Yesterday 9 of July, the paper “Developing AI Predictive Migration Tools to Enhance Humanitarian Support: The Case of EUMigraTool“, authored by Dr Cristina Blasi and Georgios Stavropoulos, was presented at the Conference Data Policy 2024, Decoding the Future: Trustworthy Governance with AI?. Particularly, it was part of the presentations of the panel “Anticipating Migration for Policymaking”.
The eighth Data for Policy conference kicked off with dynamic parallel sessions at Imperial College London. This gathering has united top experts to explore cutting-edge developments and innovations in data and AI governance.
Here are the distinguished speakers and their insightful papers from the “Anticipating Migration for Policymaking” session:
– “Towards a Taxonomy of Anticipatory Methods: Integrating Traditional and Innovative Methods for Migration Policy”
Sara Marcucci, The Governance Lab, New York, United States of America and Stefaan Verhulst, PhD Verhulst, The Governance Lab, New York, United States of America.
– “Augmentation or Replication? Assessing Big Data’s Role in Migration Studies”
Tuba Bircan, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium.
– “Safeguarding Migrant Rights Through Open Digital Ecosystem (ODE) Principles: A Prerequisite for Deploying Anticipatory Methods”
Rohan Pai, Aapti Institute and Amrita Nanda, Aapti Institute.
-“Developing AI Predictive Migration Tools to Enhance Humanitarian Support: The Case of EUMigraTool”
Cristina Blasi Casagran, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Spain, and Georgios Stavropoulos, Information Technologies Institute Centre for Research and Technology Hellas, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Jon Crowcroft, University of Cambridge and The Alan Turing Institute