Website: https://www.itflows.eu/
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/itflowseu
Twitter: https://twitter.com/itflows1
IT tools and methods for managing migration FLOWS (2020-2023)
Coordinated by Dr Cristina Blasi. The purpose of ITFLOWS is to provide accurate predictions and adequate management solutions of migration flows in the European Union in the phases of reception, relocation, settlement and integration of migration, according to a wide range of human factors and using multiple sources of information. These insights are provided by an evidence-based ICT enabled solution (the EUMigraTool) and precise models. All solutions have fitness for purpose continually validated by policy-makers and practitioners in cooperation with civil-society organisations in a dynamic and iterative process.
DDD: https://ddd.uab.cat/search?f=series&p=ITFLOWS%20Project&sc=1&ln=ca