Working paper “Extended network segregation and institutional trust” (Lubbers 2021). Under evaluation.
The PI of the project is currently editing the special issue “In good company? Personal Relationships, Network Embeddedness and Social Inclusion” for the journal Social Inclusion, Vol. 9, Issue 4 (JCR Q2), we have now selected the abstracts. Full papers of selected authors are due on May 1.
Seminar in the lecture series at the Institute for Analytical Sociology in Linköping, “Segregation in extended social networks: The benefits and disadvantages of using the Network Scale-Up Method in research”, December 3, 2020.

Podcast: Francisca Ortiz of the Mitchell Center for Social Network Analysis (University of Manchester) interviewed Miranda Lubbers for the podcast about social network analysis “Tejiendo redes / Knitting networks” (organizers Francisca Ortiz and Alejandro Espinosa-Rada). Lista redes quoted on Twitter “Without weak ties, society would disintegrate“. See the podcast’s website for other chapters.

Article: Lubbers, M. J., Molina, J. L., & Valenzuela, H. (2019). When networks speak volumes: Variation in the size of broader acquaintanceship networks. Social Networks, 59, 55-69.