Dr. Sebastián Preller Bórquez, Associate Partner of Global Intel, participated in the international conference “The Law & the Amazon: Challenges for a Sustainable Future,” organized by Forum Latin America, part of the Max Planck Law Network. This event took place on October 17 and 18 at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Crime, Security and Law in Freiburg, Germany, and brought together over 35 participants from 11 countries, including legal experts, researchers, and civil society representatives, to address the environmental and social challenges facing the Amazon. Critical topics such as the rights of nature, indigenous rights, environmental crimes, and the development of sustainable economies were central to the discussions.
Dr. Preller Bórquez presented a lecture titled “Sustainable Development as a Methodology for an Ecological-Social Contract for the Amazon,” exploring sustainable development narratives through a political and international law approach as a tool to reassess the legal framework applicable to the Amazon territory.

Through this event, Forum Latin America aims to foster an authentic Latin American perspective in legal scholarship, promoting regulatory frameworks that are aligned with local realities.