Research Group Recognized and Funded by the Generalitat de Catalunya (2021 SGR 00124)
The Group of Sensors and Biosensors (GSB) is located at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), within the Chemistry Department. The campus provides the group with a very interdisciplinary environment which enables the exchange of ideas and know-how.
The Group of Sensors and Biosensors (GSB) is a multidisciplinary team integrated by researchers coming from different scientific fields, the main objective of which is the design and implementation of new sensing schemes and strategies directed to simplify the chemical and biochemical analysis. The accumulated interdisciplinary know-how and the technological facilities available in both the group and the UAB sphere allows the group to move easily from the conceptual design to the fabrication of integrated (bio)analytical instrumentation for selected aplications.
El Grup de Sensors i Biosensors (GSB) és un equip multidisciplinari integrat per investigadors provinents de diferents àmbits científics. El seu principal objectiu és el disseny i la implementació de nous esquemes i estratègies de sensat, dirigides a simplificar l’anàlisi químic i bioquímic. Els coneixement interdisciplinari acumulat fins l’actualitat i les instal·lacions tecnologiques que te a l’abast tant del grup com de la Esfera UAB li permeten, partint del disseny conceptual, arribar fàcilment a la fabricació de instrumentació (bio)analítica integrada per aplicacions seleccionades.
What do we do at the Group of Sensors and Biosensors…?
- New Transducer Systems for Chemical and Biological Recognition
Development of optical, amperometric and potentiometric transducers as well as ISFETs. Development of new chemical and biological recognition systems and their integration in new transducer materials. Synthesis of ionophores, cromoionophores and nanostructured materials. Oriented Inmobilization of chemical and biological active reagents. Development and integration of technologies as biocomposites, screen-printing, continuous flow techniques, microparticle injection, microelectronics, nanotechnologies, integrated optics and computer science in order to construct improved chemical sensors, biosensors, immunosensors and genosensors.
- Sensor & Biosensor Characterization and (Bio)Analytical Applications
Characterization of integrated analytical systems: potentiometric sensors, amperometric sensors, ISFET, optical sensors, biosensors, immunosensors and genosensors. Application in biomedical, space, food-safety , environmental and industrial fields. Design and fabrication of automated analyzers, bioinstrumentation and biomimetics. Development of integrated chemical sensors and biosensors for analytical microsystems. Design and fabrication of diagnosis kits
- Transference of Technology
Transfer of analytical technology to environmental, space, food-safety, biomedical and industrial companies.

The BioAnalytical Nanotechnology School is an instrument of international cooperation devised and created by the Group of Sensors and Biosensors of the Autonomous University of Barcelona. It focuses on the realization of educational and R&D projects within the framework of an education for the sustainable development, proclaimed by the UNESCO.