We attend a conference on Hate Crimes and Discrimination

Dr. Lidia Ballesta and Dr. Cristina Blasi will be attending the conference “Abordatge institucional contra els delictes d’odi i discriminació” on November 15 at the Centre d’Estudis Jurídics i Formació Especialitzada in Barcelona. The event will address the challenges and institutional approaches to hate crimes and discrimination, featuring insights from experts in law enforcement and […]

I Jornada Dimensiones Transnacionales de la Igualdad y Derecho: Retos Globales para la Igualdad en las Dimensiones Internacionales, Socioculturales y Digitales

GLOBAL INTEL organiza con su proyecto DITRIG la I Jornada sobre Dimensiones Transnacionales de la Igualdad y Derecho, organizada por la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona en colaboración con el Instituto de las Mujeres. Este evento, que se celebrará el 25 de noviembre de 2024 de 9:00 a 17:00 en el Aula Magna de la Facultad […]

Dr Anna Ayuso participates in the EU-LAC feminist foreign policy

In an interconnected and constantly evolving world, the promotion and fulfilment of gender equality and women’s rights is not only a matter of social justice within nation-states, but also an essential component of international relations and cooperation for the construction of lasting peace, global security and sustainable development. This idea has encouraged reflections on the […]


Retos globales para la Igualdad en las dimensiones Internacional, Sociocultural y Digital. La I Jornada Interuniversitaria Dimensiones Transnacionales de la Igualdad y Derecho forma parte del proyecto Dimensiones Transnacionales de la Igualdad y Derecho (DiTrIg), financiado por el Instituto de las Mujeres-Ministerio de Igualdad y organizada por el grupo de investigación Global Intel (2021 SGR 00203) […]

Dr Anna Ayuso participates in the VII International Conference of Development Studies

At the VII International Conference of Development Studies, promoted by REEDES, the University Institute of Development and Cooperation and the Complutense Institute of International Studies, the round table entitled “Dialogue between Development Think Tanks in the Face of Transitions” organized by GATE Center took place. This space brought together some of the most recognized female […]

Conference on EU Constitutional Identity Through an Explicit Social Contract

Within the framework of the Horizon Europe Project EXPRESS2, the faculty of law at the University of Belgrade and the Institute of European Studies (UAB) have organized a conference on September 27, 2024, titled ‘EU Constitutional Identity Through an Explicit Social Contract.’ Speakers from Serbia, Catalonia, Croatia, and Montenegro will discuss various topics related to the […]