On March 6 at 4:00 p.m., the member of the IEE, Dr. Toni Abat, will participate in a seminar organized by the Center for the Study of Contemporary Issues (CETC) together with the General Directorate for the Promotion and Defense of Human Rights of the Generalitat de Catalunya and the University of Barcelona.

The aim of the conversation is to reflect on the management of migration in the European Union from the perspective of fundamental rights. The seminar, with the title “The tension between guarantees and violations of human rights in the European Union”, will have the participation of Dr. Dimitry V. Kochenov (CEU Democracy Institute, Budapest), Dr. Antoni Abat Ninet (Institute of European Studies, UAB) and researcher Jorge Piñera (Institute of European Studies, UAB).

Date: March 6, from 4 to 7 p.m CET

Place: Boardroom of the Ateneu Barcelonès (C/ de la Canuda, 6, Barcelona)

About the seminar

The European Union has made the protection of human rights a founding principle and a sign of identity. However, their actions at the borders give rise to systematic violations of human rights. While within its territory the EU guarantees one of the highest standards of the rule of law in the world, migration policy at its borders is complicit in the deaths of thousands of migrants. This situation poses a paradox that fractures the social perception of the European Union and generates ethical, political and legal concerns.

What existing legal and policy tools could be mobilized to guarantee the human rights of third-country nationals seeking protection in the EU? Has the European Union lost its legitimacy in a context of repeated violations of its values and of the European Convention on Human Rights that it claims to defend? To what extent are the European Union or its member states responsible for the humanitarian crisis, particularly in the Mediterranean?

Through this seminar, there will be a debate about these issues led by the three invited speakers, who work in different fields with the aim of influencing the public debate and raising awareness about an issue of increasing concern in the upcoming and highly contested European elections. In order to maintain a free and safe space for debate, discussions will adhere to the Chatham House Rule.

The initiative arises from the questions raised in the recent publication of the monograph number 60 of the IDEES Magazine, “Human rights in Europe: simple rhetoric?”, edited by the Center for Studies of Contemporary Issues and the General Directorate for the Promotion and Defense of Human Rights of the Generalitat of Catalonia.

Discussion materials

The seminar will include the initial presentation of two articles: the first, by Dr. Dimitry V. Kochenov and, the second, by Dr. Antoni Abat and researcher Jorge Piñera. Afterwards, there will be an open debate with the participants.

The conversation will take place in English.