Institutional visit of IUEF in CRiEDO


María Inés Vázquez Clavera, from the Elbio Fernández Teacher Training Institute (Uruguay), will visit CRiEDO.

María Inés Vázquez Clavera, director of the Instituto de Formación Docente Elbio Fernández (Uruguay), will visit CRiEDO between September 16th and 24th to hold working meetings with the management team and different researchers linked to it. The objective of the meetings is to learn in depth the new structure of CRiEDO, as well as the current lines of work to analyze possible ways of collaboration in the near future. Likewise, during this stay it is intended to advance in the analysis of the results of the regional study on the development of equity in Ibero-American universities, specifically those linked to the context of Uruguay.

Instituto Universitario Elbio Fernández (IUEF) has as its main focus quality professional academic training, which articulates the components of teaching, research and extension. Its emphasis is placed on the theory-practice relationship of academic proposals, on its anchoring in culture and interdisciplinarity, its vocation being to promote analysis, research and innovation for the development of the country.

Dr. Vázquez, in addition to being the director of IUEF, is a member of the National Agency for Research and Innovation of Uruguay (Agencia Nacional de Investigación e Innovación de Uruguay ANII) and has participated in numerous international projects associated with education. She is a project evaluator for ANII and CONACYT (Paraguay). She has also developed teaching and research tasks on issues of educational management, innovation processes, change and organizational development at the IUACJ and at the ORT University as director of doctoral theses. She is a member of the Executive Commission of the Educational Management Support Network ( Red de Apoyo a la Gestión Educativa - RedAGE) and directs the biannual publication Gestión Arte, a magazine specializing in educational management issues. She is a member of the Research Team on Organizational Development (EDO) at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. She currently works as General Academic Coordinator at theInstituto Universitario Asociación Cristiana de Jóvenes (IUACJ).

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