Public funding – Private funding
Public funding for tech transfer
- Multistimuli-responsive coatings with transparency modulation for smart windows (TransWIN)
Project type: Producte 2021 (2021 PROD 00190)
Duration: 18/10/2022 – 17/03/2024
PI: Dr. Claudio Roscini (ICN2-BIST)
Budget: 99 938 €

- Desarrollo de biosensores de lactato y glucosa en sudor para dispositivos wearables (Industrial PhD)
Project type: Doctorats industrials 2022 (2022 DI 032)
Duration: 01/9/2022 – 31/08/2025
PI: Dr. Gonzalo Guirado
Company: Onalabs
Budget: 33 960 €

- Development of active ingredients for preventing skin cancer and melasma (Industrial PhD)
Project type: Doctorats industrials 2020 (2020 DI 081)
Duration: 01/08/2021 – 31/07/2024
PI: Dr. Jordi Hernando and Prof. Rosa Mª Sebastián
Company: Roka Furadada SL
Budget: 33 960 €

- Development of industrial inks to monitor fresh food degradation (Industrial PhD)
Project type: Doctorats industrials 2020 (2020 DI 002)
Duration: 01/01/2021 – 31/12/2023
PI: Dr. Jordi Hernando and Dr. Claudio Roscini (ICN2-BIST)
Company: ColorSensing SL
Budget: 33 960 €

- Industrial research of strategic materials for high energy density and cost optimized lithium ion batteries in sustainable electromobility (LION-HD)
Project type: CDTI Misiones (MIG-20201021)
Duration: 01/01/2021 – 31/12/2023
PI: Dr. Jordi Hernando and Prof. Rosa Mª Sebastián
Company: Cuantum Medical Cosmetics SL
Budget: 48 000 €

- SEAMLESS: a non-invasive lactate sweat monitor
Project type: Producte 2016 (2016 PROD 00114)
Duration: 30/09/2017 – 30/09/2019
PIs: Dr. Javier F. del Campo (CNM-CSIC) and Gonzalo Guirado (UAB)
Budget: 100 000 €

- High performance cyanoacrylate adhesives
Project type: Retos Colaboración (RTC-2016-5683-1)
Duration: 07/03/2016 – 31/03/2020
PI: Dr. Rosa Mª Sebastián
Company: Cuantum Medical Cosmetics SL
Budget: 263 594 €

- Copolymerisation and copolymers of cyanoacrylate and captodative monomers (Industrial PhD)
Project type: Doctorats industrials 2015 (2015 DI 046)
Duration: 01/03/2016 – 28/02/2020
PI: Prof. Jordi Marquet and Dr. Rosa Mª Sebastián
Company: Afinitica Technologies SL
Budget: 33 960 €

- Investigación en tecnologías de LIQuidos IÓNicos para aplicaciones industriales (LIQUION)
Project type: CDTI CENIT (CEN-20101011)
Duration: 01/07/2010 – 1/12/2013
PI: Prof. Iluminada Gallardo
Company: Maier
Budget: 101 000 €

- New sustainable industrial uses of CO2 (SOST-CO2)
Project type: CDTI CENIT (CEN-20081027)
Duration: 01/03/2009 – 30/09/2011
PI: Prof. José Luis Bourdelande
Company: Sociedad Española de Carburos Metálicos S.A.
Budget: 135 000 €

Private funding for tech transfer
- Organic synthesis of new sunscreens
Company: Roka Furadada SL
Duration: 09/11/2020 – 09/08/2021
PI: Prof. Rosa Mª Sebastián

- Provide an overview of important technology developments and major trends in the competence field of the advisor and in Europe’s science community
Company: Henkel Iberica S.A.
Duration: 01/07/2019 – 30/06/2021
PI: Dr. Gonzalo Guirado

- Synthesis of new 4-alkylcathecol compounds
Company: Fundació ASCAMM (now integrated in Eurecat)
Duration: 01/05/2011 – 30/07/2012
PI: Dr. Félix Busqué (UAB) and Dr. Jordi Hernando

- Development and characterization of photo- and thermochromic nanocomposites for coating car elements
Company: Fundació ASCAMM (now integrated in Eurecat)
Duration: 01/07/2009 – 30/09/2010
PI: Dr. Félix Busqué (UAB) and Dr. Jordi Hernando