On 7 February 2022 Nathalia Quintero Castro presented her doctoral thesis “Red de Bibliotecas Rurales de Cajamarca en el Perú: Trayectos y geografías andinas”. Doctoral Program in Geography, Department of Geography, Autonomous University of Barcelona. Thesis directed by Enric Mendizábal Riera and Anna Ortiz Guitart.

The Cajamarca Rural Library Network (RBRC), in Peru, is the environmental and landscape niche that configures another way of seeing Geography, based on the spiritual link of all beings with nature. Recognizing other conceptions of the nature-culture interaction allows geography to expand both its disciplinary horizon and its place in the practical and experiential reflection of space. The contextual framework of the thesis accounts for the references of the territory in which the RBRC is based. The essential geographical references are exposed such as the Andes mountain range, the Inca confederation Tawantinsuyu; the general characteristics of Cajamarca, city and department, territorial area of study and global location of the RBRC as an entity that works with books and reading. The theoretical framework shows the elements that guide the understanding of the use of culture as a prevailing model in which the characteristic elements of Western culture are exposed and ends with the main features of Andean world view. Regarding the methodology, the thesis was built based on the testimonies of people linked to the RBRC, so the oral source is configured as an articulating axis and support. Eight chapters are presented with which the geography of the RBRC is developed and finally the conclusions.