Group of Sensors and Biosensors in the UAB (GSB-UAB)

GAEMI collaborates in the development of instrumentation systems for chemical sensors with the GBS group of the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Within this collaboration, numerous end-of-career projects related to telecommunications and electronics have been carried out.

Group Miquel y Costas & Miquel (MCM)

MCM is one of the leading companies in the paper industry at an international level. GAEMI has collaborated intensively with MCM in the fields of electroperforation, electro-circulation and electrode cooling and ventilation systems. This activity has led to a TRACE project, three CDTI projects and five collaboration agreements.

Polytechnic University of Valéncia (UPV)

GAEMI participates in a national project TEC2015 within the group led by Professor José Sanchez-Dehesa, destined to develop wireless charging systems. Within this collaboration, GAEMI is responsible for generating electronic systems for the management of high efficiency energy (harvesting) and the characterization of high performance dielectric resonators.