The Electro-Green-Chem group (2017SGR0690) was created in 2017 at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), with the aim of address two of the Societal Challenges identified by the “Horizon 2020: the 7 societal challenges”: 1. Sustainable energy (Secure, clean and efficient energy), and 2. Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials.

In particular, the Electro-Green-Chem group aims to deal with six of the priority areas associated to these challenges.

Electro-Green-Chem Group
Fig. 1 The evolution of organizational structure of Electro-Green-Chem SGR group from 2017 to 2020

On one hand, the design of new materials for energy‐efficient windows, the sustainable production of renewable electricity, and sustainable technologies for energy storage. On the other hand, the development of technologies for carbon reduction, capture and storage (CSC) and utilization (CUC), water and wastewater management, resource and energy efficiency.

Green-solvents and molecular materials electrochemically triggered for CO2 capture and valorization: Our research group has an extensive experience in electrocarboxylation processes using green solvents, being pioneering in Catalonia of using this technology.

Chromic smart Coatings based on (Photo)Electrochromic Systems: Smart windows provide variable solar heating and lighting by tuning their transmittance to sunlight depending on ambient conditions. Ideally, they should attenuate visible and IR solar light when hot and become mostly transparent in cold weather.

Li-ion all-solid-state batteries fabrication via additive manufacturing: Batteries form an integral part of the low carbon economy and are the cornerstone of the European energy transition towards a zero-emission system. They provide traction and power for electric vehicles, energy storage for renewable sources of intermittent nature and support electricity grids and services around the globe. The costs, performance and safety of batteries play a pivotal role in this aspect.

Bioelectrochemical systems for achieving circular bioeconomy: Bioelectrochemical systems (BESs), such as microbial fuel cells (MFCs), microbial electrolysis cells (MECs) and microbial solar cells (MSCs), have become in the last three decades, one of the promising integrated solutions to meet various aspects of the compatibility between human and the environment simultaneously through the generation of the energy and valuable compounds and the degradation of the organic and inorganic substrates.

Solar assisted hydrogen production through photocatalysis: Solar driven hydrogen production is one of the most promising ways to convert solar energy into hydrogen, a storable fuel. Photocatalysis using particulate semiconductor materials and solar light is one of the most effective technologies developed so far for the achievement of such a goal.