On 19 September 2023, all members of the research group met at the Law faculty of UAB to discuss the publications, projects and events that will be covered during the course 2023-2024. In particular, researcher Toni Abat presented to the rest of the group the Horizon Europe project EXPRESS2 he will start leading in March 2024, and discussions on the involvement of other researchers within the group was considered.
Moreover, researcher Lidia Ballesta, who recently was awarded a grant by the Spanish government to organise a cicle of conferences on gender also explained the working plan of this project and distribution of tasks among other researchers. The group also debated on the conferences to organise in 2024, and it was agreed that an international conference would be run in Barcelona in June 2024, also under the topic of gender and law in the EU.
Finally, the group agreed to meet again in November to discuss more in detail topics for join publications among the researchers of the group.