Yesterday, 7 January 2025, El País, one of the most reputable Spanish newspapers, published a news item that illustrates some of the issues we will analyse in our master’s degree. Its author is Miguel Ángel Medina and the title “Más de 60 parques eólicos paralizados en Galicia: protestas sociales, sentencias polémicas y leyes controvertidas” (More than 60 wind farms paralysed in Galicia: social protests, controversial sentences and controversial laws), available at
Although it is written in Spanish, we could use this piece of news to explain three topics, for example. The first is the conflict between the environment and renewable energies; or bette to say, the need to make these two interests compatible. The reason is that some of the wind farm construction projects have been stalled because they do not comply with environmental regulations – in addition to opposition from neighbours.
Another important issue is the effectiveness of European laws; specially when they need to be incorporated into national legal systems. The article suggests that Spanish -rectius, Galician- legislation imposes obligations or requirements that go beyond those provided for in the Directive. To what extent is this practice lawful and should it be allowed? How can it be corrected and avoided? And what is the role of the courts in this problem? This news will help us to reflect on the legislative technique, both European and national, and the need to reduce the bureaucratic and legislative burden on European companies and citizens – as the most recent reports on the future of the European Union have denounced.
Finally, Miguel Ángel Medina also refers to the problems of financing the installation and operation of a wind farm, especially when legal problems arise. One of the subjects planned deals specifically with this topic, which can also be related to EU Competition Law, as the journalist refers to the importance of public aid in this area.