This Wednesday, September 27, within the framework of the Geography and Gender subject (teachers Mireia Baylina and Maria Prats), of the Degree in Geography, Environment and Territorial Planning, Dr. Núria Font-Casaseca, gave a conference called: “How to incorporate the gender perspective into GIS and data visualization?”.

The architect and doctor in geography is currently a postdoctoral researcher at Pompeu Fabra University in the INTERMAPS project and an associate professor at the University of Barcelona. During the conference, attendees were able to reflect on the power of maps as a tool with stigmatizing, but also emancipatory, effects. Through cartography, an attempt has been made to stabilize and fix reality. However, spaces are heterogeneous, dynamic and contain a wide range of experiences. Likewise, it is necessary to take on this challenge from a reflective position, expanding the imaginary we have around geographic information systems and cartography, given that, beyond being technical tools, they are also creative tools with the potential to transform reality.