
EDO-SERVEIS, linked to the Organizational Development Group (EDO) of the Applied Pedagogy Department of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, was created in 2012 with the clear objective of promoting the transfer of the knowledge acquired over the past 20 years’ experience in the development of educational and training organisations.

The fields of interest and work of EDO are related to the nature of training organisations, the different typologies, institutional organisation and management systems, institutional dynamics, internal and external assessment systems, strategies of change, the role of managers, the effect of new technologies, the creation and management of knowledge, the evaluation of the transfer and impact of training, informal learning and integral security in educational centres, among others. 

In line with these subject areas, EDO-SERVEIS provides its clients with training products, consultancy and ad hoc studies in aspects such as training planning and management, teacher training, ICT and education, training audits, assessment processes, integral security, innovation and change, knowledge management, organisational development, socio-community projects and human resources, among others.

You can access the products offered by EDO-Serveis by clicking on the left menu.