On 1 December 2023 at 16:00 CET Prof. Antonios Abou Kasm will give a seminar on “Israel-Hamas war implications for Lebanon: A legal and political overview“. The seminar is free and open to students and researchers of the UAB. It will take place in Sala de Grados of the Faculty of Law of the UAB and will have a duration of 1h 30 min aproximately.
Professor Antonios ABOU KASM, is a Lebanese international Counsel admitted to international practice before international criminal tribunals, and a Professor of International law at the Lebanese University, the Lebanese Army’s colleges and at the UNITAR. Previously he served as a Director of the Faculty of Law and political and administrative sciences of the Lebanese University. Professor ABOU KASM was assigned by the Special Tribunal for Lebanon in The Hague as a Lead Defence Counsel, then a Lead Legal Representative of Victims. He is an active member of the International Criminal Court Bar Association, he was elected by the General Assembly as the Chairman of the ICCBA’s Professional Standards Advisory Committee for two consecutive mandates (2017-2019), and he was elected a member of the Defence Committee. As a barrister for more than 20 years, he works on international litigation’s matters, on cases related to Public international law matters, Terrorism, Extradition, Money laundering, UN and EU Human Rights mechanisms, ICSID and international arbitration. He advises pro bono several NGOs.
Registration form. Please be aware that there is a limited number of available seats. We will inform you if you have been accepted to the event by 30 November 2023