You will find us at the Biosciences Faculty of Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (link to google maps), in the building Cs (Ciències Sud), Lab C2-225.

We are part of the Departament de Bioquímica i Biologia Molecular (Unitat Biociències), and most of the in vivo research is performed at the NMR Facility, at the same building, -1 floor.
The Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona is located between Cerdanyola del Vallès and Bellaterra, 20km far from Barcelona. It can be easily reached both by car or public transportation (FGC, Renfe or bus). The general UAB page offers a complete description of public transports that can be used.
If you want to visit us, it is always advisable to ask in advance (, since there are periods such as Summer or Christmas holidays in which some entrance doors are not available or restricted.