Codó, Eva (2023) Global CLIL: Critical, Ethnographic and Language Policy Perspectives. London: Routledge (Critical Studies in Multilingualism)
About this title
This collection turns a critical lens on Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) research, making the case for a sociolinguistic-informed approach toward investigating social inequalities and making visible issues, processes, and actors overlooked in CLIL research.
The volume seeks to expand the borders of existing CLIL scholarship through situated ethnographic perspectives, highlighting the value of a critical sociolinguistic perspective in illuminating the relationship between the emergence of CLIL and specific socio-political and economic conditions in contemporary multilingual education. Drawing on examples from Europe, Latin America, Australia, and Asia, the book focuses on exploring inequities in CLIL policy and implementation across different institutional contexts and demonstrates the ways in which CLIL extends beyond the classroom as situated in multiple and changing networks of interest, policy, and practice.
This book will be of particular interest to students and scholars in sociolinguistics, multilingual education, language policy and planning, and applied linguistics.
Further information:
Codó, Eva (2008) Immigration and Bureaucratic Control: Language Practices in Public Administration. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
About this title
This original study looks at language practices in a government agency responsible for granting or denying legal status to transnational migrants in Spain. Drawing on a unique corpus of naturally-occurring verbal interactions between state officials and migrant petitioners as well as ethnographic materials and interviews, it provides a fascinating insight into the relationship between language, social heterogeneity, and practices of exclusion.
The book investigates how a national agency with homogenizing views of citizenship copes with the fundamental contradiction resulting from the state’s commitment to the values of pluralism, justice, and equality, and its function as the regulator of access to socioeconomic resources. By focusing on information provision, the book explores how much room there is for individual agency in institutional contexts; and shows that what happens in front-line talk has very little to do with allowing immigrants access to crucial information but rather revolves around the regimentation of language and behavior, and the enactment of social control. This publication will be welcomed by students and researchers in the fields of sociolinguistics, language and immigration, institutional talk, and multilingualism.
Further information:
Edited volumes
Vila, F. Xavier and Eva Codó (2021) Llengua i educació. Revista de Llengua i Dret, núm 75, pp. 143. Downloadable from:
Codó, Eva and Miguel Pérez-Milans (2014) Multilingual discursive practices and processes of social change in globalizing institutional spaces. Special issue of the International Journal of Multilingualism 11(4), 381-474.
Codó, Eva, Adriana Patiño and Virginia Unamuno (2012) La sociolingüística con perspectiva etnográfica en el mundo hispano: nuevos contextos, nuevas realidades. Special issue of Spanish in Context 9(2), 200 pp. See more information on:
Peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters
Patiño-Santos, Adriana and Eva Codó (under review) “Our family” as discursive and biographical space: Notes for a Sociolinguistics of Family. Applied Linguistics Review.
Codó, Eva and Carly Collins (accepted) “if you’re shy or you don’t force the accent, they think you don’t know the language”: Stigma, styling and distinction among English L2 speakers in Spain. World Englishes.
Codó, Eva and Jürgen Jaspers (2024) On close reading and slow writing. International Journal of the Sociology of Language (Special issue – 50th Anniversary), 289-290: 135-139.
Codó, Eva and Andrea Sunyol (2024) Activistas de la inmersión. Cómo las intermediarias moldean las experiencias de aprendizaje adolescente en el extranjero. In Perales, A., O. Alvarez & M. Hansen (Eds.) Escuela, Inmigración y Multilingüismo. Madrid: Síntesis, pp. 167-184.
Codó, Eva and David Karlander (2024) Power and critique. In Del Percio, A. & M. Flubacher (Eds.) Critical Sociolinguistics: Dialogues, Dissonances, Developments. New York: Bloomsbury, pp. 181-197.
Codó, Eva and Andrea Sunyol (2024) “L’aprenentatge vital de l’anglès”: els discursos de les families catalanes sobre la mobilitat educativa adolescent a l’estranger. Treballs de Sociolingüística Catalana 34, 13-29. DOI: 10.2436/20.2504.01.212.
Garrido, M. Rosa and Eva Codó (2024) Localising international schools in multilingual Switzerland: From parental strategies to institutional dual-language programmes. Language, Culture and Curriculum. Published ahead of print. Free copies available from:
Menna, Laura and Eva Codó (2024) Barcelona street vendors’ voice and the crossing of narrative (b)orders. In Riley, K., B. Perley & I. García-Sánchez (Eds.) Language and Social Justice: Global Perspectives. New York: Bloomsbury, pp. 264-285.
Codó, Eva and Ana María Relaño-Pastor (in press, 2023) Researching Multilingual Education: Ethnographic Perspectives. In Siry, C., Schreiber, R. Gómez Fernández, and R. Reuter. Critical Methodologies for Researching Teaching and Learning. Rotterdam: Brill.
Codó, Eva (2023) Introducing Global CLIL: Critical, ethnographic and language policy perspectives. In Codó, E. (Ed.) Global CLIL: Critical, Ethnographic and Language Policy Perspectives. London: Routledge, pp. 1-24.
Codó, Eva (2023) Languaging teachers: CLIL and the politics of precarisation in Catalonia. In Codó, E. (Ed.) Global CLIL: Critical, Ethnographic and Language Policy Perspectives. London: Routledge, pp. 174-197.
Codó, Eva and Elvira Riera-Gil (2022) The value(s) of English as global linguistic capital: A dialogue between linguistic justice and sociolinguistic approaches. International Journal of the Sociology of Language 277: 95-119. DOI: Special issue “Linguistic justice and global English: theoretical and empirical approaches“, J. Soler & S. Morales-Gálvez (Eds).
Codó, Eva (2022) The dilemmas of experimental CLIL in Catalonia. For Jaspers, J. (ed.) Linguistic dilemmas and chronic ambivalence in the classroom. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 43(4): 341-357.
Patiño-Santos, Adriana and Eva Codó (2021) Diversitat, globalització i desigualtat: una mirada etnogràfica a dues respostes de política lingüística educativa a Catalunya. Revista de Llengua i Dret, Journal of Language and Law, 75, 107-125.
Vila, F. Xavier and Eva Codó (2021). Introducció a la secció monogràfica: Llengua i educació. Revista de Llengua i Dret, Journal of Language and Law, 75, 1-6. (available in Catalan and English).
Codó, Eva (2021) Non-localizable vs localizable English: New inequalities in ‘democratizing’ access to English in Spanish education. For Rubdy, R. &Tupas, R. (Eds.) Bloomsbury World Englishes Volume 2: Ideologies. London/New York: Bloomsbury, pp. 233-252.
Sunyol, Andrea and Eva Codó (2020) Fabricating neoliberal subjectitivities in the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme. For L. Martín Rojo and A. Del Percio (eds.) Language, and Neoliberal Governmentality. London: Routledge, pp. 135-161.
Codó, Eva and Emilee Moore (2019) Working through asymmetries of knowledge and expertise in a ‘giving back to the field’ session. For Relaño-Pastor, A. M. (ed.) Special issue “Ethnographic perspectives to teaching and learning in multilingual contexts”. Foro de Educación 17(27): 147-165.
Codó, Eva and Jessica McDaid (2019) English language assistants in the 21st century: Nation-state soft power in the experience economy. Language, Culture and Society, 1(2): 219-243.
Codó, Eva (2019) Teaching the sociolinguistics of heteroglossia. Review Essay. Journal of Sociolinguistics 23: 186-199. DOI:
Codó, Eva and Andrea Sunyol (2019) “A plus for our students”: The construction of Mandarin Chinese as an elite language in an international school in Barcelona. For E. Barakos and C. Selleck (eds.) Special issue “Elite Multilingualism: Discourses, Practices and Debate. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 40(5): 436-452. DOI:
Codó, Eva (2018) The intersection of global mobilities, lifestyle and ELT work: A critical examination of language instructors’ trajectories. For Moyer, M. (eds.) “Language, Mobility and Work”. Special issue of Language and Intercultural Communication 18(4): 436-450. DOI:
Codó, Eva (2018) Lifestyle migrants in Barcelona: A narrative perspective on language, transnational mobility and identity. For Patiño-Santos, A. and A.M. Relaño-Pastor (eds.) “Storytelling in globalized spaces: A linguistic ethnographic perspective”. Special issue of International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 250: 11-34. DOI: 10.1515/ijsl-2017-0053.
Codó, Eva (2018) Language awareness in multilingual and multicultural organisations. For Garret, P. and J.M. Cots (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Language Awareness. Abingdon, Oxon and New York: Routledge, pp. 467-481. (Chapter 29). ISBN: 978-1-138-93704-8 (hbk).
Codó, Eva (2018) Language policy and planning, institutions and neoliberalization. For Tollefson, J. and M. Pérez-Milans (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Language Policy and Planning, pp. 467-484. (Chapter 23). ISBN: 978-0-190-45889-8 (hbk). DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190458898.013.27.
Codó, Eva and Adriana Patiño-Santos (2018) CLIL, unequal working conditions and neoliberal subjectivities in a state secondary school. Language Policy, 17(4): 479-499.
Garrido, M. Rosa and Eva Codó (2017) Deskilling and delanguaging African migrants in Barcelona: Pathways of labor market incorporation and the value of global English. For Giampapa, F. and S. Canagarajah (eds.) “Skilled Migration and Global English”. Special issue of Globalisation, Societies and Education, 15(1): 29-49. DOI: 10.1080/14767724.2014.944757.
***reprinted as Garrido, M. Rosa and Eva Codó (in press, 2019) Deskilling and delanguaging African migrants in Barcelona: Pathways of labor market incorporation and the value of global English. For Giampapa, F. and S. Canagarajah (eds.) Skilled Migration and Global English. London: Routledge.
Sabaté Dalmau, Maria, M. Rosa Garrido Sardà, and Eva Codó (2017) Language Services for Migrants: Top-down Monolingualist Nation-State Policies and Bottom-up Multilingual Practices. For Canagarajah, S. (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Migration and Language. London: Routledge, pp. 558-576. ISBN: 978-1-138-80198-1.
Eppler, Eva and Eva Codó (2016) Challenges for language and identity researchers in the collection and transcription of spoken interaction. For Preece, S. (ed.) The Routledge Handbook of Language and Identity. Routledge Handbooks in Applied Linguistics. London: Routledge, pp. 304-319. ISBN: 978-1-138-77472-8.
Codó, Eva (2015) Langue et insertion professionnelle de migrants africains à Barcelone: une étude etnographique. For Duchêne, A. and M. Daveluy (eds.) “Spéculations langagières: négocier des ressources à valeurs fluctuantes”. Special issue of Anthropologie & Sociétés 39(3): 153-172.
Codó, Eva (2015) Buscando sinergias, enlazando tradiciones: tranversalidades e interdisciplinariedad en los estudios sobre discurso, migraciones y multilingüismo. Presentación y discusión del Seminario “Discurso, migraciones y multilingüismo” del I Congreso Internacional de EDiSo. Discurso & Sociedad 9(1-2): 158-164.
Codó, E. and M. Pérez-Milans (2014) Multilingual discursive practices and processes of social change in globalizing institutional spaces: A critical ethnographic perspective. For Codó, E. and M. Pérez-Milans (eds.) Multilingual discursive practices and processes of social change in globalizing institutional spaces. Special issue of the International Journal of Multilingualism 11(4): 381-388. DOI: 10.1080/14790718.2014.944528.
Codó, Eva (2014) Cosmopolitanism, mobility and multilingualism: New discourses for new identities? In Casesnoves, R., M. Forcadell and N. Gavaldà (eds.) Ens queda la paraula. Estudis de Lingüística Aplicada en honor a M. Teresa Turell. Barcelona: Institut Universitari de Lingüística Aplicada, pp. 153-169. ISBN: 978-84-9984-149-6.
Codó, Eva and M. Rosa Garrido (2014) Shifting discourses of migrant incorporation at a time of crisis: Understanding the articulation of language and labour in the Catalan non-governmental sector. For Codó, E. and M. Pérez-Milans (eds.) Multilingual discursive practices and processes of social change in globalizing institutional spaces. Special issue of the International Journal of Multilingualism 11(4): 389-408. DOI: 10.1080/14790718.2014.944529.
Codó, Eva and Adriana Patiño-Santos (2014) Beyond language: Class, social categorisation and academic achievement in a Catalan high school. Linguistics and Education 25: 51-63. DOI: 10.1016/j.linged.2013.08.002.
Codó, Eva (2013) Trade unions and NGOs under neoliberalism: Between regimenting migrants and subverting the state. In Duchêne, A.,M. Moyer and C. Roberts (eds.) Language, Migration and Social Inequalities. Bristol: Multilingual Matters, pp. 25-55. For more information, check the publisher’s webpage:
Codó, Eva (2012) From Africa to Catalonia: Notes on a sociolinguistics of youth, migration and English. In Martín Alegre, S. (coord. and ed.), M. Moyer (ed.), E. Pladevall (ed.) & S. Tubau (ed.). At a Time of Crisis: English and American Studies in Spain. Bellaterra: Departament de Filologia Anglesa i de Germanística, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona/AEDEAN, 308-315..
Codó, Eva, Adriana Patiño and Virginia Unamuno (2012) Hacer sociolingüística etnográfica en un mundo cambiante: retos y aportaciones desde la perspectiva hispana. For Codó, E., Patiño A. and Unamuno, V. (eds.) La sociolingüística con perspectiva etnográfica en el mundo hispano: nuevos contextos, nuevas realidades. Special Issue of Spanish in Context 9(2): 167-190.
Codó, Eva (2011) Regimenting discourse, controlling bodies: Disinformation, evaluation and moral categorisation in a state bureaucratic agency. Discourse & Society 22(6): 723-742.
Codó, Eva and Maria Rosa Garrido (2010) Ideologies and practices of multilingualism in bureaucratic and legal advice encounters. Sociolinguistic Studies 4(2): 297-332 (Special issue “Service provision in a globalised world” ed. by Rosina Márquez Reiter and Luisa Martín Rojo).
Feixas, Mònica, Eva Codó, Digna Couso, Mariona Espinet and Dolors Masats (2009) Enseñar en inglés en la universidad: Reflexiones del alumnado y el profesorado entorno a las experiencias AICLE. In Roig Vila, R.(dir.); Blasco, J., Cano, M.A., Gilar, R.; Lledó, A. and C. Mañas (eds.) Investigar desde un contexto educativo innovador. Alcoi: Marfil, 137-150.
Codó, Eva (2008). Interviews and questionnaires. In Wei, L. and M. G. Moyer (eds.) The Blackwell Guide to Research Methods in Bilingualism and Multilingualism. Oxford: Blackwell, 158-176.
Codó, Eva and Luci Nussbaum (2007) Plurilinguisme et promotion d’une langue minoritaire: tensions et contradictions. Langage et société, 121-122: 275-288.
Codó, Eva, Dolors Masats, Mònica Feixas, Mariona Espinet and Digna Couso (2007) Analysing the level of complexity of university students’ written responses: A comparison between first and foreign language productions. In Rust, Chris (ed.) Improving Student Learning Through Teaching – Book 14. Oxford: Oxford Centre for Staff and Learning Development, 158-170.
Unamuno, Virginia and Eva Codó (2007) Categorizar a través del habla: la construcción interactiva de la extranjeridad. Discurso y Sociedad, 1 (1): 117-143.
Codó, Eva (2002) Managing understanding in intercultural talk: An empirical approach to miscommunication. Atlantis. Revista de la Asociación Española de Estudios Anglonorteamericanos XXIV (1): 37-57.
The LIPPS Group (2000) The LIDES Coding Manual: A document for preparing and analysing language interaction data. International Journal of Bilingualism, 4 (2): 131-271.
Codó, Eva (2013) Review of The English Language and Anglo-American Culture: Its Impact on Spanish Language and Society by Carmen Luján García. In: Atlantis. Revista de la Asociación Española de Estudios Anglonorteamericanos 35(2): 233-237.
Codó, Eva (2012) Review of The Intercultural Dynamics of Multicultural Working ed. by Manuela Guilherme, Evelyne Glaser and María del Carmen Méndez-García. In: Language and Intercultural Communication 11(3): 268-273.
Codó, Eva (2011) Review of Contructing Inequality in Multilingual Classrooms by Luisa Martín Rojo. In: Sociolinguistic Studies 5(1): 373-378.
Codó, Eva (2012) La sociolingüística de la interacció. In Casesnoves, R., Conill, J.J., Codó, E and Pujolar Cos, J. Sociolingüística Barcelona: Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (Material docent de la UOC).
Non peer-reviewed book chapters and working papers
Feixas, Mònica, Eva Codó, Digna Couso, Mariona Espinet and Dolors Masats (2008) Ensenyant en anglès a la universitat, una experiència compartida. In Martínez, M. and E. Añaños (eds.) Cap a l’EEES: Experiències Docents Innovadores de la UAB a Ciències Socials i Ciències Humanes. Manual 1. Bellaterra: Publicacions de la UAB, 137-146.
Codó, Eva, Luci Nussbaum and Virginia Unamuno (2007) La noció de competència plurilingüe en el terreny de l’acollida lingüística. In Guasch, O. and L. Nussbaum (eds.) Aproximacions a la noció de competència plurilingüe. Bellaterra: Publicacions de la UAB, 47-60.
Codó, Eva, Corona, Víctor, Dooly, Melinda, Moore, Emilee, Nussbaum, Luci and Virginia Unamuno (2007). Analysis of how context changes modify language policies and strategies and affect language learning practices and representations of multilingualism in educational institutions of secondary and higher education. Deliverable 3.1: Working Paper 1. DYLAN Project, 5-19.
Codó, Eva (1999) The relevance of cultural knowledge in the achievement of mutual understanding: A preliminary study. Centre for the Study of Language in Social Life Working Paper Series, 110. Lancaster: Centre for Language in Social Life, 1-18.
Codó, Eva (1999) Miscommunication in foreign language interaction: An empirical investigation. Centre for the Study of Language in Social Life Working Paper Series, 109. Lancaster: Centre for Language in Social Life, 1-29.
Conference proceeedings
Espinet, Mariona, Eva Codó, Mònica Feixas, Dolors Masats and Digna Couso (2007) Llegir i escriure críticament en el context d’assignatures impartides en anglès: El cas de la titulació de mestre especialitat de llengua estrangera. In Añaños, E. and M. Martínez (eds.) IV Jornades d’Innovació Docent. Bellaterra: Servei de Publicacions de la UAB.
Feixas, Mònica, Dolors Masats, Digna Couso, Mariona Espinet and Eva Codó (2006) Millora de les competències en llengua anglesa dels alumnes de la titulació de mestre especialitat de llengua estrangera mitjançant la impartició d’assignatures no lingüístiques en anglès: una experiència AICLE. In III Jornada de Campus d’Innovació Docent. Bellaterra: Servei de Publicacions de la UAB.
Codó, Eva, Melinda Dooly, Luci Nussbaum and Virginia Unamuno (2006) Un acercamiento múltiple a la categoría “extranjero” en las propuestas de acogida lingüística para inmigrantes: estudio preliminar. In Actes del VII Congrés de Lingüística General. Barcelona: Publicacions i Edicions de la Universitat de Barcelona.
Moyer, Melissa G. and Eva Codó (2004) Language and dynamics of identity among immigrants: Challenging practices of social categorization in an Institutional Setting. In Lorenzo, A., F. Ramallo and X. P. Rodríguez (eds.) Bilingual Socialization and Bilingual Language Acquisition: Proceedings from the Second International Symposium on Bilingualism. Vigo: Servizo de Publicacións da Universidade de Vigo, 1551-1577.
Codó, Eva i Melissa G. Moyer (2003) LIDES and the analysis of bilingual conversation: A proposal for analyzing Spanish-English conversations from Gibraltar within the Language Interaction Data Exchange System. In Cabeza, C. A. Lorenzo and X.P.Rodríguez(eds.) Proceedings from the First International Symposium on Bilingualism. Vigo: Servizo de Publicacións da Universidade de Vigo, 488-503.
Codó, Eva (2003) Native-non-native speaker discourse: A construct of the analyst? In Chamosa, J.L. (eds) Proceedings of the 23rd International AEDEAN Conference. León: Universidad de León (CD-Rom edition).
Codó, Eva (2002) The nature of intercultural discourse: A conversation-analytical perspective. In Chisarik, E. and I. Sitaridou (eds.) Papers in Linguistics from the University of Manchester. Manchester: The University of Manchester, 151-166.
Codó, Eva (2001) The limitations of intercultural analyses of data. In Falces, M., M. Díaz and J.M. Pérez (eds.) Proceedings of the 25th AEDEAN Conference. Granada: Universidad de Granada (CD-Rom edition).
Codó, Eva (2000) Strategies of negotiation in intercultural encounters. In Gallardo, P. and E. Llurda (eds.) Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference of AEDEAN. Lleida: Universitat de Lleida, 191-195.
Codó, Eva (2023) Global CLIL: Critical, Ethnographic and Language Policy Perspectives. London: Routledge (Critical Studies in Multilingualism)
About this title
This collection turns a critical lens on Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) research, making the case for a sociolinguistic-informed approach toward investigating social inequalities and making visible issues, processes, and actors overlooked in CLIL research.
The volume seeks to expand the borders of existing CLIL scholarship through situated ethnographic perspectives, highlighting the value of a critical sociolinguistic perspective in illuminating the relationship between the emergence of CLIL and specific socio-political and economic conditions in contemporary multilingual education. Drawing on examples from Europe, Latin America, Australia, and Asia, the book focuses on exploring inequities in CLIL policy and implementation across different institutional contexts and demonstrates the ways in which CLIL extends beyond the classroom as situated in multiple and changing networks of interest, policy, and practice.
This book will be of particular interest to students and scholars in sociolinguistics, multilingual education, language policy and planning, and applied linguistics.
Further information:
Codó, Eva (2008) Immigration and Bureaucratic Control: Language Practices in Public Administration. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
About this title
This original study looks at language practices in a government agency responsible for granting or denying legal status to transnational migrants in Spain. Drawing on a unique corpus of naturally-occurring verbal interactions between state officials and migrant petitioners as well as ethnographic materials and interviews, it provides a fascinating insight into the relationship between language, social heterogeneity, and practices of exclusion.
The book investigates how a national agency with homogenizing views of citizenship copes with the fundamental contradiction resulting from the state’s commitment to the values of pluralism, justice, and equality, and its function as the regulator of access to socioeconomic resources. By focusing on information provision, the book explores how much room there is for individual agency in institutional contexts; and shows that what happens in front-line talk has very little to do with allowing immigrants access to crucial information but rather revolves around the regimentation of language and behavior, and the enactment of social control. This publication will be welcomed by students and researchers in the fields of sociolinguistics, language and immigration, institutional talk, and multilingualism.
Further information:
Edited volumes
Vila, F. Xavier and Eva Codó (2021) Llengua i educació. Revista de Llengua i Dret, núm 75, pp. 143. Downloadable from:
Codó, Eva and Miguel Pérez-Milans (2014) Multilingual discursive practices and processes of social change in globalizing institutional spaces. Special issue of the International Journal of Multilingualism 11(4), 381-474.
Codó, Eva, Adriana Patiño and Virginia Unamuno (2012) La sociolingüística con perspectiva etnográfica en el mundo hispano: nuevos contextos, nuevas realidades. Special issue of Spanish in Context 9(2), 200 pp. See more information on:
Peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters
Menna, Laura and Eva Codó (accepted, 2023) Barcelona street vendors’ voice and the crossing of narrative (b)orders. In Riley, K., B. Perley & I. García-Sánchez (Eds.) Language and Social Justice: Global Perspectives. New York: Bloomsbury.
Codó, Eva (2023) Introducing Global CLIL: Critical, ethnographic and language policy perspectives. In Codó, E. (Ed.) Global CLIL: Critical, Ethnographic and Language Policy Perspectives. London: Routledge.
Codó, Eva (2023) Languaging teachers: CLIL and the politics of precarisation in Catalonia. In Codó, E. (Ed.) Global CLIL: Critical, Ethnographic and Language Policy Perspectives. London: Routledge.
Codó, Eva and Ana María Relaño-Pastor (accepted, 2022) Researching Multilingual Education: Ethnographic Perspectives. For C. Siry, C. Schreiber, R. Gómez Fernández, and R. Reuter. Critical Methodologies for Researching Teaching and Learning. Rotterdam: Brill.
Eva Codó and Elvira Riera-Gil (2022) The value(s) of English as global linguistic capital: A dialogue between linguistic justice and sociolinguistic approaches. International Journal of the Sociology of Language 277: 95-119. DOI: Special issue “Linguistic justice and global English: theoretical and empirical approaches“, J. Soler & S. Morales-Gálvez (Eds).
Codó, Eva (2022) The dilemmas of experimental CLIL in Catalonia. For Jaspers, J. (ed.) Linguistic dilemmas and chronic ambivalence in the classroom. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 43(4): 341-357.
Patiño-Santos, Adriana and Eva Codó (2021) Diversitat, globalització i desigualtat: una mirada etnogràfica a dues respostes de política lingüística educativa a Catalunya. Revista de Llengua i Dret, Journal of Language and Law, 75, 107-125.
Vila, F. Xavier and Eva Codó (2021). Introducció a la secció monogràfica: Llengua i educació. Revista de Llengua i Dret, Journal of Language and Law, 75, 1-6. (available in Catalan and English).
Codó, Eva (2021) Non-localizable vs localizable English: New inequalities in ‘democratizing’ access to English in Spanish education. For Rubdy, R. &Tupas, R. (Eds.) Bloomsbury World Englishes Volume 2: Ideologies. London/New York: Bloomsbury, pp. 233-252.
Sunyol, Andrea and Eva Codó (2020) Fabricating neoliberal subjectitivities in the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme. For L. Martín Rojo and A. Del Percio (eds.) Language, and Neoliberal Governmentality. London: Routledge, pp. 135-161.
Codó, Eva and Emilee Moore (2019) Working through asymmetries of knowledge and expertise in a ‘giving back to the field’ session. For Relaño-Pastor, A. M. (ed.) Special issue “Ethnographic perspectives to teaching and learning in multilingual contexts”. Foro de Educación 17(27): 147-165.
Codó, Eva and Jessica McDaid (2019) English language assistants in the 21st century: Nation-state soft power in the experience economy. Language, Culture and Society, 1(2): 219-243.
Codó, Eva (2019) Teaching the sociolinguistics of heteroglossia. Review Essay. Journal of Sociolinguistics 23: 186-199. DOI:
Codó, Eva and Andrea Sunyol (2019) “A plus for our students”: The construction of Mandarin Chinese as an elite language in an international school in Barcelona. For E. Barakos and C. Selleck (eds.) Special issue “Elite Multilingualism: Discourses, Practices and Debate. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 40(5): 436-452. DOI:
Codó, Eva (2018) The intersection of global mobilities, lifestyle and ELT work: A critical examination of language instructors’ trajectories. For Moyer, M. (eds.) “Language, Mobility and Work”. Special issue of Language and Intercultural Communication 18(4): 436-450. DOI:
Codó, Eva (2018) Lifestyle migrants in Barcelona: A narrative perspective on language, transnational mobility and identity. For Patiño-Santos, A. and A.M. Relaño-Pastor (eds.) “Storytelling in globalized spaces: A linguistic ethnographic perspective”. Special issue of International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 250: 11-34. DOI: 10.1515/ijsl-2017-0053.
Codó, Eva (2018) Language awareness in multilingual and multicultural organisations. For Garret, P. and J.M. Cots (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Language Awareness. Abingdon, Oxon and New York: Routledge, pp. 467-481. (Chapter 29). ISBN: 978-1-138-93704-8 (hbk).
Codó, Eva (2018) Language policy and planning, institutions and neoliberalization. For Tollefson, J. and M. Pérez-Milans (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Language Policy and Planning, pp. 467-484. (Chapter 23). ISBN: 978-0-190-45889-8 (hbk). DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190458898.013.27.
Codó, Eva and Adriana Patiño-Santos (2018) CLIL, unequal working conditions and neoliberal subjectivities in a state secondary school. Language Policy, 17(4): 479-499.
Garrido, M. Rosa and Eva Codó (2017) Deskilling and delanguaging African migrants in Barcelona: Pathways of labor market incorporation and the value of global English. For Giampapa, F. and S. Canagarajah (eds.) “Skilled Migration and Global English”. Special issue of Globalisation, Societies and Education, 15(1): 29-49. DOI: 10.1080/14767724.2014.944757.
***reprinted as Garrido, M. Rosa and Eva Codó (in press, 2019) Deskilling and delanguaging African migrants in Barcelona: Pathways of labor market incorporation and the value of global English. For Giampapa, F. and S. Canagarajah (eds.) Skilled Migration and Global English. London: Routledge.
Sabaté Dalmau, Maria, M. Rosa Garrido Sardà, and Eva Codó (2017) Language Services for Migrants: Top-down Monolingualist Nation-State Policies and Bottom-up Multilingual Practices. For Canagarajah, S. (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Migration and Language. London: Routledge, pp. 558-576. ISBN: 978-1-138-80198-1.
Eppler, Eva and Eva Codó (2016) Challenges for language and identity researchers in the collection and transcription of spoken interaction. For Preece, S. (ed.) The Routledge Handbook of Language and Identity. Routledge Handbooks in Applied Linguistics. London: Routledge, pp. 304-319. ISBN: 978-1-138-77472-8.
Codó, Eva (2015) Langue et insertion professionnelle de migrants africains à Barcelone: une étude etnographique. For Duchêne, A. and M. Daveluy (eds.) “Spéculations langagières: négocier des ressources à valeurs fluctuantes”. Special issue of Anthropologie & Sociétés 39(3): 153-172.
Codó, Eva (2015) Buscando sinergias, enlazando tradiciones: tranversalidades e interdisciplinariedad en los estudios sobre discurso, migraciones y multilingüismo. Presentación y discusión del Seminario “Discurso, migraciones y multilingüismo” del I Congreso Internacional de EDiSo. Discurso & Sociedad 9(1-2): 158-164.
Codó, E. and M. Pérez-Milans (2014) Multilingual discursive practices and processes of social change in globalizing institutional spaces: A critical ethnographic perspective. For Codó, E. and M. Pérez-Milans (eds.) Multilingual discursive practices and processes of social change in globalizing institutional spaces. Special issue of the International Journal of Multilingualism 11(4): 381-388. DOI: 10.1080/14790718.2014.944528.
Codó, Eva (2014) Cosmopolitanism, mobility and multilingualism: New discourses for new identities? In Casesnoves, R., M. Forcadell and N. Gavaldà (eds.) Ens queda la paraula. Estudis de Lingüística Aplicada en honor a M. Teresa Turell. Barcelona: Institut Universitari de Lingüística Aplicada, pp. 153-169. ISBN: 978-84-9984-149-6.
Codó, Eva and M. Rosa Garrido (2014) Shifting discourses of migrant incorporation at a time of crisis: Understanding the articulation of language and labour in the Catalan non-governmental sector. For Codó, E. and M. Pérez-Milans (eds.) Multilingual discursive practices and processes of social change in globalizing institutional spaces. Special issue of the International Journal of Multilingualism 11(4): 389-408. DOI: 10.1080/14790718.2014.944529.
Codó, Eva and Adriana Patiño-Santos (2014) Beyond language: Class, social categorisation and academic achievement in a Catalan high school. Linguistics and Education 25: 51-63. DOI: 10.1016/j.linged.2013.08.002.
Codó, Eva (2013) Trade unions and NGOs under neoliberalism: Between regimenting migrants and subverting the state. In Duchêne, A.,M. Moyer and C. Roberts (eds.) Language, Migration and Social Inequalities. Bristol: Multilingual Matters, pp. 25-55. For more information, check the publisher’s webpage:
Codó, Eva (2012) From Africa to Catalonia: Notes on a sociolinguistics of youth, migration and English. In Martín Alegre, S. (coord. and ed.), M. Moyer (ed.), E. Pladevall (ed.) & S. Tubau (ed.). At a Time of Crisis: English and American Studies in Spain. Bellaterra: Departament de Filologia Anglesa i de Germanística, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona/AEDEAN, 308-315..
Codó, Eva, Adriana Patiño and Virginia Unamuno (2012) Hacer sociolingüística etnográfica en un mundo cambiante: retos y aportaciones desde la perspectiva hispana. For Codó, E., Patiño A. and Unamuno, V. (eds.) La sociolingüística con perspectiva etnográfica en el mundo hispano: nuevos contextos, nuevas realidades. Special Issue of Spanish in Context 9(2): 167-190.
Codó, Eva (2011) Regimenting discourse, controlling bodies: Disinformation, evaluation and moral categorisation in a state bureaucratic agency. Discourse & Society 22(6): 723-742.
Codó, Eva and Maria Rosa Garrido (2010) Ideologies and practices of multilingualism in bureaucratic and legal advice encounters. Sociolinguistic Studies 4(2): 297-332 (Special issue “Service provision in a globalised world” ed. by Rosina Márquez Reiter and Luisa Martín Rojo).
Feixas, Mònica, Eva Codó, Digna Couso, Mariona Espinet and Dolors Masats (2009) Enseñar en inglés en la universidad: Reflexiones del alumnado y el profesorado entorno a las experiencias AICLE. In Roig Vila, R.(dir.); Blasco, J., Cano, M.A., Gilar, R.; Lledó, A. and C. Mañas (eds.) Investigar desde un contexto educativo innovador. Alcoi: Marfil, 137-150.
Codó, Eva (2008). Interviews and questionnaires. In Wei, L. and M. G. Moyer (eds.) The Blackwell Guide to Research Methods in Bilingualism and Multilingualism. Oxford: Blackwell, 158-176.
Codó, Eva and Luci Nussbaum (2007) Plurilinguisme et promotion d’une langue minoritaire: tensions et contradictions. Langage et société, 121-122: 275-288.
Codó, Eva, Dolors Masats, Mònica Feixas, Mariona Espinet and Digna Couso (2007) Analysing the level of complexity of university students’ written responses: A comparison between first and foreign language productions. In Rust, Chris (ed.) Improving Student Learning Through Teaching – Book 14. Oxford: Oxford Centre for Staff and Learning Development, 158-170.
Unamuno, Virginia and Eva Codó (2007) Categorizar a través del habla: la construcción interactiva de la extranjeridad. Discurso y Sociedad, 1 (1): 117-143.
Codó, Eva (2002) Managing understanding in intercultural talk: An empirical approach to miscommunication. Atlantis. Revista de la Asociación Española de Estudios Anglonorteamericanos XXIV (1): 37-57.
The LIPPS Group (2000) The LIDES Coding Manual: A document for preparing and analysing language interaction data. International Journal of Bilingualism, 4 (2): 131-271.
Codó, Eva (2013) Review of The English Language and Anglo-American Culture: Its Impact on Spanish Language and Society by Carmen Luján García. In: Atlantis. Revista de la Asociación Española de Estudios Anglonorteamericanos 35(2): 233-237.
Codó, Eva (2012) Review of The Intercultural Dynamics of Multicultural Working ed. by Manuela Guilherme, Evelyne Glaser and María del Carmen Méndez-García. In: Language and Intercultural Communication 11(3): 268-273.
Codó, Eva (2011) Review of Contructing Inequality in Multilingual Classrooms by Luisa Martín Rojo. In: Sociolinguistic Studies 5(1): 373-378.
Codó, Eva (2012) La sociolingüística de la interacció. In Casesnoves, R., Conill, J.J., Codó, E and Pujolar Cos, J. Sociolingüística Barcelona: Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (Material docent de la UOC).
Non peer-reviewed book chapters and working papers
Feixas, Mònica, Eva Codó, Digna Couso, Mariona Espinet and Dolors Masats (2008) Ensenyant en anglès a la universitat, una experiència compartida. In Martínez, M. and E. Añaños (eds.) Cap a l’EEES: Experiències Docents Innovadores de la UAB a Ciències Socials i Ciències Humanes. Manual 1. Bellaterra: Publicacions de la UAB, 137-146.
Codó, Eva, Luci Nussbaum and Virginia Unamuno (2007) La noció de competència plurilingüe en el terreny de l’acollida lingüística. In Guasch, O. and L. Nussbaum (eds.) Aproximacions a la noció de competència plurilingüe. Bellaterra: Publicacions de la UAB, 47-60.
Codó, Eva, Corona, Víctor, Dooly, Melinda, Moore, Emilee, Nussbaum, Luci and Virginia Unamuno (2007). Analysis of how context changes modify language policies and strategies and affect language learning practices and representations of multilingualism in educational institutions of secondary and higher education. Deliverable 3.1: Working Paper 1. DYLAN Project, 5-19.
Codó, Eva (1999) The relevance of cultural knowledge in the achievement of mutual understanding: A preliminary study. Centre for the Study of Language in Social Life Working Paper Series, 110. Lancaster: Centre for Language in Social Life, 1-18.
Codó, Eva (1999) Miscommunication in foreign language interaction: An empirical investigation. Centre for the Study of Language in Social Life Working Paper Series, 109. Lancaster: Centre for Language in Social Life, 1-29.
Conference proceeedings
Espinet, Mariona, Eva Codó, Mònica Feixas, Dolors Masats and Digna Couso (2007) Llegir i escriure críticament en el context d’assignatures impartides en anglès: El cas de la titulació de mestre especialitat de llengua estrangera. In Añaños, E. and M. Martínez (eds.) IV Jornades d’Innovació Docent. Bellaterra: Servei de Publicacions de la UAB.
Feixas, Mònica, Dolors Masats, Digna Couso, Mariona Espinet and Eva Codó (2006) Millora de les competències en llengua anglesa dels alumnes de la titulació de mestre especialitat de llengua estrangera mitjançant la impartició d’assignatures no lingüístiques en anglès: una experiència AICLE. In III Jornada de Campus d’Innovació Docent. Bellaterra: Servei de Publicacions de la UAB.
Codó, Eva, Melinda Dooly, Luci Nussbaum and Virginia Unamuno (2006) Un acercamiento múltiple a la categoría “extranjero” en las propuestas de acogida lingüística para inmigrantes: estudio preliminar. In Actes del VII Congrés de Lingüística General. Barcelona: Publicacions i Edicions de la Universitat de Barcelona.
Moyer, Melissa G. and Eva Codó (2004) Language and dynamics of identity among immigrants: Challenging practices of social categorization in an Institutional Setting. In Lorenzo, A., F. Ramallo and X. P. Rodríguez (eds.) Bilingual Socialization and Bilingual Language Acquisition: Proceedings from the Second International Symposium on Bilingualism. Vigo: Servizo de Publicacións da Universidade de Vigo, 1551-1577.
Codó, Eva i Melissa G. Moyer (2003) LIDES and the analysis of bilingual conversation: A proposal for analyzing Spanish-English conversations from Gibraltar within the Language Interaction Data Exchange System. In Cabeza, C. A. Lorenzo and X.P.Rodríguez(eds.) Proceedings from the First International Symposium on Bilingualism. Vigo: Servizo de Publicacións da Universidade de Vigo, 488-503.
Codó, Eva (2003) Native-non-native speaker discourse: A construct of the analyst? In Chamosa, J.L. (eds) Proceedings of the 23rd International AEDEAN Conference. León: Universidad de León (CD-Rom edition).
Codó, Eva (2002) The nature of intercultural discourse: A conversation-analytical perspective. In Chisarik, E. and I. Sitaridou (eds.) Papers in Linguistics from the University of Manchester. Manchester: The University of Manchester, 151-166.
Codó, Eva (2001) The limitations of intercultural analyses of data. In Falces, M., M. Díaz and J.M. Pérez (eds.) Proceedings of the 25th AEDEAN Conference. Granada: Universidad de Granada (CD-Rom edition).
Codó, Eva (2000) Strategies of negotiation in intercultural encounters. In Gallardo, P. and E. Llurda (eds.) Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference of AEDEAN. Lleida: Universitat de Lleida, 191-195.