- Principal researcher: Dra. Lidia Ballesta Martí
- Full title and acronym: Dimensiones Transnacionales de la Igualdad y Derecho (DiTrIg)
- Funding entity: Spanish Ministry of Equality
- Funded amount: 16,000€
- Project duration: 01/01/24 – 31/12/24
- Team members who are UAB staff: Dra. Lidia Ballesta Martí, Dra. Cristina Blasi, Dra. Sonia Güell, Dra Montserrat Pi.
Transnational Dimensions of Equality and Law (2024)
The DiTrIg Project is a series of seminars that aims to promote equality and raise awareness about LGTBI+ rights. The seminars tackle current issues from a multidisciplinary and intersectional perspective.
Professionals and activists will share their practical insights and engage in constructive dialogues with academics to create constructive dialogues to address the problems faced by women and the LGTBI+ community.
The topics of the seminars are divided into three main thematic blocks.
Equality and International Law
Equality in Culture and Sports
Equality on Social Networks and the Media
The seminar series will conclude with an Academic Day, during which reflection and conclusions will be provided to potentially reach political and legal solutions to the issues raised throughout the project.
The academic approach of the activity will be translated into a transfer of knowledge to society by creating a series of podcasts done with graduate and undergraduate students
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