
Open Seminar “Paternity Leave – Latte Papa or NASCAR Dads?” by  Stephan Köppe, 
(University College Dublin, School of Social Policy, Social Work and Social Justice) held on 03/05/23 at IGOP (UAB). Link: 

Open Seminar “Parental leave and day-care policy, take-up consequences and changing normative beliefs: Evidence from two survey experiments” by Pia Schrober, (University of Tübingen) held on 01/02/2024 at IGOP (UAB). Link: 

Open Seminar “¿Premio o penalización por paternidad? El impacto del nacimiento de los hijos en los salarios de los hombres en España desde un enfoque interseccional” by Irene Lapuerta (Universidad Pública de Navarra) held on 19/02/2025 at IGOP (UAB). Link:  

Open seminar “Parenting Leaves and Inequalities: Lessons learned and Future Challenges” by Professor Ivana Dobrotic (University of Zagreb) held on 9/2/2023 at IGOP (UAB). Link:


Dobrotic, I. & León, M. (July 2025). “Family Policy, Gender and Intersecting Inequalities.” To be presented at the 5th ISA Forum of Sociology in Rabat, Morocco.  Link:  

González, S. & Marinova, D. M. (September 2024). “Equal Leave, Equal Division of Care Work? Evidence from the 2021 Reform of Equal and Non-Transferable Birth Permits in Spain.” Presented at the annual meetings of the European Consortium for Sociological Research in Barcelona.   

Marinova, D. M. & León, M. (July 2024). “Generous paternity leave in a segmented labor market: A cautionary tale of paternity leave take-up in Spain.” Presented at the biannual European Conference on Politics and Gender in Ghent, Belgium. Link:  

Bellón, P. M (July 2024). “Equal Leave, Solo Impact: When Equal, Non-Transferable Paternity Leave Reduces the Motherhood Penalty in Spain.” Presented at the European Conference on Politics and Gender in Ghent, Belgium.  Link: 

Bellón, P. M (June 2024). “Understanding Work-Life Balance: Content Analysis of Open-Ended Responses from Newborns’ Parents in Spain.” Presented at Spring School, Milan, Italy. Link:  

Marinova, D. M. & León, M. (June 2024). “Generous paternity leave in a segmented labor market: A cautionary tale of paternity leave take-up in Spain.” Presented at the annual meetings of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics in Limerick, Ireland. Link:  

Bellón, P. M (June 2024). “Understanding Work-Life Balance: Content Analysis of Open-Ended Responses from Newborns’ Parents in Spain.” Presented at SASE Annual Meeting at Limerick University, Limerick, Ireland. Link:  

Bellón, P. M. & Marinova, D. M. (July 2023). “Closing the gender gap? The labor market effects of the 2021 paternity leave reform in Spain.” Presented at the annual meetings of Red Española de Política Social (REPS) in Mallorca and VIII Congreso Catalán Internacional de Sociología in Barcelona, Spain.  

Cañero, J. & Marinova, D. M. (July 2023). “Actitudes hacia la igualdad e intransferibilidad de los permisos por nacimiento en España.” Presented at the annual meetings of Red Española de Política Social (REPS) in Mallorca and VIII Congreso Catalán Internacional de Sociología in Barcelona, Spain.  

Marinova, D. M. & León, M. (March 2023). “Desigualdad en el acceso a la paternidad? La ampliación de los permisos de paternidad en España.” Presented at VIII Congreso Economía Feminista in Barcelona, Spain.  Link:  

Marinova, D. M. & León, M. (July 2023). “Leave take-up among Spanish moms and dads after the extension of paternity leave: The effects of economic and labor market inequalities.” Presented at the VIII Congreso Catalán Internacional de Sociología in Barcelona, Spain. Link:  

Marinova, D. M. & León, M. (October 2023). “Generous paternity leave in a segmented labor market: A cautionary tale of paternity leave take-up in Spain.” Presented at 1ª Sesión del Grupo Permanente de Género y Política, University of Deusto, Bilbao, Spain. Link:

Preliminary results from the project were presented at the conference organized by the Ministry of Equality of Spain, “International Feminist Meeting”, held on 02/25/2023 at the Complutense University of Madrid by the project researcher, Julia Cañero Ruiz. Link to the talk (en el minuto 1:10: Link to the conference program:

Our project was a “featured grant” on the web and social media of the National Research Agency (Agencia Estatal de Investigación) on 8/3/2023. Link to the website:

Danislava Marinova presented a research paper titled “Desigualdades en el acceso a la paternidad? La ampliación de los permisos de paternidad” (Inequalities in access to paternity leave? The extensión of paternity leave entitlements in Spain) at the VIII Congreso Economía Feminista held on March 16-18th 2023 at Barcelona, Spain. Link to conference program: Congreso EcoFem 2023 Sesiones paralelas.pdf – Google Drive