Independant Scholar
Brief summary of research interests:
Umberto Rossi is an independent scholar, teacher and literary critic. He has published an introduction to 20th Century war literature (Il secolo di fuoco, Bulzoni, 2008) and quite a few articles on war literature and comics. He has published a monograph on Philip K. Dick, The Twisted Worlds of Philip K. Dick (McFarland 2011) and edited a collection of essays on Thomas Pynchon’s V. with Paolo Simonetti, Dream Tonight of Peacock Tails (CSP 2015), is a member of the SFRA and the editorial board of Peter Lang’s World Science Fiction Studies. He is a member of the ICLA Research Committee on Comics Studies and Graphic Narrative.
Selected publications:
- 2024 “Moi, René Tardi, Prisonner de guerre au Stalag IIB: Postmemory and Anachronistic Narration in Tardi’s Graphic Post-Memoir”. Cristina Pividori and David Owen (eds.), (Re)writing War in Contemporary Literature and Culture: Beyond Post-Memory. Routledge, pp.38-47
- 2023 “Senza via d’uscita: Guerra e tossicodipendenza in ‘Yanqui Doodle’ di Alice Sheldon, alias James Tiptree Jr.” ContactZone , 69-81, DOI: 10.26379/1900
- 2023 “Yoked in Gowanus: Jonathan Lethem’s Bad City in The Fortress of Solitude”, Ugo Rubeo (ed.), Bad Cities: Literature and Violence, Milan, Mimesis, pp. 189-204.
- 2021 “Contro-passato prossimo: Genesi di una storia alternativa in La nostra guerra di Enrico Brizzi”, Narrativan. 43, pp. 197-206.
- 2021 “Facing Defeat: Louis Falstein’s Face of a Hero”, Owen, David and Maria Cristina Pividori (eds.), The Spectre of Deafeat in Post-War British and American Literature: Experience, Memory, and Post-Memory, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 139-150.
- 2021 “Drawing (and Researching) the Great War: Tardi Is Not Getting Out Of His Trench”, Status Quaestionis, #20. <https://rosa.uniroma1.it/rosa03/status_quaestionis/article/view/17516>
- 2021 “The Myth of the Great War: Hugo Pratt’s World War I Graphic Novel and Stories”, Paul Ferstl (ed.), Dialogues Between Media: The Many Languages of Comparative Literature, De Gruyter, pp. 59-82.
Please also consult the Publications section in this website for additional recent publications.
Personal Website: https://orcid.org/0009-0005-9728-8251