The East Asian Studies & Research Centre (Centre d’Estudis i Recerca sobre Àsia Oriental: CERAO) of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) is an academic institution dedicated to the study and research of the countries that form the East Asian region. 

The main objective of the Centre is to develop studies and research that deepen interdisciplinary knowledge of social, cultural, political and economic realities of East Asia, examining the factors involved, the challenges the region faces and its implications on a worldwide scale. 

Likewise, CERAO also aims to establish itself as a think tank for the realization of projects that revert to the understanding of the role that East Asia acquires in the contemporary global environment, offering support for the development of research activities and projects that contribute to guide different social and political actors interested in the dynamism of this region in the twenty-first century. 

Among the tasks carried out by CERAO, there are the development of research projects, the organization of scientific activities and the realization of publications on East Asia, solely or jointly with other national and international entities, inside and outside the UAB campus. 

Researchers specialized in East Asia who carry out scientific and academic work at the UAB as teaching and research staff may apply to CERAO.

                                                                                                                              Directorate of CERAO, 2023