Development and Implementation of Decentralised Solar-energy-related Innovative Technologies for Public Buildings, in the Mediterranean Basin countries.

DIDSOLIT_PB is an EU funded project, through ENPI‐CBCMED Programme, under Call for Strategic Projects 2011 (Priority 2: Promotion of the environment sustainability at the Basin level; Topic: Solar energy)

This project time span has been from 13-12-2012 to 12-03-2016; a total of 39 months.

This interdisciplinary project has been addressed to promote and implement innovative technologies and know-how transfer in the field of decentralised, small scale, solar power systems*, that may be integrated in public buildings/premises.  All this undertaken through cross-border public-private partnership (with special attention to SMEs) and cooperation among entities from Mediterranean Regions of Spain, Greece, Egypt, and Jordan .

(*) Focus in this project has been placed on: solar technologies that 1) were already available in the market, though they may be in a pre/first-commercial stage, and 2) for which warm weather conditions (as the usual ones in the Mediterranean Basin regions) be not an inconvenient for the system’s power yielding (as it happens to some extent regarding standard photovoltaic modules) but even an advantage. More specifically:

– Building Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV): a) Glass-substitute elements, transparent/semitransparent; b) Flexible sheets.

– Small scale Concentrate Solar Power (CSP): c) Dish Stirling Thermoelectric generation; and d) Parabolic Trough, applied to Solar Cooling. 

The partenrs of the project are:

‐ Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, UABINCERS Research Group (Leader), Spain
‐ Institute for Development & Sustainable Development, AEIPLOUS , Greece
‐ Egyptian Association for Energy and Environment, EAEEEgypt 
‐ Balqa Applied University, BAUJordan 
‐ Alexandria University, AU, Egypt 
‐ Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania, MAICh, Greece 
‐ Eco‐System Europa, SL, EsE, Spain   

 The final reports presenting the results & outputs from the project are available in open acces at the dedicated project