I am a student of the PhD Program in Biodiversity at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. I graduated in Genetics at UAB in 2018, also obtaining a Minor in Evolution and Human Paleontology. In 2019, I obtained master’s degree in Biological Anthropology at UB/UAB. I started my doctoral thesis in 2020, in which I am working in the ancient DNA laboratory of the Biological Anthropology Unit of the UAB to sequence with NGS techniques and bioinformatically analyze individuals more than 2000 years old. In 2023 I spent 3 months at the University of Adelaide (Australia) to learn new techniques used in paleogenomics. In collaboration with other GREAB members, I have supervised two master’s thesis and I currently co-supervise three more.
I focus on how NGS techniques and metagenomic analysis can provide insights into ancient population dynamics and human evolution. In addition, I am interested in the study and characterization of populations, looking for relationships of kinship, diversity and lineages and possible causes of death. I combine laboratory methods with computational approaches to investigate the genetic diversity of historic and prehistoric populations.
Main areas of research
- Ancient DNA analysis
- Paleogenomics
- Bioinformatics
- Reconstruction of ancient populations
- Metagenomic analysis