First World War, Memory, and Contemporary Anti-War Poetry in the ‘Post-Everything’ Era.” Tiempo Devorado: Cultures de Desmobilització. La Construcció dels Excombatents i el seu impacte al món actual, vol. 10, no. 1, 2025, revistes.uab.cat/tdevorado/article/view/v10-n1-pividori.
- 2024 Pividori, Cristina and David Owen (eds) Beyond Post-memory: (Re)Writing War in Contemporary Literature and Culture. Routledge, 2024. ISBN 9781032663661
- 2024 “Before the Outbreak of What Used to Be Known as the Great War:” ‘Ironic’ Nostalgia in Isabel Colegate’s The Shooting Party (1980). In Pividori, Cristina, and David Owen (eds.), Beyond Post-Memory: (Re)Writing War in Contemporary Literature and Culture. Routledge, 2024, pp. 83–95.
- 2023 “Make America Great Again”: (De)Colonising Masculinities in Viet Thanh Nguyen’s The Refugees (2017). Amsterdam University Press (Conference Proceedings).
- 2022 Pividori, Cristina, and Andrea Bellot. “Crossing Representational Borders in Lola Arias’ Minefield/Campo Minado” Text and Performance Quarterly. 42.3: 1-26.
- Please also consult the Publications section in this website for additional recent publications.
Personal Website: https://cristinapividori.com