Blai Guarné – Director of CERAO
Blai Guarné. Director of the Center for Studies and Research in Eastern Asia (CERAO), Associate Professor and Coordinator of the East Asian Studies Programme at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). He has been a Juan de la Cierva Postdoctoral Fellow (MICINN-JDC, Government of Spain) at the UAB, Visiting Fellow at the National Museum of Ethnology in Japan (Minpaku), Postdoctoral Scholar (BP-A AGAUR) in the Department of Anthropology at Stanford University, and Visiting Researcher (Monbukagakushō, Government of Japan) in the Department of CulturalAnthropology at the University of Tokyo. He convenes the Media Studies Section of the EAJS (European Association for Japanese Studies), is officer of the JAWS (Japan Anthropology Workshop), and he is the editor-in-chief and director of the book series Biblioteca de Estudios Japoneses. Among his publications: “The World is a Room: Beyond Centers and Peripheries in the Global Production of Anthropological Knowledge,”Focaal,63: 8-19 (2012), the co-edition with Shinji Yamashita of Japan in Global Circulation: Transnational Migration and Multicultural Politics, in Kokuritsu Minzokugaku Hakubutsukan Kenkyū Hōkoku, 40 (1), National Museum of Ethnology in Japan (2015), and with Paul Hansen of Escaping Japan: Reflections on Estrangement and Exile in the Twenty-first Century, Routledge, 2018.

Jordi Rosell (Secretary of CERAO)
Jordi Rosell Foxà, associate professor at the Department of Applied Economics of the Autonomous University of Barcelona, is a researcher specialized in economics and agrarian politics, rural development and the evaluation of public policies. Much of its research has been developed within European research projects in the fields indicated. He has published articles in scientific journals such as Journal of Rural Studies , European Urban and Regional Studies and Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment and book chapters of publishers such as Edward Elger, Routledge and Palgrave. He has also published regularly in Spanish journals specialized in the subjects of his research as Economía Agraria y Recursos Naturales, Revista española de estudios agrosociales y pesqueros and Revista de Estudios Regionales.

Minkang Zhou (Director of EU-China Master Program)
Professor and coordinator of the Official University Master of EU – China: Culture and Economics of the Faculty of Translation and Interpreting of the Autonomous University of Barcelona. He has extensive teaching experience in Spain, China, Taiwan and Hong Kong. Permanent member of the board of directors and general secretary of the European Association for the Teaching of Chinese (AEECH, Paris) and vocal member of the ISCT (International Society for Chinese Teaching, Beijing). He has developed academic strategies for the teaching of Chinese language and culture in the Hispanic world. He has also worked in the field of translation and intercultural study of Chinese, Spanish and Catalan. His research includes comparative cultural studies between Asia, Europe and Latin America. He regularly collaborates with institutions and media in Spain, China and Mexico as one of the leading experts of Chinese origin on contemporary China located in Spain. He is the author of: “Chinese Grammar ” (1997, Barcelona), “Dictionary of Catalan to Chinese and Chinese to Catalan” (1999, Barcelona); “The Chinese market: Language and culture” (2000, Barcelona); “China, world power in the modern era”, (2010, Barcelona); “Course of Chinese politics at crucial moments” (2011, Valencia); “Professional translation from Spanish into Chinese, theory, practice and didactic” (2012, Barcelona); “The Chinese impact on the Hispanic-American world”, editor and co-author (2013, Barcelona); “The triangle of China, Spain and Latin America and the Caribbean” (2015, Mexico D.F.); “The presence of China in Latin America and the Caribbean” (2016, Puebla, Mexico).

Seán Golden
Born of Irish parents in London. Early childhood in Ballina and Ballaghaderreen (Ireland). Schooled in Connecticut and Massachusetts (USA). Returned to the home place in Ireland to live. Worked some years in Tianjin (China). Before China, a specialist in Irish Studies and James Joyce; after, a specialist in Chinese thought, politics, and international relations. Published in Ireland in Cyphers, The Crane Bag and The Field Day Anthology of Irish Writing, as well as Force 10, The Cathach II, The SHOp, The Stinging Fly and North West Words. Co-editor with Peter Fallon of Soft Day. A Miscellany of Contemporary Irish Literature. Numerous translations of Chinese poetry, classical and contemporary, as well as publications in Chinese Studies. Retired Full Professor former Dean and former Director of the East Asia Studies & Research Centre of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). Senior Associate Researcher of the CIDOB Barcelona Centre for International Affairs and Associate Professor of the Institut Barcelona d’Estudis Internacionals (IBEI). Divides his time now among Barcelona (Spain), Ballyconnell (Sligo, Ireland) and Beijing (China).

Joaquín Beltrán Antolín
Social Anthropologist. Professor of East Asian Studies at the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Research leader of InterAsia research group. Editor of the series Contemporary China, Edicions Bellaterra, Barceloan; and InterAsia Papers, CERAO-UAB. His main research interests are Chinese international migration and diaspora in relationship with identity, economy, education, health, religion, art and cultural production; as well as on different issues on Chinese culture, politics and society. Among his works are The Chinese in Catalonia. Family, education and integration, 2001; The Eight Immortals Cross the Sea. Chinese in the Far West, 2003; Chinese Perspectives, 2007; Ethnic entrepreneurship in Spain, 2009; Interculturality, 2015; Representation of China in the Americas and the Iberian Peninsula, 2016. Travel to the Center. The 19th Congress of the Communist Party of China, 2017.

Carme Casablancas Segura
Carme Casablancas-Segura holds a PhD in Entrepreneurship and Management from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, as well as a degree in Economics and Business Science from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. She is currently studying the Official Master’s Degree in the Analysis and Management of Artistic Heritage at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. She is associate professor in the Department of Business at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, where she teaches Management and Cost Analysis. She has served as director of the School of Business Studies at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, Administrator of the Bosch i Cardellach Foundation and is currently a board member at the Board of the Catalan Economists Association. In recent years her research has been focused on strategic marketing and the management of public universities. Her work has been published in journals such as Higher Education, the International Journal of Educational Management and the Spanish Journal of Marketing-ESIC. In the field of knowledge transfer, she is the co-author of Biznelis, an educational game for children based on entrepreneurship and management. The game has been developed in collaboration with the company Sabadell Shop S.L. and the Autonomous University of Barcelona and enjoys, the special support of the Research Park. She is currently a research member of the Study and Research Centre in Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation, where she is working on the development of a line of research based on encouraging entrepreneurship among children through a play-based learning methodology.

Rebekah Clements
Rebekah Clements is an ICREA at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. She completed degrees in Law and Asian studies at the Australian National University where she was awarded the University Medal, before obtaining an MA in classical Japanese literature from Waseda University (2008). She completed her PhD in East Asian History from the University of Cambridge (Trinity College) in 2011. Following her PhD she was a research associate at the Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Cambridge, working on the Leverhulme-funded project “Translation and vernacularisation in pre-modern East Asia” (PI: P.Kornicki), and held a junior research fellowship from Queen’s College from 2012-2015, where she completed her first monograph, A Cultural History of Translation in Early Modern Japan (Cambridge University Press). From 2015-2018, she held a lectureship and then an associate professorship at Durham University. She joined ICREA in October 2018.

Rossano Eusebio
Rossano Eusebio obtained a PhD Cum Laude in Economics and Business Administration from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB). He received two degrees, one in Economics and Trade from the University of Turin (Italy) and the other in Business Administration from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB). Currently, he is an associate professor (Head) of Marketing in the Department of Business at the UAB. He was Deputy Director of the Masters Programme in Marketing, Commerce and Distribution of the UAB (1998-2017) and South Director of the Master’s Degree in Euroasian International Business at the UAB (2006-2014). He has been visiting researcher at Bocconi University, University of Milan (Italy) and visiting professor at the University of Turin (Italy), SGH Warsaw School of Economics (Poland), Dublin City University (Ireland) and University of National and World Economics (Bulgaria), among others. He has extensive experience in research and consultancy projects for multinational consumer companies (Danone, General Electric, etc.), and is the author of numerous publications in national and international journals of impact (JCR), such as The European Management Journal, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management and Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management.

Makiko Fukuda
Makiko Fukuda, sociolingüista, PhD in Catalan Philology (Universitat de Barcelona, 2009), is assistant lecturer at Department of Translation and Interpretation and Eastern Asian Studies of Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and collaborating researcher at Research Centre for Sociolinguistic and Communication of Universitat de Barcelona. She has long been working on Japanese community in Catalonia and its relation with languages. She has conducted various researches on the themes like language ideology, language transmission, heritage language, language policy, migration and languages, language education among others. Her doctoral dissertation ‘Japanese in Catalonia and Catalan language: community, languages and ideologies’ received Jaume Camp de Sociolingüística Award and Extraordinary Doctoral Award (2009/2010).

Ferran Izquierdo Brichs
És doctor y professor de Relacions Internacionals a la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Actualment la seva recerca es centra en la Sociologia del poder i la regió d’Orient Mitjà i el Nord d’Àfrica. Temes sobre els quals ha publicat nombrosos llibres i articles. En els darrers anys co-dirigeix amb la Dra. Feliu el projecte de recerca I+D+i ja esmentat, i ha participat en els següents: “Revueltas populares del Mediterráneo a Asia Central: genealogía histórica, fracturas de poder y factores identitarios” (investigadora principal: Laura Feliu Martínez) (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (2013-2016) HAR2012-34053); “Estabilidad, gobernabilidad y cambio político en Turquía, Oriente Medio y el Norte de África: impacto en la política española hacia la región” (investigador principal: Ferran Izquierdo Brichs) (Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (2009-2011) CSO2008-06232-C03-02/CPOL).

Nora Sainz Gsell
Profesora Titular del Área de Derecho Internacional Público y de Relaciones Internacionales (UAB), con docencia en Grado y Post-Grado, ha sido investigadora y profesora invitada, entre otros centros, en el Institut d’Études Européennes, (Université Libre de Bruxelles) y el Centruum voor Politicologie (Vrije Universiteit- Brussel); el Centre of Conflict Prevention (Viena); la “OSCE’s Parliamentary Assembly” (Copenhague); el “Institute Français d’Études sur l’Asie Centrale” (París-Tashkent); la Universidad Torcuato Di Tella (Buenos Aires); el Centro Interdisciplinario de Investigación y Docencia sobre Mercosur (CIDAM), UN de Rosario; la UNacional de México (UNAM), el Centro Académico de Internacionales, BUAutónoma de Puebla (BUAP), y el Institute for Social and International Studies (ISIS) (Barcelona-Portland State University). En gestión de investigación se ha desempeñado como Representante Oficial del European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) de la Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y de Sociología (UAB). Ha sido miembro del Grupo Motor del Programa Asia de la Fundación CIDOB y Coordinadora del Grupo de Investigaciones en Relaciones Internacionales de Asia-América (GIRIA). Ha publicado sobre teoría de las Relaciones Internacionales, seguridad, conflicto, cooperación y el papel de las organizaciones internacionales en Europa, Asia y América Latina. Entre sus líneas de investigación actuales se encuentran la de “Globalización, seguridad y género”; la del “Multilateralismo, poder y organizaciones internacionales”; y la del “Papel de China en el sistema internacional contemporáneo”, (relaciones China-Unión Europea, China-América Latina y el Caribe y China-Asia Central. Participa en el proyecto de excelencia de investigación interuniversitatrio I+D+I Innovate Urban Strategies in the Context of Change: Areas of Quality of Life and Intelligent Development (URBINN).

Amelia Saiz
Profesora de Estudios de Asia Oriental en la Facultad de Traducción e Interpretación de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Socióloga, estudiosa de la sociedad contemporánea de Asia Oriental a partir del análisis de la posición social de las mujeres y de los estudios de género, con especial incidencia en China. Investigadora de las comunidades asiáticas en el estado español y su proceso de asentamiento y relaciones interculturales en el ámbito familiar, educativo, laboral y económico. Autora de Utopía y género. Las mujeres chinas en el siglo XX, Ediciones Bellaterra, Barcelona 2001; Transnationalism, motherhood, and entrepreneurship: Chinese women in Spain, Advances in Gender Research, 16 (2012); Mujeres chinas en España. El capital social y su impacto en las estrategias productivas y reproductivas. Papers. Revista de Sociologia, 97 (2012); Lectura e interculturalidad. Estudio de caso sobre la recepción literaria china en el contexto español, OCNOS, 13 (2015). Co-editora de Empresariado asiático en España (CIDOB, 2009); Representaciones de China en las Américas y la Península Ibérica (Bellaterra, 2016).

Esther Torres Simón
PhD with Honours in Translation and Intercultural Studies from the Rovira i Virgili University (2013) with her thesis on literary exchanges between Korea and the US after the Korean War (1950 and 2000 ). She is currently an associate professor at the Department of Translation and East Asian Studies at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Korean Language and Translation) and coordinates the Exchange Program with Korea at the UAB. She has worked as visiting professor of translation in the Department of English Studies at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili (2018-2021), English language and linguistics associate professor at the European University of the Atlantic (2016-7), adjunt professor at the Open University of Catalonia (2014-2020), Spanish Language Lecturer at Yonsei University (2005-06) and Visiting Professor at Chonbuk National University (2002-04). She is the current secretary of the Spanish Association for East Asian Studies (AEEAO) and a member of the terminology and Wikipedia committee of the European Society for Translation Studies (EST). She is about to publish her second book, together with researchers from U. Lisbon and UNL, on indirect translation: “Indirect Translation Explained”.