Eulàlia Subirà
Doctor Member
I am Coordinator of the studies of Biology at Biosciences Faculty of Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Currently I am a professor in the Unit of Biological Anthropology at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain). PhD in Biological Science in 1989, M Sc. in Human Biology on 1989 and B. Sc. in history in 1993. Leading a GRAPAC (Grup de Recerca aplicada al Patrimoni Cultural) research group focused in the development of techniques and knowledge for conservation of all kind of archeological heritage remains. The research field englobes from prospecting sites with human remains, to excavation and further study. For this purpose I use various techniques applied at present, either from morphology to biochemical tests such as stable isotope analysis. The cronology includes from the middle Pleistocene to modern times.