Anna Ayuso appointed as Advisor on Sustainability for Catalan Govt

The Catalan Executive Council has appointed this Tuesday, at the proposal of the Minister of Climate Action, David Mascort, five new members of the Advisory Council for the Sustainable Development of Catalonia (CADS), who will have a mandate of two years. One of them is our research fellow Anna Ayuso, also Senior Research Fellow at […]

Researcher Anna Ayuso participates in an event about EU-Latin America relations

Tomorrow, 6 December 2023, GLOBAL-INTEL researcher Dr Anna Ayuso will participate in the event “RENEWING THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE EUROPEAN UNION AND LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN: TOWARDS A JOINT AGENDA FOR MULTILATERAL AND INTERREGIONAL CHANGE?” Dr Ayuso has been part of the organising committee of this event, which involves the following organising institutions: (1) […]

Participation of researcher Anna Ayuso in a conference on food security

The conference took place on THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 2023 from 09:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Barcelona Center for International Affairs (CIDOB), specifically in the Sala Maragall, CIDOB, Carrer Elisabets 12 – 08001 Barcelona. Anna Ayuso’s participation was in the initial part and in the conclusions. The program can be found here: Full […]

Dr Cristina Blasi participates in a conference on Artificial Intelligence

On 16 November 2023, GLOBAL INTEL lead, Dr. Cristina Blasi, participated in the event organised by the European Parliament in Brussels “AIVOLUTION: Transforming the European Union’s Economy and Society”. The event consisted on 4 different sessions. Dr Blasi presented in the second one called “Fueling and exploiting AI: big data and digital rights, social networks […]

EU TALK Hungary’s Rule of Law, November 24

Mark your Calendar on November 24, 16:00! Explore the controversial topic of Hungary’s rule of law in our upcoming EU TALK event, featuring Balazs Rottek, a Senior Parliamentary Assistant at the European Parliament. Join us for a conversation on the present state of Hungary and EU tension, debating over migration, gender rights, and law enforcement, among […]

EU TALK – Spanish Presidency of the Council of the EU, November 3rd

Coming Soon on November 3, at 16:00 ! Be sure not to miss the upcoming EU TALK at UAB featuring Juan Antonion Mayoral, who will delve into the importance of the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the EU. As prominent advisor within the EU2023ES cabinet, He will be offering valuable insights into its current leadership, ambitions, and […]

New EU project proposes more inclusive, democratic and sustainable European social contract

Researcher of GLOBAL INTEL Toni Abat will coordinate the research project “EXPRESS2 – Specify and Protect the EU Social Contract”. The project, with a cost of 3 million euros, will begin in 2024 and include the involvement of 11 partners from nine different countries. How to promote a stronger, more democratic, legitimate, inclusive and sustainable […]