Department & University: Department of English and German Studies, UAB
Brief summary of research interests:
David Owen is Associate Professor of English Literature at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, where he is coordinator of the BA Programme in English Studies. His main research interest is in the early works of Jane Austen, with a particular emphasis on the contribution of epistolarity to her later stylistic attainments. His publications and conference presentations are principally on these areas. However, his recent work has also included literary theory and a focus on war writing.
Selected publications:
- 2024 Owen, David and Cristina Pividori (Eds.) Beyond Post-memory: (Re)Writing War in Contemporary Literature and Culture. Routledge, Oxfordshire, UK. ISBN 9781032663661.
- 2024 Owen, David. “Silence, Discontinuity of Narrative, and Non-Remembrance in Christine Dwyer Hickey’s Last Train from Liguria” in Pividori, Cristina and David Owen (Eds.) Beyond Post-memory: (Re)Writing War in Contemporary Literature and Culture. Routledge, Oxfordshire, UK. ISBN 9781032663661.
- 2023 “The Visible-Invisible Good Man in Jane Austen’s The Watsons”. In: Martín, S., Santaulària, M.I. (eds) Detoxing Masculinity in Anglophone Literature and Culture. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. Print ISBN 978-3-031-22143-9; Online ISBN 978-3-031-22144-6.
- 2021 Owen, David and Pividori, Cristina (eds.). Theoretically Speaking about Literature: Understanding Literary Theory in the Study of Literary Works. Cambridge Scholars Publication, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK. ISBN (10): 1-5275-7444-X. ISBN (13): 978-1-5275-7444-1. (Introduction; editorial matter).
- 2021 Owen, David and Pividori, Cristina (eds.). The Spectre of Defeat: Experience, Memory and Post-Memory. Cambridge Scholars Publication, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK. ISBN: 1-5275-6355-3; ISBN13: 978-1-5275-6355-1.
- 2021 “John Wyndham and His 1950s Apocalyptic Novels: Bad News for the Hoi Polloi”. In Owen, David and Pividori, Cristina (Eds.), The Spectre of Defeat: Experience, Memory and Post-Memory.
- 2018 “The European Reception of Jane Austen’s Works”. Quaderns: Revista de Traducció 25: 15-27. UAB, Barcelona, Spain. ISSN 1138-5790 (paper), ISSN 2014-9735 (digital), http://ddd.uab.cat/record/40.
- 2016 Owen, David and Pividori, Cristina (Eds.). Writings of Persuasion and Dissonance in the Great War: That Better Whiles May Follow Worse. Brill-Rodopi, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. ISBN 978-90-04-31491-7; ISSN 0921-2507. (Introduction; all editorial matter).
- 2016 “Conscripting Gentle Jane: Getting the ‘Austen Treatment’ in the Great War” in Owen, David and Pividori, Cristina (Eds.), Writings of Persuasion and Dissonance in the Great War: That Better Whiles May Follow Worse.
Please also consult the Publications section in this website for additional recent publications.
Personal Website: https://davidowenac.wordpress.com.
ORCiD: 0000-0002-5080-2736