Agents and processes in online knowledge management

Imagotipo CRIEDO
Funding entity: MICINN (Programa I+D+i)
Start date: 01/01/2006
End date: 01/01/2009
Coordination: Joaquín Gairín (UAB)
Global funding: 62.557
Reference: SEJ2007-7093/EDUC

This research project basically analysed the role of the agents and processes involved in knowledge management when the internet is used as a support, with the aim of offering new applicable responses that have not emerged so far from the research.

To do this, in the first phase four networks of different content in which 300 people participated were set up and a broad network for researchers that allowed them to find out and validate the behaviour of knowledge managers and moderators; we also identified ways of communicating, participating, models of cohesion and motivation among the users according to the type of agents involved and the processes carried out.

The research process involved the adaptation of a platform for the creation and management of knowledge on line, the design and development of validation processes contrasted in the second and third year and open debate seminars with national and international experts.

The technical support for the process was based on the Accelera platform created in the previous R+D project (see file “Delimitation of a model for the creation and management of knowledge”); functional support took into account the Knowledge Management Model in place and the sequence of questions that guide the dynamics of each of the networks.

Among the anticipated results is the validation of the Accelera platform and the creation of user guides and protocols for actions, the drawing up of a training programme for knowledge managers and the creation of a network of excellence in this area, as well as dissemination in different conferences and publications.

Personnel associated with the project:

Joaquín Gairín (UAB, Coord.), Carme Armengol (UAB), Marta Fuentes (UAB), Carlos Marcelo (US), Ramon Moles (UAB), José Luís Muñoz (UAB), David Rodríguez-Gómez (UAB).

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