Integral Security in Education Centres

Imagotipo CRIEDO
Funding entity: Departament d’Educació. Generalitat de Catalunya
Start date: 01/01/2007
End date: 01/01/2008
Coordination: Joaquín Gairín (UAB)
Global funding: 46.700

Analyse the security conditions presented in a sample of education centres in Catalonia and during different stages of education. It involves the in-situ application of a questionnaire by a qualified specialist at 20 education centres of different types, to analyse aspects of static and dynamic security that constitute part of integral security.

The study served to specify and validate a first model organised by static and dynamic factors, with a questionnaire developed for the evaluation of integral security in education institutions. Likewise, it enabled the issue of reports on the reality of integral security in education centres and the proposal of measures aimed at improving the security conditions in these organizations.

Personnel associated with the project:

Joaquín Gairín (UAB, Coord.), Diego Castro (UAB), Anna Díaz (UAB), Ramon Moles (UAB), Manuel Rosales (GRISC), Jordi Sans (ISPC).

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