Maria Dolors Garcia-Ramon has been awarded the Lauréat d’Honneur from the International Geographical Union (IGU), and it will be handed over during the upcoming 33rd IGU Congress in Beijing (August 21-25, 2016). This award was established in 1976 in order to recognize individuals who have achieved particular distinction in the work of the IGU or in international geography and environmental research. Relevant geographers such as Peter Hagget, Paul Claval, Janice Monk or Yi-Fu-Tuan have been, among others, past recipients of this higly prestigious award:

Maria Dolors Garcia-Ramon has been distinguished with the prestigious Vautrin-Lud Award 2016. The award known as “Nobel Prize of Geography” will be handed over during the Festival International de Géographie that will take place in Saint-Dié-des Vosges (France) from 30th september to 2nd October 2016: