3rd Seminar of the Research Group in Geography and Gender of the academic year 23/24

On Friday, February 2, Natalia Ribas-Mateos, Maria Borràs Escayola and Magdalena Moreno participated in the third session of the 2023-2024 academic year of the Geography and Gender Research Group seminar. Natalia Ribas-Mateos is the Maria Zambrano researcher at TRANSMENA (UAB, Barcelona) and Mesopolhis (Aix-Marseille). He is also a member of the Fatéma Mernissi Chair (Rabat). […]

2nd Seminar of the Research Group in Geography and Gender of the academic year 23/24

On Friday, December 15, Amalia Calderon Argelich and Nicole Chávez González participated in the second session of the 23-24 academic year of the Geography and Gender Research Group seminar. Amalia Calderon Argelich is a researcher at the Barcelona Laboratory for Urban and Environmental Justice and Sustainability and the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology (ICTA-UAB). […]

Lecture of the doctoral thesis “Risking life to live. Rural women defending environmental and territorial rights in Colombia” by Mariana Tafur

On December 12, 2023, Mariana Tafur Rueda presented the doctoral thesis “Risking life to live. Rural women defending environmental and territorial rights in Colombia” at the UAB. Doctoral Programme in Geography. Thesis directed by Mireia Baylina (UAB). In recent years, the defense of land, territories and nature has put Colombian rural women in danger, since […]

Session of “Geography, Gender and Intersectionality” by the Geography Day at the University of Girona

On the occasion of Geography Day at the University of Girona, the doctor and member of the Geography and Gender Research Group, Isabel Salamaña, has organized a session called: “Geography, Gender and intersectionality”. Dr. Mireia Baylina also participates as a guest speaker. The day’s program is as follows: 10:00h. Conference. Place: Classroom C3 Núria FONT […]

Lecture of the tesis “Rural development in Los Morochucos (Ayacucho, Peru): the voice of local knowledge in the sustainable planning of the territory” by Ángel Alcides

On October 26, Ángel Alcides Aronés Cisneros presented at he UAB the doctoral thesis “Rural development in Los Morochucos (Ayacucho, Peru): the voice of local knowledge in the sustainable planning of the territory”. Doctoral Programme in Geography. Thesis directed by Anna Badia, Jordi Nadal and Anna Ortiz (UAB). The main objective of the research is […]

Lecture of the doctoral thesis “The load of water: How women negotiate water scarcity in the Fúquene river basin, Cundinamarca, Colombia” by Mariana Valderrama

On October 18, 2023, Mariana Valderrama Leongómez presented at the UAB the doctoral thesis “The load of water: How women negotiate water scarcity in the Fúquene river basin, Cundinamarca, Colombia”. Interuniversity programme in Gender Studies: Cultures, Societies and Policies, Interuniversity Gender Institute. Thesis directed by Mireia Baylina (UAB) and Isabel Salamaña (UdG). The thesis examines […]

1st Seminar of the Research Group in Geography and Gender of the academic year 22/23

Last Friday 13 October, Asun Blanco, Inmaculada Díaz and Mariana Martínez participated in the 1st session of the 23-24 course of the seminar of the Research Group in Geography and Gender. Asun Blanco and Inmaculada Díaz, professors of the Geography department and members of the TUDISTAR Research Group, gave a conference called “Tourism and gender […]

9th Congress EUGEO, Barcelona

Between September 4 and 7, the 9th EUGEO Congress was held, organized by the Catalan Geography Society and the University of Barcelona. This year, the conference was titled “Geography for our common future” and covered a wide range of topics that contribute to understanding our current conditions, the challenges we face and the necessary directions […]

Lecture of the doctoral thesis “Uprooted lives: Afro-descendant women, identities, territory and armed conflict in Colombia” by Nubia Frasser

On June 30, 2023, Nubia Esperanza Frasser-Thompson presented her doctoral thesis “Uprooted lives: Afro-descendant women, identities, territory and armed conflict in Colombia” at the UB. Interuniversity Doctorate Program in Gender Studies: Cultures, Society and Politics, Interuniversity Gender Institute. Thesis directed by Núria Benach Rovira (UB) and Anna Ortiz Guitart (UAB). This doctoral thesis aims to […]

Lecture of the doctoral thesis “Narratives of Afro-descendant women in Catalonia: A study on mixticity and identity configurations from an intersectional perspective” by Teresa Habimana

On 27 January 2023 Teresa Habimana Jordana presented her doctoral thesis “Narratives of Afro-descendant women in Catalonia: A study on mixticity and identity configurations from an intersectional perspective” at the UAB. Doctoral Program in Anthropology, Department of Anthropology, Autonomous University of Barcelona. Thesis directed by Dan Rodríguez and Anna Ortiz Guitart. This doctoral research gathers […]