Basic data
- Title: Diversity, connectivity and recruitment in the deep-sea: past and current patterns, drivers and future implications in the Balearic basin (northwestern Mediterranean)
- Acronym: INDEEPSEA
- Time period: 2024-2028
The deep-sea, which includes those marine regions located below 200 m depth, constitutes 95% of the global biosphere and is the less known biome on Earth.
During the last decades we have conducted several studies in the Balearic deep-sea (northwestern Mediterranean Sea) which have helped to provide a basic knowledge of the composition of its faunal communities. Therefore, results of these previous projects have allowed the design of the present proposal, which aims to fill important gaps in the knowledge of the biological diversity of the Balearic basin and, most importantly, aims to provide a recent historical overview (ca. 35 years) of the biological and ecological processes involved.
Starting hypothesis
During the last decades, dynamics of deep-sea faunal populations and composition of faunal communities of the Balearic basin will have suffered changes, likely related to natural environmental and climate change and to anthropogenic impacts (i.e. marine debris, including microplastics, and heavy metals). These changes will influence trends in reproduction/recruitment that end up in changes in diversity patterns. Current pressures will induce loss and fragmentation of marine habitats, that will fiercely influence connectivity. The role of seamounts will be crucial for maintaining the deep-sea connectivity among of areas.
Particularly, for the Balearic basin we hypothesize that there is a NE-SW gradient that allows gene flow among the populations inhabiting the continental margin of the basin. On the contrary, the connectivity between continental and insular margins is in risk due to the changing environment. Thus, the seamount located in-between might act as a refuge, accumulating a rich benthic fauna and subsequently acting as a migration point.
The following figure summarizes the main hypotheses of this project:

The international research team participating in this project is the result of…
This project is funded by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities of the Spanish government and by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund, ERDF)