I have a degree in Biology from the University of Barcelona (2005) and a Master’s Degree in Biological Anthropology (Univ. Toulouse III). My PhD focused on the study of two Native American populations in Bolivia. Afterwards, I did a Master’s Degree in Bioinformatics, where I searched for signatures of positive selection in the human lineage in the Evolutionary Genomics Group of the IMIM (PRBB, Barcelona). I conducted a postdoctorate at the IBB-Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (2012-2014), working on a project focused on human polymorphic investments. I joined the group of human evolutionary genetics (HUMEVOL) of CIBIO, in Porto, Portugal (2014-2024), to study populations from different African regions (Angola, Mozambique, São Tomé and Príncipe), addressing questions about the population history of these regions, as well as analyzing the oral microbiome.
Since 2024 I have been a lecturer at the Biological Anthropology Unit UAB. My research focuses on studying different aspects of human genetic variability. I am particularly interested in reconstructing the history of populations and investigating how they have adapted to new environments to understand what factors influence the oral microbiome.
Main areas of research
- Human population genomics
- Study of the human microbiome