On the occasion of Geography Day at the University of Girona, the doctor and member of the Geography and Gender Research Group, Isabel Salamaña, has organized a session called: “Geography, Gender and intersectionality”. Dr. Mireia Baylina also participates as a guest speaker. The day’s program is as follows:

10:00h. Conference. Place: Classroom C3

Núria FONT CASASECA: “How to incorporate the gender perspective in GIS and data visualization”

Architect and doctor in geography, she is currently a postdoctoral researcher at the University Pompey Fabra in the INTERMAPS Project and associate professor at the University of Barcelona.

 11:15h. a 12:30h. Workshops. Place: Library

The workshops will be conducted:

  • Federica Ravera and Maria Borràs. Map Library
  • Sara Mingorría and Rosa Cerarols. Aurora Bertrana classroom
  • Mariana Valderrama, Isabel Salamaña and Núria Font. Laboratory

12:45 a 13:45. Sharing of workshops. Place: Classroom C3

14:15h. Lunch

15:20h. Presentation, visit and explanation of the exhibition “Women and mountains in motion” by Federica RAVERA. Place: Faculty of Arts

16:20 h. Debate. Place: Classroom C3

“Women, intersectionality and ruralities”: Mireia BAYLINA, geographer (UAB); Rosa CERAROLS, geographer (UPF) y Joan NOGUÉ, geographer (UdG)