The Spanish Strategy for Science, Technology and Innovation includes the “National Scientific and Technological Infrastructure Map (ICTS)”. These are large installations, resources, facilities and services, unique in its kind, that are dedicated to cutting edge and high quality research and technological development, as well as to promote exchange, transmission and preservation of knowledge, technology transfer and innovation. These are facilities of different scientific areas distributed throughout the Spanish territory and are open to competitive access to users of the whole research community in the public and private sector. NANBIOSIS (Infrastructure on Production and characterization of Nanomaterials, Biomaterials and systems in Biomedicine) inclusion in the Map of ICTS was recognized by the Spanish Government in 2014 and periodically renewed until now.
This ICTS arises in a joint initiative from CIBER-BBN and Jesus Usón Minimally Invasive Surgery Centre JUMISC.
The informative NANBIOSIS video below offers generic data about this initiative.
NANBIOSIS has 26 units, distributed along Aragon, Catalunya, Extremadura, Madrid , País Vasco and Valencia, and classified in producció de biomolecule production, biomaterials and nanomaterials production, preclinical validation (subdivided into characterization and bioimaging) and high performance computing.
Within the category preclinical validation – bioimaging, is the Unit 25: NMR Biomedical Applications I, coordinated by the CIBER group CB06-01-0010. The equipment is essentially located at Servei de Ressonància Magnètica Nuclear while database and postprocessing tools are located at Institut de Biotecnologia i Biomedicina de la UAB. At the Servei de Ressonància Magnètica Nuclear, directed by Dr. Teodor Parella, the relevant equipment of interest for ICTS U25 can be found, namely the preclinical MR scanner Biospec 7T for MRI/MRSI of small animals.The scientific director of Unit 25 is Prof. Carles Arús and the scientific coordinator is Dr. Ana Paula Candiota, and Unit 25 also benefits from the invaluable assistance and advice of Dr. Silvia Lope and Miquel Cabañas, who are SeRMN personnel. Within the technical advice/consulting, it is also possible to consider the use of the preclinical models available at the GABRMN group.

Procedures and timeline of ICTS NANBIOSIS open calls
If you are willing to apply for the open call, it is advisable to contact with the scientific coordination (AnaPaula.Candiota@uab.cat), to be informed about current fares and equipment time slots.