Active in twelfth-century Spain, Dominicus Gundissalinus (or Gundisalvi) is the most prominent representative of the so-called “Toledan School of Translators”. He translated philosophical tracts from Arabic into Latin, including al-Kindi, Avicenna and Ibn Gabirol, and wrote six philosophical works: De divisione philosophiae, De immortalitate animae, De scientiis, De unitate et uno, De processione mundi and the Tractatus de anima. His translations and works shaped the history of epistemology, ontology and psychology during the 13th and 14th centuries, with a considerable influence on authors such as Roger Bacon, Albert the Great and Robert Kilwardby.
The Dominicus Gundisalvi Website is a joint collaboration among scholars from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Alexander Fidora), the Universidad de Navarra (María Jesús Soto-Bruna), and the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Nicola Polloni).
Together with an extended research team of international collaborators, the website aims at providing free access to Gundissalinus’s works, updated bibliographical references, and news about publications, meetings, and events about Gundissalinus, his philosophical thought, and his translating activity.