
Applied Microwave and Millimeter Engineering Group (GEMMA) (2014SGR_157)
  • Execution entity: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
  • Responsible researchers: Joan Ferran Martín Antolín
  • Number of researchers: 18
  • Financing entities: Department of Universities, Research and the Information Society
  • Start date: 2014, 4 years
  • Total amount: 36000
Technologies based on Serigrafied Dielectric Antennas and Resonators for innovation in RF Components and sub-systems (TARDIs-RF)
  • Execution entity: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
  • Responsible researchers: Juan José García García
  • Number of researchers: 1
  • Financing entities: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
  • Start date: 01/01/2011, 3 years
  • Total amount: 124.509
  • Execution entity: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
  • Responsible researchers: Joan Sorribes Gomis
  • Number of researchers: 17
  • Start date: 06/04/2010 , 1 year – 3 months – 25 days
  • Total amount: 20.000
Development and optimization of electro-perforation processes of porous materials for industrial applications
  • Execution entity: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
  • Responsible researchers: Juan José García García
  • Number of researchers: 5
  • Financing entities: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
  • Start date: 01/03/2010, 2 years
  • Total amount: 124.388 
Applied Microwave and Millimeter Engineering Group (GEMMA)
  • Execution entity: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
  • Responsible researchers: Joan Ferran Martín Antolín.
  • Number of researchers: 18
  • Financing entities: Department of Universities, Research and the Information Society
  • Start date: 03/08/2009, 4 years – 4 months – 29 days
  • Total amount: 41.600
Scope engineering
  • Execution entity: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
  • Responsible researchers: Joan Sorribes Gomis
  • Number of researchers: 11
  • Financing entities: Vicerectorate for Social and Cultural Transfer of the UAB
  • Start date: 01/01/2009, 11 months – 18 days
  • Total amount: 1.800
Technologies based on metamaterials and their application to innovation in RF, microwave and millimeter components and sub-systems: radio communication circuits (META-INNOVA 2)
  • Execution entity: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
  • Responsible researchers: Joan Ferran Martín Antolín.
  • Number of researchers: 9
  • Financing entities: Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia 
  • Start date: 01/10/2007, 3 years.
  • Total amount: 206.910


Improvement of ventilation systems for electro-perforation within the CDTI project IDI-20140521. 
  • Position: Principal investigator
  • Researcher in charge: Juan José García García. 
  • Number of researchers: 3. 
  • Financing entities: Miquel y Costas & Miquel, S.A.
  • Start date: 01/01/2013, 2 years. 
  • Total amount: 60.000
Circular electrodes for electrostatic perforation
  • Position: Principal investigator.  
  • Number of researchers: 2. 
  • Financing entities: Miquel y Costas & Miquel, S.A. 
  • Start date: 01/01/2013, 1 year.
  • Total amount: 10.000
Improvement of the performance of an electrostatic paper drilling system II (link to a TRACE project)
  • Position: Principal investigator
  • Number of researchers: 2
  • Financing entities: Miquel y Costas & Miquel, S.A. 
  • Start date: 01/10/2010, 2 years
  • Total amount: 10.000
Improvement of the performance of an electrostatic paper perforation system
  • Position: Principal investigator
  • Number of researchers: 2
  • Financing entities: Miquel y Costas & Miquel, S.A. 
  • Start date: 01/01/2009, 6 months – 1 day. 
  • Total amount: 10.000
Establishment of the necessary conditions to achieve the improvement of performance of an electrostatic paper performació system
  • Position: Principal investigator
  • Researcher in charge: Juan José García García 
  • Number of researchers: 1
  •  Financing entities: Miquel y Costas & Miquel, S.A. 
  • Start date: 01/09/2007, 5 months – 1 day. 
  • Total amount: 10.000
Design and implementation of instrumentation systems for the Alba-Cells particle accelerator ”Multiwire Proportional Chamber”
  • Position: Principal investigator 
  • Researcher in charge: Juan José García García 
  • Number of researchers: 
  • Financing entities: Synchrotron Light Laboratory 
  • Start date: 01/07/2007, 3 months – 30 days
  • Total amount: 6.000
Asesoramiento en el diseño del detector ”Multiwire Proportional Chamber”
  • Position: Principal investigator 
  • Researcher in charge: Juan José García García 
  • Number of researchers: 
  • Financing entities: Synchrotron Light Laboratory
  • Start date: 12/02/2007, 1 month – 12 days. 
  • Total amount: 4.500