The use of repertoires from different language systems has been a controversial issue in language teaching. While grammar-translation methods promoted the transfer from one language to another, the direct method and other subsequent teaching approaches supported the exclusive use of the ‘target language’ in classrooms. Monolingual classroom practices arguably maximised ‘input’ and forced students to use the target language, following the principle that ‘languages are learned in use’. The results of our research, conducted in primary, secondary and tertiary educational institutions, show that plurilingual and multimodal practices are inherent to and necessary for participation in meaningful classroom activities. The title of our presentation is illustrative of a moment in which a student refuses to speak English in class, so his peer tells him to “mézclalo un poquito”, meaning “mix it up a bit”, using the languages he knows to participate.

Dolors Masats is the Coordinadora del Departament de Didàctica de la Llengua i la Literatura i de les Ciències Socials

Autor: Servei d'Audiovisuals. Facultat de Ciències de l'Educació

Expedient: 81.103

Data:2017-05-19 12:44

Publicació: 05/19/2017

Durada: 43 min