Spanish team

Margarita León
Margarita León (BA Sociology, University of Alicante (Spain), MA Sociological Research, University of Essex (UK), PhD London School of Economics (UK, 2000) is Associate professor of Political Science at the Universitat Autònoma Barcelona (UAB). Between 2010 and 2015 she was a Ramón y Cajal Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Government and Public Policies (IGOP) of the same university. From 2003 until 2010 she was lecturer in European social policy, School of Social Policy, Sociology and Social Research, University of Kent. From 2001 and 2003 she hold a Marie Curie post-doctoral fellowship at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute in Florence, Italy. She has been a Fulbright Visiting Scholar at University of Berkeley, California (2018). Her main areas of research are comparative public policy and welfare state reform. She has published in numerous international peer-reviewed scientific journals. She has co-edited with Ana M. Guillén The Spanish Welfare State in European Context (2011 Ashgate) and edited The Transformation of Care in European Societies (2014) Palgrave. She is co-chair of the Spanish Social Policy Research Network (REPS).
In 2018 she was awarded ICREA ACADEMIA for a 5 year period for excellence in research (
More info:
Social media: @leon_marga

Ismael Blanco
Ismael Blanco is a senior Lecturer at the Department of Political Science and Public Law of the Universitat Autonoma of Barcelona (UAB). He’s a senior researcher at the Institute of Government and Public Policies (IGOP) where he was appointed director in 2019. Blanco holds a PhD in Political Science from the UAB with AQU credentials on Advanced Research (Chair). In the past he has been granted as a Ramon y Cajal research fellow, a Beatriu de Pinós researcher of the Department of Public Policies at the De Montfort University (UK), and visiting researcher at the Federal University of Minas Gerais and the Joao Pinheiro Foundation (Brazil). Moreover, he holds the I3 certification of academic excellence by the ANECA (National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation) of and the Advanced Research accreditation as Full Professor (Catedrático) by the Catalan AQU. He is also the coordinator of research group SGR Urban Governance, Commons, Internet and Social Innovation which is funded by the regional government. His main fields of research are urban policy, urban governance, public participation, social innovation and neighbourhood regeneration. His current lines of research are: 1) the dynamics of socio spatial urban segregation and social innovation in the context of the economic crisis and the COVID-19 era; 2) the impacts of neoliberal austerity on the governance of cities; 3) the role of neighbourhood regeneration policies and the particular contribution of basic income initiatives in the transformation of disadvantaged urban areas.
Social media: @Iblancof

Zyab Ibañez
Zyab Ibañez is a Senior Researcher at the Institute of Government and Public Policies (IGOP) of the Universitat Autònoma Barcelona. He holds a PhD in Political and Social Sciences from the European University Institute, Florence 2007, and an MSc in Environmental Assessment from the London School of Economics. His research combines cross-national institutional analyses and organizational case-studies to explore how different institutional regimes shape the design and implementation of public policies in the areas of employment, working-time and migration. As a researcher, he has been involved in several EU and National funded projects, such as RECWOWE and Mobile Identities. He was the PI for the UAB team in the recently completed project: Promoting Youth Involvement and Social Engagement (PROMISE), a major EU funded research project, under the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme, running from May 2016 to April 2019.

Lara Maestripieri
Assistant professor in Economic Sociology at the DAStU in the Polytechnic of Milano, where she belongs to the Laboratory of Social Policies. She is member of the Research group Analysis, Management and Evaluation of Public Policies at the IGOP/UAB and Secretary and Treasurer of the ISA RC52 Sociology of Professional Groups and Social Media Manager in the editorial staff of the Italian Society of Economic Sociology (SISEC).
She holds a PhD in Sociology and Social Research at University of Trento (Italy) and a MA in Applied Social Sciences at the Catholic University of Milan (Italy) with a specialization in methodology of social sciences. She was Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellow at the Institute of Government and Public Policies (IGOP) of the Universitat Autònoma Barcelona (2017-2019), studying gender and social vulnerability in an intersectional perspective (see VINE project). She has previously worked in EU Funded project FLOWS (2011-2014), WILCO (2011-2014) and CrESSI (2015/2016). In 2015, she was research fellow at the Giangiacomo Feltrinelli Foundation, in project Spazio Lavoro.
Her main interests of research are focused on labour transformation in the post-industrial society, and in particular: marginalised groups in labour markets (women and young); social innovation; emerging professions.
Social media: @laramaest

Charlotte Fernandez
BA in Sociology from the UB in 2004. She graduated as an Urban Planning Technician for EAPC-UPF UPC, having studied the Master’s Degree in Territorial and Urban Planning Studies. She has coordinated several citizen participation processes and has participated in various research projects on citizen participation and social innovation such as “Barris i Crisi” (Recercaixa, 2013, IGOP-UAB), “Democratic culture and new forms of participation,” (Recercaixa, 2014, UPF). From 2012-2016, she was researcher at the Institute for Innovation and Knowledge Management at ESADE where she participated in several European projects (FP7, H2020) in the field of smart cities. In late 2016 she joined the Institute of Government and Public Policies at Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona to become the Research Coordinator. Since then, she has also participated in several research projects of IGOP such as B-MINCOME “Combining guaranteed minimum income and active social policies in deprived urban areas” (Urban Innovative Action) among others.
Web: Charlotte Fernandez Linkedin
Social media: @charlottefer

Carlos Delclós
Carlos Delclós is a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute for Government and Public Policy in Barcelona (IGOP-UAB). Dr. Delclós is also an associate researcher at the Barcelona Centre for International Affairs (CIDOB). He received his PhD in Political and Social Sciences from the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, specialising in social demography. His research interests include social stratification, property relations, experiences of citizenship and urban change, which he studies through a combination of quantitative and ethnographic methods.
Social media: @CarlosDelclos

Llorenç Soler
Llorenç Soler is a PhD student at the Institute of Government and Public Policies, in the Autonomous University of Barcelona. He holds a MA degree in Social Policy, Employment and Welfare (UAB) and a postgraduate degree in Data Analysis for Social Sciences from the University of Barcelona. He has researched in the EUROSHIP project, particularly on the trajectory of minimum income schemes in Spain and the shortcomings in terms of social protection suffered by workers in the digital economy. Currently, his PhD project focuses how the shift towards the social investment paradigm in social policy has translated into greater conditionality of minimum income schemes, and what are the inequalities that this trend can generate in dualized labor markets.

Manuel Alvariño
Manuel Alvariño is a PhD researcher at the European University Institute (EUI). His research interests currently include comparative social policy analysis and labour market inequalities, particularly focusing on work-life balance through a mixed methods approach. He holds a BA in Philosophy, Politics and Economics from the Pompeu Fabra University (UPF) and a MsC in Political Economy from the University of Amsterdam (UvA). He has previously collaborated with IGOP in projects related with outcomes for family policies, work-life balance inequalities and agreements between political parties.