On this page we offer you a series of activities that you can do in case you are unable to attend any of the conferences and/or workshops of the cycle.

In order for credits to be recognised, you must have attended 80% of the face-to-face activities.

[Pàgina pendent d’actualització]

  • Conference on Ecofeminism and Climate Justice

We recommend reviewing the summary of the conference in the Blog to reflect on the relationship of the ecofeminist proposal with your professional paths. You can send your reflection to maria.marcet@uab.cat

  • Conference on Climate Migrations

Beatriz Felipe proposes a reading of the report published by CICrA: “Environmental injustice, climate crisis, water and migrations. Case study” (CICrA, 2022),

… or the more recently published “Una aproximació al paper de la crisi climàtica, l’acaparament pesquera i l’extractivisme en l’expulsió de persones d’origen africà que habiten Barcelona” (CICrA, 2023).

If you don’t have much time, you can also watch Beatriz’s video, in collaboration with the activist collective Extinction Rebellion, 13 minutes long!