• I Encounter of the Geography and Gender Research Group, academic year 2019-2020

    El dia 21 de novembre va tenir lloc el I seminari del curs 2019-2020. La presentació, amb posterior debat entre les presents, la va realitzar la Dra. Maria Rodó- Zárate sobre el tema: “From the right to the city to the right to space: feminist, intersectional and emotional perspectives… «Llegir més»

  • Lecture of the doctoral thesis “Descubriendo el ocio nocturno cotidiano. Primeras experiencias entre adolescentes en Barcelona” (9 de Febrer de 2018)

    On Friday February the 9th, at the Sala d’Actes of the Facultat de Economia of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, as a part of the PhD program in Geography, the defense of the doctoral thesis by Margot Mecca was held, titled Descubriendo el ocio nocturno cotidiano. Primeras experiencias entre… «Llegir més»

  • IV European Geographies of Sexualities Conference / 13-15 September 2017 / Barcelona

    From 13 to 15 September international academics, professionals and activists will meet at the Espai Francesca Bonnemaisone in Barcelona to analyse sexual and gender diversity from the perspective which takes into account the differences implied in places of origin, social class, age, religion and (dis)capacities. Click here for… «Llegir més»