Last Friday 19 May, Margot Mecca and Eduard Ballesté Isern participated in the 4th session of the 22-23 course of the seminar of the Research Group in Geography and Gender.

They presented their research done at the UPF in the framework of the TRANSGANG project. The aim of this project is to study transnational gangs as agents of mediation. The question it tries to answer is the persistence of youth street groups (so-called gangs) in different societies, often seen as ‘problematic’, in twelve cities in Southern Europe, North Africa and the Americas, and through which three documentary films have been produced (one in each of the regions studied).

The aim of the seminar was to establish a creative dialogue with the fieldwork, reflecting on the research process and the ethical and methodological limits of innovative research.


Imatge de WhatsApp 2023-05-19 a les 15.55.16