GTNaM also takes part in the course plan of the bachelor’s degrees of Physics, Nanoscience and Nanotehcnology, Chemistry and in the Master’s Degree in Advanced Nanoscience and Nanotechnology offered by Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
List of courses given by GTNaM’s researchers (the courses are offered mainly in Catalan except for the Master, which is offered in English):
Grau en Física (Bachelor’s Degree in Physics)
- Electricitat i magnetisme (General physics: electricity and magnetism)
- Física de nanomaterials (Nanomaterials physics)
- Laboratori avançat de física (Advanced laboratory of physics)
Grau en Nanociència i Nanotecnologia (Bachelor’s Degree in Nanotechnology)
- Fenòmens quàntics II (Quantum phenomena II)
- Laboratori de microscopia i caracterització de materials (Microscopy and characterization lab)
- Física i química de materials (Physics and chemistry of materials)
- Física de la nanoescala (Nanoscale physics)
Grau de Química (Bachelor’s Degree in Chemistry)
- Física general (general physics)
Màster Oficial en Nanociència i Nanotecnologia Avançades (Official Master’s Degree in Advanced Nanoscience and Nanotechnology)
- Propietats físiques avançades de nanomaterials (Advanced physical properties of nanomaterials)