Bibliografia d’interès sobre retroacció en context català
La retroacció correctiva oral amb estudiants adults poc escolaritzats
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Biber, D., Nekrasova, T., & Horn, B. (2014). The effectiveness of feedback for L1-English and L2-Writing development: A meta-analysis. ETS Research Report Series, 2011, i-99.
Bitchener, J., & Ferris, D. (2012). Written corrective feedback in second language acquisition and writing. Routledge.
Camps, A. (Coord.). (2003). Seqüències didàctiques per aprendre a escriure. Graó.
Dekker, I., & Meeter, M. (2022). Evidence-based education: Objections and future directions. Frontiers in Education, 7, 941410.
Dolz, J., Gagnon, R., & Ribera, P. (2013). Producció escrita i dificultats d’aprenentatge. Graó.
Graham, S. (2019). Changing how writing is taught. Review of Research in Education, 43, 277-303.
Graham, S., & Perin, D. (2007). A meta-analysis of writing instruction for adolescent students. Journal of Educational Psychology, 99, 445-476.
Graham, S., & Harris, K. (2016). A path to better writing: Evidence-based practices in the classroom. The Reading Teacher, 69, 359-365.
Harris, K. R., Lane, K. L., Graham, S., Driscoll, S. A., Sandmel, K., Brindle, M., & Schatschneider, C. (2012). Practice-based professional development for self-regulated strategies development in writing: A randomized controlled study. Journal of Teacher Education, 63(2), 103-119.
McKeown, D., Brindle, M., Harris, K. R., Sandmel, K., Steinbrecher, T. D., Graham, S., Lane, K. L., & Oakes, W. P. (2018). Teachers’ voices: Perceptions of effective professional development and classwide implementation of self-regulated strategy development in writing. American Educational Research Journal, 56(3).
McKeown, D., Wijekumar, K., Owens, J., Harris, K., Graham, S., Lei, P., & FitzPatrick, E. (2023). Professional development for evidence-based SRSD writing instruction: Elevating fourth-grade outcomes. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 73, 102152.
Milian, M. (2012). El model de seqüència didàctica vint anys després: Un model vàlid per ensenyar a aprendre i per aprendre a ensenyar. Articles de Didàctica de la Llengua i la Literatura, 57, 8-21.
Nassaji, H., & Kartchava, E. (Eds.). (2021). The Cambridge Handbook of Corrective Feedback in Second Language Learning and Teaching. Cambridge University Press.
Ribas i Seix, T. (2011). Avaluar a l’àrea de llengua i literatura. A. Camps (Coord.), Didàctica de la llengua catalana i la literatura (pp. 165-180). Graó.
Sánchez-Rivero, R., Alves, R. A., Limpo, T., & Fidalgo, R. (2021). Análisis de una encuesta sobre la enseñanza de la escritura en la educación obligatoria: Prácticas y variables del profesorado. Revista Española de Pedagogía, 79(279), 321-340.
Tedick, D., & Lyster, R. (2020). Scaffolding language development in immersion and dual language classrooms. Routledge.