Berzi, M., Durà-Guimerà, A. (2017). Evidences of Cross-Border health governance in the EU: the case of the Hospital de la Cerdanya revisited (French-Spanish Border). Communication presented at: Colloque international ‘Frontières, territoires de santée trése aux de soins’. Institut des Frontières et Discontinuités (IFD), Université d’Artois. Arras (France), 1-2 June 2017

Breton, F. (2017). Cetaceans in the Mediterranean and the role of Marine Protected Areas to protect them. Invited lecture at: Course on Whale ecology. University of Iceland Research Centre at Húsavik, the Húsavik Whale museum, Húsavik, Iceland, 18 June 2017.

Breton, F. (2017). Húsavík; A story of change. Thoughts and future visions from a visiting researcher. Invited lecture at: 4th Whale Congress. A Platform for sharing Information. University of Iceland Research Centre at Húsavik, the Húsavik Whale museum, Iceland, 26 June 2017.

Breton, F. (2017). CER-ARCTIC An Arctic Research Center at UAB. Invited presentation at: SAF21 project meeting. CETMAR, Vigo, 27 October 2017.

Breton, F. (2017). CER-ARCTIC An Arctic Research Center at UAB. Invited presentation at: UICN meeting. Zoo of Barcelona, Barcelona, 10 November 2017.

Breton, F. (2017). The UAB Arctic Reseach Centre / El Centre de Recerca ARCTIC de la UAB CER-ARCTIC. Inauguration lecture at: The Arctic Research Centre CER-ARCTIC of UAB Inauguration and The 2017 Stefansson Memorial Lecture. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Bellaterra, 1 December 2017.

Bombana, B.; Ariza-Solé, E. (2017). Evaluación de la calidad de las playas: principales debilidades. Communication presented at: XXV Congreso de la Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles (AGE), 50 años de congresos de Geografía. Naturaleza, territorio y ciudad en un mundo global. Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles y Universidad Autònoma de Madrid. Madrid – Spain, 25-27 October 2017.

Solé-Figueras, L.; Ariza-Solé, E. (2017). Revisión: la complejidad socio-ecológica y los servicios ecosistémicos costeros. Communication presented at: XXV Congreso de la Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles (AGE), 50 años de congresos de Geografía. Naturaleza, territorio y ciudad en un mundo global. Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles y Universidad Autònoma de Madrid. Madrid – Spain, 25-27 October 2017.

Solé-Figueras, L., Ariza, E. (2017). A review on coastal ecosystem services, are we considering socio-ecological complexity and human well-being? Communication presented at: Synergies, conflicts and trade-offs in the relationship between nature and society. ALTER-Net: A Long-Term Biodiversity, Ecosystem and Awareness Research Network. Europe’s ecosystem research network. Ghent, Belgium, 2-4 May 2017

Souza, R.; Fraile Jurado, P.; Ariza, E. (2017). Evolución de la superficie de playa de la costa catalana en el período 1956-2015. Communication presented at: IX Jornadas de Geomorfología Litoral. Universitat de les Illes Balears. Menorca – Spain, 13-15 September 2017.

Berzi, M.; Durà, A.; Buffon, M.;  (2016). Cross-Border Functional Areas in Southern Europe: Which Reterritorialization? Communicatoin presented at: Proposal for 15th Border Regions in Transition (BRIT) Conference  Cities, States and Borders: From the Local to the Global. University of Southern Denmark, University of Hamburg, HafenCity University Hamburg. Hamburg (Germany) – Sønderborg (Denmark), 17-20 May 2016.

Bombana, B.A. (2016). Integrated management of watershed coastal areas: the study case of Camboriú and Balneario Camboriú municipalities, Santa Catarina, Brazil. Invited presentation at: Investigación y acción: Diálogos hídricos desarrollados en Cataluña y Brasil. Grup de Recerca en Aigua, Territori i Sostenibilitat (Departament de Geografia de la UAB), Institut de Ciència i Tecnologia Ambientals (ICTA-UAB). Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Barcelona – Spain, 15 September 2016.

Bombana, B.A.; Solé-Figueras, L.; Souza-Ribeiro, R. (2016). Comparación de las decisiones que afectan al territorio y a las dunas costeras en la bahía de Roses: una aproximación desde la ciencia posnormal. Communication presented at: Simposium de Jóvenes Investigadores en Geografía (SIJG). Universitat de Barcelona (UB), Facultat de Geografia i Història. Barcelona – Spain, 26-28 September 2016.

Breton, F.; Jentoft, S.; Ubach, R.; Marín, A.; Baeta, M.; Trujillo-Martínez, A.J. (2016). Whales and socio-environment in the Barents Sea. Invited poster presented at: Success stories through and beyond NILS programme. NILS Science and Sustainability programme. Facultad de Ciencias Matemáticas, Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Madrid – Spain, 26 May 2016.

Breton, F.; Toure, E.O.; Ariza, E.; Baeta, M. (2016). Analyse de la situation de la pêche artisanale dans le delta et la basse vallée du fleuve Sénégal à partir du modèle conceptuel DPSIR et l’exploration des socio-écosystèmes liés à cette activité le long du fleuve. Invited presentation at: Colloque international Laboratoire Mixte International «Patrimoine et territoires de l´eau» sur le thème «Sciences participatives et gouvernance des patrimoines des deltas». Université Gaston Berger de Saint Louis (UGB), Laboratoire Mixte International «Patrimoine et territoires de l´eau (LMI PATEO). Université Gaston Berger, Saint Louis – Sénégal, 11-15 May 2016.

Camonita, F.; Berzi, M.; Durà, A.; Noferini, A.(2016). Euroregions as drivers of CBC: comparing recent experiences of excellence in governance across the EU. Communication presented at: World Congress of Political Science: Cross-Border Cooperation as Spatial Governance. International Political Science Association (IPSA). Poznan – Poland, 23 July 2016.

Camonita, F.; Berzi, M.; Durà, A.; Noferini, A. (2016). Comparing Euroregional Projects for Sustainable Development: A global view on CBC in the European Union. Communication presented at: ABS Europe Conference 2016: Differences and discontinuities in a ‘Europe without borders’. University of Luxembourg, University of Kaiserslautern, Saarland University, University of Trier, University of Lorraine, University of Liège. Luxembourg – Luxembourg, 4 October 2016.

Camonita, F.; Noferini, A.; Durà, A.; Berzi, M. (2016). Cross-Border Cooperation in Euroregional Spaces: Assessment and Evaluation of CBC Local and Urban Experiences.  Communication presented at: Proposal for 15th Border Regions in Transition (BRIT) Conference  Cities, States and Borders: From the Local to the Global. University of Southern Denmark, University of Hamburg, HafenCity University Hamburg. Hamburg – Germany),  Sønderborg – Denmark), 17-20 May 2016.

Casellas, A. (2016). New social movements in Spain in times of austerity. Invited presentation at: Hofstra University Seminar, Hofstra University and sponsored European Studies. New York (USA), 15 and 23 March 2016.

Casellas, A. (2016). Cities in Transition: open space, urban politics and everyday life in Barcelona. Invited presentation at: Seminar Workshop at Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy at Rutgers University, Rutgers University, New Jersey  (USA), 23 March 2016.

Casellas, A. (2016). From bottom up empowerment to political leadership: housing crisis and grassroots organizations in Spain. Communication presented at: 46th Annual Conference of the International Urban Fellows Associationl – Johns Hopkins University, Università IUAV di Venezia. Venice (Italy), 22-23 July 2016.

Casellas, A. (2016). Design and daily life in contested public spaces of downtown Barcelona. Communication presented at: American Association of Geographers. Annual Meeting. In panel session: Segregation, gentrification, stigmatization –sociospatial effects in neighborhood development, American Association of Geographers. San Francisco (USA), 29 March- 2 April, 2016.

Giulietti, S.; Romagosa, F.; Fons, J.; Schröder, C. (2016). Developing a “tourism and environment reporting mechanism” (TOUERM): Environmental impacts and sustainability trends of tourism in Europe. Communication presented at: 14th Global Forum on Tourism Statistics. Venice, Italy, 23-25 November 2016.

Pons-Cànovas, F. (2016). El procedimiento administrativo sancionador. Invited lecture at: Simposio sobre la Reforma Administrativa. Observatori de l’Evolució de les Institucions, Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Barcelona. 3 March 2016.

Pons-Cànovas, F. (2016). Anàlisi de la incidencia de la Llei en la conservació dels sistemes platja-duna. La responsabilitat de l’Administració en la seva gestió. Invited lecture at: IV Jornades Recerca i Territori. Restauració i gestió de sistemes dunars. Càtedra de Ecosistemes Litorals Mediterranis (Universitat de Girona). Torroella de Montgrí (Girona) – Spain, 21 October 2016

Pont-Castejón, I. (2016). Maritime Spatial Planning: Lessons learned and main challenges identified. Moderator of debate at: EEAC Working Group Marine and Water Affairs Workshop. European Environment and Sustainable Development Advisory Councils (EEAC) Network. Delegation of the Government of Catalonia to the European Union, Brussels – Belgium. 31 May 2016

Ariza, E. (2015). Conclusions. Inivited presentation at: Jornada ‘La governança i la gestió integrada del litoral a catalunya. Reptes tècnics i normatius’. Consell Assessor per al Desenvolupament Sostenible (CADS), Grup de recerca Interfase (Departament de Geografia de la UAB), Institut d’Estudis Catalans (IEC). Institut d’Estudis Catalans, Barcelona – Spain, 4 December 2015.

Ariza, E.; Pons, F.; Breton, F. (2015). Analyzing conflicts in beaches of the north-western mediterranean sea under the framework of the integrated coastal zone management protocol. Invited presentation at: XVI Congreso Latinoamericano de Ciencias del Mar – COLACMAR y XVI Seminario Nacional de Ciencias y Tecnologías del Mar SENALMAR. Hotel y Centro de Convenciones SANTAMAR. Santa Marta – Colombia, 18-22 October 2015.

Breton, F. (2015). Marine mammals and their social representation in the Arctic. Lessons for ecosystem based marine management. Invited presentation at: Seminar of research group MARA. MARA research group, University of Tromsø (UiT) – The Arctic University of Norway. Tromsø – Norway, 29 April 2015.

Breton, F. (2015). Climate Change in Western Africa. spatial and social vulnerability. Invited presentation at: MARA Research Group seminars. University of Tromsø, The Arctic University of Norway. Tromsø – Norway, 7 October 2015.

Breton, F. (2015). Protected spaces, MPAs and social justice. examples in the Mediterranean  and beyond. Invited presentation at: MARA Research Group seminars. University of Tromsø, The Arctic University of Norway. Tromsø – Norway. 8 October 2015.

Berzi, M.; Durà, A. (2015). La gobernanza de la cooperación transfronteriza sanitaria en la UE: un estado de la cuestión y el caso de estudio del Hospital de la Cerdanya. Communication presented at: XII Congreso AECPA, Donosti – Spain.14 de juliol de 2015.

Breton, F.; Baeta, M. (2015). Quelques réflexions sur le contexte mondial de transition énergétique pour repenser le développement et l’adaptation au changement climatique. Invited presentation at: Actes du atelier  scientifique et lancement de l’initiative Casamance. un réseau scientifique au service du développement en Casamance “Eaux et sociétés face au changement climatique dans le bassin de la Casamance”. Session 1 Recherche et développement – Introduction au séminaire. IBIMET, PATEO, UASZ, ISRA, Cooperazione Italiana allo Sviluppo–Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione, PAPSEN. Hôtel Kadiandoumagne. Ziguinchor – Senegal, 15-17 June 2015.

Breton, F.; Vignaroli P, Tarchini, V. (2015). Guide pour un exercice de scénarios participatifs en Casamance et principaux résultats. Invited presentation at: Actes du atelier scientifique et lancement de l’initiative Casamance. un réseau scientifique au service du développement en Casamance. Eaux et sociétés face au changement climatique dans le bassin de la Casamance. Session. Atelier participatif DEGEST sur le role de la science pour le développement de la Casamance. IBIMET, PATEO, UASZ, ISRA, Cooperazione Italiana allo Sviluppo–Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione, PAPSEN. Hôtel Kadiandoumagne. Ziguinchor – Senegal, 15-17 June 2015.

Casellas, A. (2015). Catalans want to vote: crisis, politics and identity in Spain. Invited presentation at: Hofstra University Seminar, sponsored  by the Department of Global Studies at Hofstra University. New York (USA), 15 April 2015.

Casellas, A. (2015). Investigating the relationship between tourism and land use change in Haikou, China 2006-2014. Communication presented at: American Association of Geographers. Annual Meeting. In panel session: Issues in Environmental and Land Use Changes in China, American Association of Geographers. Chicago (USA), 19-25 April 2015.

Djigo, A.; Berzi, M.; Camonita, F.; Durà, A. (2015). Bases para un Catálogo de buenas prácticas de innovación y excelencia de Cooperación Transfronteriza: el proyecto COOP RECOT II. Poster presented at: XXIV Congreso de la AGE. Asociación de Géografos Españoles. Zaragoza – Spain, 28-30 October 2015.

Durà, A. (2015). Una base de datos sobre la Cooperación Territorial en la Unión Europea. Invited lecture at: Primer congreso internacional sobre fronteras comparadas. Universidade de Vigo, Facultat de Ciències Socials i de la Comunicació, Campus A. Xunqueira. Pontevedra – Spain, 24-25 September 2015.

Durà, A. (2015). Repensant l’Arc Mediterrani: experiències concretes de cooperació transfronterera. Inivited presentation at: Curs: Els ens territorials més enllà de les seves fronteres: acció exterior, internacionalització i cooperació al desenvolupament, CUIMPB, Centre Ernest Lluch. Barcelona – Spain, 2 November 2015.

Peña, C.; Ariza, E.; Fraile, P.; Hernández-Calvento, L. (2015). Apoximación al análisis de sensibilidad geomorfológica sedimentológica de las playas de Gran Canaria (España). Communication presented at: VIII Jornadas de Geomorfología Litoral. Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla, Área de Geografía Física. Palacio de Congresos de Marbella. Marbella – Spain, 3-5 June 2015.

Pons, F. (2015). Els reptes d’una regulació catalana del litoral. Inivited presentation at: Jornada ‘La governança i la gestió integrada del litoral a catalunya. Reptes tècnics i normatius’. Sessió: Els reptes tècnics i jurídics per a la gestió integrada del litoral a Catalunya. Consell Assessor per al Desenvolupament Sostenible (CADS), Grup de recerca Interfase (Departament de Geografia de la UAB), Institut d’Estudis Catalans (IEC). Institut d’Estudis Catalans. Barcelona – Spain, 4 December 2015.

Pons, F. (2015). Els reptes d’una regulació catalana del litoral”. Sessió: Els reptes tècnics i jurídics per a la gestió integrada del litoral a Catalunya. Invited presentation at: Jornada ‘La governança i la gestió integrada del litoral a catalunya. Reptes tècnics i normatius’. Consell Assessor per al Desenvolupament Sostenible (CADS), Grup de recerca Interfase (Departament de Geografia de la UAB), Institut d’Estudis Catalans (IEC). Institut d’Estudis Catalans, Barcelona – Spain, 4 December 2015.

Pont, I. (2015). El marc regulador de la gestió del litoral a la Unió Europea. Invited presentation at: Jornada ‘La governança i la gestió integrada del litoral a catalunya. Reptes tècnics i normatius’. Sessió: El marc de la gestió integrada del litoral. Consell Assessor per al Desenvolupament Sostenible (CADS), Grup de recerca Interfase (Departament de Geografia de la UAB), Institut d’Estudis Catalans (IEC). Institut d’Estudis Catalans. Barcelona – Spain, 4 December 2015.

Santana-Cordero, A.; Ariza, E.; Romagosa, F. (2015). Evolución histórica de los servicios del ecosistema y su aplicación en la gestión integrada de zonas costeras. el caso del Delta del Llobregat (Barcelona, España). Communication presented at: VIII Jornadas de Geomorfología Litoral. Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla, Área de Geografía Física. Palacio de Congresos de Marbella. Marbella – Spain, 3-5 June 2015.

Van Beek, A.; Houthuijs, D.; Swart, W.; Van Kempen, E.; Blanes Guàrdia, N.; De Leeuw, F.; Fons, J. (2015). Towards a complete Health Impact Assessment for Noise in Europe. Communication presented at: EuroNoise 2015. Maastricht – The Netherlands, 31 May – 3 June 2015.

Ariza, E. (2014). Gestión integrada de zonas costeras en la cuenca del Mediterráneo. Invited presentation at: Jornada Andaluza sobre Gestión Integrada de Zonas Costeras. Junta de Andalucía, Sevilla –  Spain, 28 September 2014.

Ariza, E. (2014). The ICZM Process – Roadmap Towards Coastal Sustainability. Invited presentation at: Meetings on COASTGAP Project Best Practices Dissemination. Local meeting on Networking and Governance capitalization practices,Tools and methods. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Casa de Convalescència. Barcelona – Spain, 16 September 2014.

Ariza, E. (2014). COASTGAP. BP4 – ICZM Protocol Art.8 ‘setback zone’ implementation (SHAPE). Invited presentation at: Meetings on COASTGAP Project Best Practices Dissemination. Local meeting on Networking and Governance capitalization practices,Tools and methods. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Casa de Convalescència. Barcelona – Spain, 16 September 2014.

Ariza, E. (2014). BP3. Bologna Charter. -BP5. Regional Strategic Plan (Joint Action Plan). -BP4. Methodology to establish a setback zone based on Art.8 of ICZM Protocol. -BP7. COFLERMAP risk model for coastal floods maps. Invited presentation at: Working session with local stakeholders about COASTGAP project. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Casa de Convalescència, Barcelona – Spain. 26 September 2014.

Ariza, E. (2014). Anàlisi interdisciplinar del sistema socio-ecológic platja. Les institucions, els actors i l’ecosistema. Invited presentation at: Seminaris sobre recerca socioambiental del Grup SGR Interfase 2014. Cicle de tertúlies de recerca. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament de Geografia, Bellaterra – Spain, 7 October 2014.

Ariza, E.; Breton, F. (2014). Towards the construction of multi-stakeholder and multi-scale platforms for a better governance of the coast and sea ecosystems. experience of the PEGASO project and beyond. Poster presented at: 2nd International Ocean Research Conference ‘One planet, one ocean’, Barcelona – Spain. 16-21 November 2014.

Breton, F. (2014). Adaptation of PEGASO product to build ECAP -EO 8- indicators for the coast. Invited presentation at: CORGEST meeting (ECAP, UNEP/MAP). UNEP-MAP, Athens – Greece. 17-19 February 2014.

Breton, F. (2014). PEGASO main results. Invited presentation at: EEA meeting on PEGASO project. European Environment Agency, Conpehaguen – Denmark. 4 April 2014.

Breton, F. (2014). PEGASO main results. Invited presentation at: European Commission lunch meeting on PEGASO project. European Commission, Bruxelles –  Belgium. 30 April 2014.

Breton, F. (2014). Management of the coast and sea in the Mediterranean basin and the Black Sea. outcomes of the FP7 PEGASO project as challenges for the 21st century. Invited expert presentation at: International Geographical Union (IGU) Regional Conferenc ‘Changes, Challenges, Responsibility’. Comisión C12.05 Coastal Systems. Polish National Committee of the IGU, Polish Geographical Society, Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization, Warsaw University of Warsaw, Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies University of Silesia, Faculty of Earth Sciences, Sosnowiec Jagiellonian University, Institute of Geography and Spatial Management, Cracow Pedagogical University of Cracow, Institute of Geography Adam Mickiewicz University, Faculty of Geographical and Geological Sciences, Poznań University of Łód, Faculty of Geographical Sciences. Krakow – Poland, 18-22 August 2014.

Breton, F. (2014) Mediterranean. recommendations for a better territorial integration. the Pegaso Project. Further steps for territorial analysis in the wider region Europe + Neighbourhoods. Invited presentation at: ESPON ITAN project dissemination event. ESPON Programme, CIST. Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona – Spain. 27 November 2014.

Breton, F.; Morrisseau F.; Ivanov, E. (2014). Revising the ICZM concept and exploring some of its spatial representations. Invited expert presentation at: International Geographical Union (IGU) Regional Conferenc ‘Changes, Challenges, Responsibility’. Session: Coastal Systems, Management of the coast and sea in the Mediterranean basin and the Black Sea (Chaired by Dra. Breton). Polish National Committee of the IGU, Polish Geographical Society, Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization, Warsaw University of Warsaw, Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies University of Silesia, Faculty of Earth Sciences, Sosnowiec Jagiellonian University, Institute of Geography and Spatial Management, Cracow Pedagogical University of Cracow, Institute of Geography Adam Mickiewicz University, Faculty of Geographical and Geological Sciences, Poznań University of Łód, Faculty of Geographical Sciences. Krakow – Poland, 18-22 August 2014.

Casellas, A. (2014). From victims to activists: Self-empowerment through collective action in the Spanish housing crisis. Communication presented at: Epistemologies of the South International Colloquium, Centre for Social Studies, University of Coimbra. Coimbra (Portugal), 10-12 July 2014.

Casellas, A. (2014). Home eviction, protest movements and activism: Geographies of contestation in Spain. Communication presented at: Royal Geographical Society and Institute of British Geographers. In pannel session: Geographies of Forced Eviction (1): Crisis and Domicide in the Global North, Royal Geographical Society and Institute of British Geographers. London (UK), 26-29 August 2014.

Casellas, A. (2014). Urban restructuring in Barcelona´s Chinatown: Politics, Daily Life and Myth of a Mediterranean Port City. Communication presented at: Colloquium on Mediterranean Urban Studies. The Transformation of Mediterranean port cities: 19th and 20th century, American Association of Geographers. Mersin (Turkey), 23-24 October 2014.

Durà, A. (2014). La cooperació transfronterera als Pirineus: diversitat d’experiències en el marc europeu. Invited presentation at: Curs: Cooperació interregional i transfronterera als Pirineus. Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Societat Catalana de Geografia, Barcelona – Spain. 17 February 2014.

Garmendia, M.; Marín, A. (2014). A methodological proposal to assess the EO5-Eutrophication under the ECAP requirements. Invited presentation at: UNEP-MAP, Integrated Correspondence Groups of GES and Targets Meeting. Athens – Greece, 17-19 February 2014.

Marín, A. (2014). Monitoring Guidance on Ecological Objective 8: Coastal ecosystems and landscapes. Invited presentation at: UNEP-MAP Correspondence Group on Coast and Hydrography. Athens – Greece, 28 May 2014.

Trujillo-Martínez, A.J. (2014). Mapping cumulative impact of human activities on coastal and marine ecosystems. Invited presentation at: Meetings on COASTGAP Project Best Practices dissemination. Local meeting on Data, Information and Kowledge sharing. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Casa de Convalescència, Barcelona – Spain, 15 September 2014.

Trujillo-Martínez, A.J. (2014). Pegaso Project – Integrated Coastal Zone Management Indicators. Invited presentation at: Meetings on COASTGAP Project Best Practices Dissemination. Local meeting on Networking and Governance capitalization practices,Tools and methods. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Casa de Convalescència, Barcelona – Spain, 16 September 2014.

Trujillo-Martínez, A.J. (2014). BP6. Geoportal and Pegaso SDI. Invited presentation at: Working session with local stakeholders about COASTGAP project. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Casa de Convalescència, Barcelona – Spain, 26 September 2014.

Trujillo-Martínez, A.J. (2014). BP9. Coastal Observatory. -BP10. DIVA Model. -BP11. Webcam network for coastal monitoring. -BP12. Decision Support System (DSS) for defense planning. Invited presentation at: Working session with local stakeholders about COASTGAP project. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Casa de Convalescència, Barcelona – Spain, 26 September 2014.

Blanes, N.; Fons, J.; Milego, R. (2013). El Centre Temàtic Europeu Informació Espacial i Anàlisi. Un arbre en el bosc europeu. Presentation at: Eionet NRC Noise meeting. ETC-SIA (UAB) and EEA. Barcelona – Spain, 26-27 September 2013.

Breton, F. (2013). FP7 PEGASO project. Invited presentation at: Workshop on FP7 project on marine issues, HCMR, Athens – Greece, 13-14 June 2013.

Breton, F.; Skaricic, Z. (2013). FP7 PEGASO project. Invited presentation at: 2nd Joint Member State Expert Group on Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) and Integrated Coastal Management (ICM). DG ENV (European Commission), Brussels – Belgium, 2-3 July 2013.

Breton F.; Skaricic, Z. (2013). PEGASO Project: Supporting ICZM in the Mediterranean and Black Sea Basins. Communication presented at: Global Congress on ICM: Lessons Learned to Address New Challenges, EMECS 10 – MEDCOAST 2013 Joint Conference. MEDCOAST Foundation. Marmaris – Turkey, 30 October – 3 November 2013.

Breton, F.; Skaricic, Z. (2013). FP7 PEGASO project. Invited presentation at: ESPON meeting “Stepping towards the sea”. ESPON Programme, European Commission. Brussels – Belgium, 14-15 May 2013.

Breton, F.; Dinarès M.; Fos, J.; Saurí, D. (2013). Métabolisme Urbain. 7FP EU Projet MEDINA. Presentation at: Atelier sous régional sur les indicateurs de la GIZC. PEGASO/AREA-ED et Ministère de l’environnement et de l’aménagement du territoire. Alger – Algeria, 13-15 November 2013.

Dinarès M.; Garmendia, M.; Marín, A.; Morisseau, F. (2013). North Africa: Regional marine ecosystem assessment. Presentation at: MEDINA Annual Meeting. UAE-FPL (Université Abdelmalek ESSAADI, Marruecos). Tétouan – Moroccco, 1-3 September 2013.

Durà, A. (2013). Les villes moyennes de l’Arc Méditerranéen Occidental (Espagne-France-Italie): hiérarchisations et spécialisations urbaines. Presentation at: Séminaire “Villes moyennes, des villes en réseaux et des systèmes d’innovation”. LISST-CIEU, Université Toulouse2-Le Mirail, CNRS, EHESS. Tolouse – France. 22 March 2013.

Durà, A. (2013). La Eurorregión Pirineos Mediterráneo en contexto: la UE y el Mediterráneo. Presentation at: Seminario de cierre del proyecto COOP RECOT. Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Barcelona – Spain. 8 July 2013.

Fons-Esteve, J. (2013). Could European cities become quieter? Communication presented at: State of play of the Environmental Noise Directive. 6th workshop towards an Integrated Urban Monitoring in Europe (IUME). European Environment Agency, European Topic Centre on Land Use and Spatial Information. Brussels – Belgium, 22 October 2013.

Nowell, M.S., Kalwij, J.M., Salvati, L., Breton, F. (2013). Composition, configuration or complexity: spatial metrics to manage disturbed seascapes. Communication presented at: YOUMARES 4 Conference. 11-Oldenburg – Germany. 13 September 2013.

Nowell, M.S.; Salvati, L.; Breton, F. (2013). Seascape Metrics for the Mediterranean Sea: A Case Study. Communication presented at: Global Congress on ICM: Lessons Learned to Address New Challenges, EMECS 10 – MEDCOAST 2013 Joint Conference, MEDCOAST Foundation. Marmaris – Turkey, 30 October – 3 November 2013.

Breton, F.; Morisseau, F. (2012). PEGASO main achievements and PEGASO main achievements and prospective of network. The basis for an enlarged platform on Ecosystem Based – ICZM in the Mediterranean. Communicaton presented at: International Symposium on Water and Wetlands in the Mediterranean. Ramsar Convention, MedWet Initiative, High Commissariat for Water, Forests and Desertification Control of Morocco. Agadir, Morocco, 6-8 February 2012.

Chelleri; L.; Romagosa; F.; Breton, F. (2012). Delta urbanism in Spanish Ebro Delta. Communication presented at: American Planning Associacion National Conference. American Planning Associacion. Los Angeles – USA, 15 April 2012.

Durà, A. (2012). Macroregions in the Mediterranean: a new strategy for development and peace. Communication presented at: Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting. Association of American Geographers. New York – USA, 24-28 February 2012.

Fons, J. (2012). Parallel Workshop Session: Workshop 1.1 Urban Fabric – EU-LUPA. Invited presentation at: ESPON Internal Seminar 2012 “Territorial Development Opportunities in Europe and its Neighbourhood Fostering Global Competitiveness”. ESPON Programme in cooperation with Cyprus Presidency of the Council of the European Union. Paphos – Cyprus, 5 – 6 Desember 2012.

Fons, J.; Saurí, D.; Dinarès, M. (2012). Urban Metabolism. WP5 – Participatory regional ecosystem assessment. Invited presentation at: MEDINA project First Training session on Indicators and Project Technical Board. Université Abdelmalek Essâadi – Faculté Polydisciplinaire à Larache. Tangier – Morocco, 28-30 May 2012.

Marín, A.; Morisseau, F. (2012). Conceptual Framework for MEDINA indicator sets selection. Invited presentation at: MEDINA project First Training session on Indicators and Project Technical Board. Université Abdelmalek Essâadi, Faculté Polydisciplinaire à Larache. Tangier – Morocco, 28-30 May 2012.

Marín, A.; Morisseau, F. (2012). Participatory process. Enhanced DPSIR fof indicator sets selection. Invited presentation at: MEDINA project 1st Training session on Indicators and Project Technical Board. Université Abdelmalek Essâadi, Faculté Polydisciplinaire à Larache. Tangier – Morocco, 28-30 May 2012.

Marín, A.; Morisseau, F. (2012). Regional Ecosystem Assessment Status. Invited presentation at: MEDINA project Annual Meeting. IUCN. Gammarth – Tunisia, 19-23 November  2012.

Morata, F.; Durà, A. (2012). Presentació de les Conclusions de la II Conferencia Econòmica de la Mediterrània Nordoccidental. Invited presentation at: Auditori del Pati Manning, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Barcelona – Spain, 13 March 2012.

Morata, F.; Durà, A. (2012). La Euroregión Pirineos Mediterráneo. Presente y Futuro. Communication presented at: III Seminario Internacional sobre Cooperación Territorial. Universidad de Vigo, Cambados – Pontevedra, 13-14 April 2012.

Morata, F.; Durà, A.; Oliveras, X.; Colomb, C. (2012). Building institutional capacity through cross-border cooperation: challenges and achievements in the Iberian Península. Communication presented at: 2012 European ABS Conference. Borders and Borderlands. Association for Borderlands Studies. Lisboa – Portugal, 12-15 September 2012.

Morisseau, F.; Nowell, M.S.; Breton, F. (2012). Cumulative impact mapping of the western Mediterranean Sea in the framework of PEGASO project (People for Ecosystem Based Governance in Assessing Sustainable Development of Ocean and Coast). Poster presented at: Research and Ecosystem-Based Management Strategies in Support of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive. Aarhus University, DHI, International Council for the Exploration of the Seas (ICES), University of Copenhagen in collaboration with Danish Ministry of the Environment. Copenhagen – Denmark, 14–16 May 2012.

Romagosa, F.; Chelleri, L.; Trujillo-Martínez, A.J.; Breton, F. (2012). Equilibrio; resistencia y resiliencia en el delta del Ebro. Communication presented at: I Congreso Iberoamericano de Gestión Integrada de Áreas Litorales. Universidad de Cádiz. Cádiz – Spain, 25-27 January 2012.

Blanes, N.; Fons-Esteve J. (2011). Overview of noise abatement activities in Europe.  Invited presentation at: First Meeting of the Interest Group on Traffic Noise Abatement (IGNA). Federal Department of the Environment Transport Energy and Communications, Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN), Noise Abatement Division. Zurich – Switzerland, 30 June 2011.

Breton, F. (2011). Pegaso project: production of an innovative and useful toolbox for the monitoring of the coast and the sea by the countries. Invited presentation at: PAP RAC NFP (National Focal Points) meeting. UNEP/MAP, Government of Croatia. Dubrovnik – Croatia, 18-19 October 2011.

Breton, F. (2011). Work done in PEGASO project for supporting the development of physical accounts of Mediterranean Natural capital for coast and sea. Invited presentation at: EIONET meeting. EIONET, European Environment Agency. Copenhaguen – Denmark, 22-23 November 2011.

Breton, F. (2011). PEGASO project coastal indicators: identification needs for ICZM indicators for the Magreb. Invited presentation at: Atelier sous-régional sur les indicateurs de la GIZC dans les pays de l’Afrique du Nord (Maroc, Algérie, Tunisie): Les expériences Méditerranéennes des indicateurs GIZC. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Minisère de l’Environnement et Planification Territoriale d’Algier. Alger – Algeria. 26 November 2011.

Breton, F. (2011). Coastal vulnerability in the Mediterranean: the territories, the cities and the socio-ecosystems. Invited presentation at: International course on “Vulnerability of the coast and populations to sea level rise and tsunami”. IOC-UNESCO. Paris – France, 4-5 December 2011.

Breton, F.; Chelleri, L. (2011). SGR INTERFASE: Research Group on Coastal and Marine Resources, Territorial Assets and Landscapes. Invited presentation at: Biodiversa meeting. Centre Scientifique. Monaco – Principat de Mònaco, 20-21 de gener de 2011.

Breton, F.; Morisseau, F.; Nowell, M.S. (2011). Ecosystem accounting for the mediterranean and Black Sea Bassin, introducing Sea Ecosystem Accounts. Invited presentation at: Pegaso project Work Package 4 meeting. University of Nottingham. Nottingham, UK, 12-14 December 2011.

Breton, F.; Ramos, M.J.; Ubach, R. (2011). El projecte LEAC: feina desenvolupada i cap a on es vol avançar. Presentation at: Cicle de seminaris de difusió de la recerca de l’Equip SGR Interfase. Research Group SGR Interfase and Department of Geography of Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Bellaterra – Spain, 26 May 2011.

Chelleri, L.; Breton, F. (2011). Resilience for ICZM: an adaptive governance approach. Invited presentation at: NATREG International Workshop. Planning for sustainable coastal management. Centro Congressi Comune di Rosolina Mare. Rovigo – Italy, 29 April 2011.

Chelleri, L.; Breton, F.; Ozalabal, M. (2011). Some starters for the translation of Resilience Thinking theory in the Spatial Planning Practices. Communication presented at: Resilience 2011. Resilience, Innovation and Sustainability: navigating the complexities of global change. Second International Science and Policy Conference. Arizona State University (ASU). Tempe (Arizona) – USA, 11-16 March 2011.

Chelleri, L., Breton, F., Shuetze, T., Trujillo-Martínez, A.J., Ridolfi, E. (2011). Navigating European Deltas vulnerabilities and resilience: learning from different adaptation approaches and experiences how to cope with changes in social ecological systems. Poster presented at: Resilience 2011. Resilience, Innovation and Sustainability: navigating the complexities of global change. Second International Science and Policy Conference. Arizona State University (ASU). Tempe (Arizona) – USA, 11-16 March 2011.

Durà, A. (2011). Reflexions geogràfico-històriques sobre les relacions entre Sardenya i Catalunya. Invited presentation at: Jornada d’estudi de les relacions entre Catalunya i Sardenya. Institut d’Estudis Catalans, Camera Italiana – Barcelona, Consolato Generale d’Itallia – Barcellona, Istituto Italiano di Cultura. Barcelona (Catalunya) – Spain, 10 November 2011.

Fons-Esteve, J. (2011). Urban Sprawl in Europe. Invited presentation at: Workshop ‘Evidence on European Land Use’. ESPON EU-LUPA Project, Research Group SGR Interfase of Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (representing ETC/SIA of UAB as project partner). Brussels – Belgium, 24 May 2011.

Fons-Esteve, J. (2011). On comença la ciutat? Patrons i dinàmiques de les ciutats Europees en els últims 20 anys. Presentation at: Cicle de seminaris de difusió de la recerca de l’Equip SGR Interfase. Research Group SGR Interfase and Department of Geography of Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Bellaterra – Spain, 29 May 2011.

Fons-Esteve, J. (2011). Understanding Land Use Patterns in Europe. Invited presentation at: ESPON Open Seminar ‘Evidence and Knowledge Needs for the Territorial Agenda 2020 and the EU Cohesion Policy’. ESPON Program. Gödöllö – Hungary, 22 June 2011.

Fons-Esteve, J. (2011). Towards an Integrated Urban Monitoring in Europe. Invited presentation at: ICLEI European Convention 2011: Cities in Europe 2020 – Enhance sustainability now!’ ICLEI. Brussels – Belgium, 12-14 September 2011.

Fons-Esteve, J. (2011). Ciutats i qualiltat de vida. Invited presentation at: Jornada Millora i recuperació de la qualitat acústica. Plans d’acció. Generalitat de Catalunya – Departament de Territori i Sostenibilitat, Research Group SGR Interfase of Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Barcelona – Spain, 20 September 2011.

Fons-Esteve, J. (2011). Urban Monitoring in Europe. Invited presentation at: Informed Cities Forum 2011: Rio+20, local performance and the role of research. Commune de Napoli, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II. Napoli – Italy, 26-27 October 2011.

Fons-Esteve, J. (2011). Land use patterns in Europe: are they sustainable? Invited presentation at: Seminar ‘Evidence-based Cohesion Policy: Territorial Dimensions’. ESPON Program, Poland Presidency of European Union. Kraków – Poland, 29-30 November 2011.

Martínez, C.; Guimet, J.; Breton, F. (2011). Constructing together a Geographical Information System for the Mediterranean and Black Sea”. Invited presentation. Marseille – France, 16 May 2011.

Ridolfi, E., Saurí, D., Chelleri, L., Breton, F. (2011). Adapting Touristic Coastal Zones of Spain Towards Sustainable and Integrated Water Management. Communication presented at: Resilient Cities 2011: 2nd World Congress on Cities and Adaptation to Climate Change. ICLEI, Workd Mayors Council on Climate Change, Sustainability Bonn. Bonn – Germany, 3-5 June 2011.

Trujillo-Martínez, A.J. (2011). PEGASO project WP2: the ICZM Stock-take questionnaire and its implementation in the Spanish Mediterranean coasts. Presentation at: Cicle de seminaris de difusió de la recerca de l’Equip SGR Interfase. Research Group SGR Interfase and Department of Geography of Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Bellaterra – Spain, 13 July 2011.

Breton, F. (2010). Climate Change and vulnerability: how LEAC tools can be useful and beyond.. Invited presentation at: Workshop on ICZM in a Climate Change perspective: important issues for the Mediterranean – International Doctoral Programme on Climate Change. Università Ca’Foscari. Venezia – Italy, 4 March 2010.

Breton, F. (2010) Mediterranian and Black Sea research and governance actions’. Invited presentation representing UAB and the ETC/LUSI of EEA at: Workshop: Integrated Maritime Policy in the Mediterranean and Black Sea in practice (5.4)”, 3rd European Maritime Day  Stakeholder Conference. Spanish Presidency of European Union. Gijón – Spain, 20 May 2010.

Breton, F. (2010). El projecte PEGASO: un projecte de futur. Institutional presentation of PEGASO project and the ETC-LUS/EEA to the general director of Departament d’Innovació, Universitats i Empresa – Generalitat de Catalunya. Barcelona – Spain, 27 May 2010.

Breton, F. (2010). Els reptes pendents en la sostenibilitat de la Mediterrània: Què fa Europa? Qui ho fa? Què podem fer des de Catalunya? Invited presentation representing UAB and the ETC/LUSI of EEA at: IX Fòrum TIG SIG 2010. Institut Cartogràfic de Catalunya. Barcelona – Spain, 9 June 2010.

Breton, F. (2010). PEGASO Progress Workshop. Invited presentation at: International workshop on Collaborative applications at various scales and Integrated Regional Assessment for Mediterranean and Black Sea basins. PEGASO project 2nd General Meeting. Danube Delta National Institute. Tulcea – Romania, 4-9 July 2010.

Breton, F. (2010). Short information on the PEGASO project. Invited presentation representing the UAB at: Workshop to validate the Mediterranean ICZM Stock-taking questionnaire and Mediterranean Coast Day celebration. Priority Actions Programme (UNEP-MAP), Ministry of Environment of Slovenia. Portoroz – Slovenia, 24-25 September 2010.

Breton, F. (2010). Presentation of PEGASO project: People for Ecosystem based Governance Assessing Sustainable Development of Ocean and coast. Invited presentation representing the UAB at: 13th ICZM AG Meeting on the development of a common methodology for ICZM. The Commission on the Protection of the Black Sea Against Pollution, ICZM Advisory Group. Istambul – Turkey, 30 September–1 October 2010.

Breton, F. (2010h). The PEGASO project and what it brings to vulnerability and  responses. Invited presentation representing the UAB at: ERAM Workshop – Marine and Costal Zone Environmental Management: Risk Analysis and Mitigation for sustainable growth. National Institute of Fisheries (NIOF). Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Alexandria – Egypt, 3-5 October 2010.

Breton, F. (2010). People for Ecosystem based Governance Assessing Sustainable Development of Ocean and coast. Invited presentation at: PEGASO CASES Workshop. National Institute of Fisheries (NIOF). Alexandria – Egypt, 6-8 October 2010.

Breton, F. (2010). El projecte PEGASO: Desenvolupament i gestió d’un projecte europeu FP7. Presentation at: Seminari de recerca: Temes Avançats en Geografia i Ordenació del Territori, Màster Oficial en Estudis Territoris i de la Població. Departament of Geography of Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Bellaterra – Spain, 19 October 2010.

Breton, F.; Giraud, J.P.; Belfiore, S. (2010). Working directions for indicators in the PEGASO project. Invited presentation at: PEGASO Kick Off meeting. Università Ca’Fosari. Venezia – Italy, 12-14 April 2010.

Breton, F.; Skaridjic, Z. (2010). Presentation of the ICZM stock-take adapted to Black Sea. Invited presentation representing the UAB at: International Black Sea Day Activities – Panel 7: Coastal Zone Management Activities and Marine Protected Areas in the Black Sea. The Commission on the Protection of the Black Sea Against Pollution, Turkish Ministry of Environment and Forestry. Trabzon – Turkey, 31 October–2 November 2010.

Breton, F.; Trujillo-Martínez, A.J. (2010). Equip INTERFASE: Grup de Recerca Consolidat en Recursos Costaners, Territoris i Paisatges. Línies d’investigació. Presentation at: Seminari de recerca: Temes Avançats en Geografia i Ordenació del Territori, Màster Oficial en Estudis Territoris i de la Població. Departament of Geography of Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Bellaterra – Spain, 19 January 2010.

Chelleri, L.; Breton, F. (2010). Rethinking spatial planning paradigms at the light of a critical approach on Ecosystem Services. Communication presented at: 1st World Conference on Climate Change Adaptation “Resilient Cities 2010”. ICLEI. Bonn-Cologne, Germany, 27-30 May 2010.

Durà, A. (2010). La Cooperació Territorial en l’àrea de l’Arc Llatí. Invited presentation at: Sperimentare lo sviluppo. Idee, modelli, ricerca. Governo Regional de Sardegna / Università de Sassari. Sassari, Cerdenya – Italy, 12 March 2010.

Durà, A. (2010). Barcelona and the Mediterranean: a cultural voyage from the medieval Chronicles to new writers testimonies“. Communication presented at: Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting 2010. Session: ‘Cultural / Spatial Dialectics in Spain (II): Work at the intersection of Iberian Cultural Studies and Geography’. Association of American Geographers. Washington D.C. – USA, 14-18 April 2010.

Durà, A. (2010). Arc Mediterrani i Cooperació Territorial, conceptes inseparables. Invited presentation at: Col·loqui Internacional  ‘Les transformacions territorials a banda i banda dels Pirineus. Formes, lògiques i reptes’. Institut d’Estudis Territorials, Societat Catalana de Geografia, Casa de Velázquez. Gandia – Spain, 19-20 April 2010.

Durà, A.; Oliveras, X. (2010). Cooperación transfronteriza en el Pirineo Mediterráneo. Invited presentation at: Jornadas Pirenaico-Andinas. Dos mundos, dos fronteras. Donostia – Spain, 20-21 October 2010.

Durà, A.; Oliveras, X. (2010). Recent dynamics in European cross-border cooperation: towards a new period? Communication presented at: Regional Studies Association Annual International Conference 2010. Centre for Regional Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Pécs – Hungary, 24-26 May 2010.

Haines-Young, R.; Potschin, M.; Breton, F.; Ivanov, E. D. (2010). What are land and ecosystem accounts? Some examples in the Nile Delta. Invited presentation representing the UAB at: PEGASO CASES Workshop. National Institute of Fisheries (NIOF). Alexandria – Egypt, 6-8 October 2010.

Romagosa, F.; Breton, F. (2010). Test to implement tourist indicators in EDEN destinations. Invited presentation at: Tourism Sustainability Group meeting. European Comission. Brussels – Belgium, 17 june 2010.

Trujillo-Martínez, A.J. (2010). El concepte de Sistema Socio-Ecològic (SSE) i la mapificació de socioecosistemes de zones humides litorals. Presentation at: Seminari de recerca: Temes Avançats en Geografia i Ordenació del Territori, Màster Oficial en Estudis Territoris i de la Població. Departament of Geography of Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Bellaterra – Spain, 19 October 2010.

Breton, F. (2009). People for Ecosystem based Governance Assessing Sustainable Development of Ocean and coast. Invited presentation representing the UAB at: 7th Workshop of the European Maritime Day Stakeholder Conference. European Commission. Governo Italiano. Palazzo Colonna, Roma – Italy, 18-21 May 2009.

Breton, F. (2009). Adopting an Indicator Based Approach to Evaluate Coastal Sustainable Development. Invited presentation representing eth ETC/LUSI of EEA at: 7th Workshop of the European Maritime Day Stakeholder Conference. European Commission. Governo Italiano. Palazzo Colonna, Roma – Italy, 18-21 May 2009.

Breton, F. (2009). Adopting indicators to evaluate coastal sustainable  development. Invited presentation representing ETC/LUSI of EEA at: EU Maritime Days. European Commission. Roma – Italy, 19 May 2009.

Breton, F. (2009). People for Ecosystem based Governance Assessing Sustainable Development of Ocean and coast. Invited presentation representing the UAB at: PAP-RAC, INFO RAC and Blue Plan meeting. UNEP-MAP, PAP/RAC. Zagreb – Croatia, 25-29 May 2009.

Breton, F. (2009). People for Ecosystem based Governance Assessing Sustainable Development of Ocean and coast. Invited presentation representing the UAB at: National Focal Point meeting of MAP. UNEP-MAP. Athens – Greece, 6-9 July 2009.

Breton, F.; Chelleri, L. (2009). ICZM in the new Mediterranean dimension: The PEGASO Project proposals. Invited presentatoin representing the UAB at: Coast Day. UNEP-MAP, PAP/RAC. Cagliari (Sardegna) – Italy, 15 October 2009.

Breton, F.; Ivanov, E.D.; Iglesias-Campos, A.; Arévalo, J. (2009). Methodologies to build up tools to measure coastal sustainable development in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. Communication presented at: MEDCOAST  09 The Ninth International Conference On The Mediterranean Coastal Environment. MEDCOAST Foundation. Sochi – Rusia, 10-14 November 2009.

Breton, F.; Ivanov, E. D.; Saurí, D.; Trujillo-Martínez A.J.; Mangin, A. (2009). Impacts of water treatment on marine ecosystems: a tentative approach for Barcelona. Communication presented at: International workshop on Impact of large coastal Mediterranean cities on marine ecosystems. IFREMER, ASRT, NIOF, CIESM, MEDPOL. Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Alexandria – Egypt, 10-12 February 2009.

Breton, F.; Trujillo-Martínez, A.J.; Iglesias-Campos A.; Ivanov, E.; Salgado, G.; Simonazzi, W. (2009). The PEGASO project: People for Ecosystem Based Governance in Assessing Sustainable Development of Ocean and Coast. Invited poster representing the UAB at: 3rd Geo European Projects Workshop. GEO-GEOSS Group, Tubitak. Istambul – Turkey, 8-9 October 2009.

Breton, F.; Trujillo-Martínez, A. J.; Iglesias-Campos, A.; Ivanov, E. D.; Salgado, G.; Simonazzi, W. (2009). The PEGASO project: People for Ecosystem Based Governance in Assessing Sustainable Development of Ocean and Coast. Invited poster representing the UAB at: GEO VI Sixth Plenary Session Meeting, GEO-GEOSS Group. Whashington D.C. – USA, 17-18 November 2009.

Durà, A. (2009). Les 4 grans Cròniques: societat, economia i territori a la Mediterrània medieval i d’avui. Invited presentation at: XXVI Edició de la Universitat d’Estiu de Gandia ‘Arrels i Futur’. Curs –  “Revisitant els clàssics de la nostra cultura” (Dir. Josep Vicent Boira. UV). Universitat de València. Gandia (Comunitat Valenciana), 21-24 July 2009.

Iglesias-Campos, A.; Simonazzi, W.; Arévalo J.; Breton, F. (2009). European Coastal and Marine Data for Information Support Systems Harmonization and Reference data. Communication presented at: MEDCOAST 09, The Ninth International Conference On The Mediterranean Coastal Environment. MEDCOAST Foundation. Sochi – Russia, 10-14 Novemer 2009.

Breton, F. (2008). Initiatives to continue the task of DEDUCE project. Invited expert presentation at: Meeting on coastal and marine indicators in the new INTERREG Programme at the European Commission. Directorate General for Environment of European Comission. European Commission. Brussels – Belgium, 10 January 2008.

Breton, F. (2008). The EEA ecosystem account project. Pilot initiatives for the Mediterranen Wetlands. Invited expert presentationt at: Interreg 3C MedWet / MedCode conference. MedWet. Athens – Greece, 17-18 March 2008.

Breton, F. (2008). The MESMED project. Invited expert presentationt at: IMAGINE Meeting. Plan Bleu – Regional Activity Centre. Sophia Antipolis, Valbonne – France, 21-22 April 2008.

Breton, F. (2008). Accounting for Wetland Socio-Ecological Systems in the Mediterranean Region. Stocks, Flows, Resilience, Services, Benfits, Costs. Invited expert presentationt at: Bonn 2008, Space Supporting the Rio (UNCBD, UNCCD and UNFCCC). World Heritage and Ramsar Conventions, European Space Agency (ESA). Bonn – Germany, 26 May 2008.

Breton, F.; Martin, B. (2008). Site event on wetland mapping. Invited expert presentationt at: Interreg 3C MedWet / MedCode conference. MedWet. Athens – Greece, 17-18 March 2008.

Breton, F. (2008). Implementación de la GIZC en los países costeros europeos y utilidad de los indicadores de sostenbilidad para la GIZC. Invited presentation at: Máster Internacional en Gestión de Zonas Costeras y Estuáricas. LIM/UPC, Dept. Ingeniería Hidráulica Marítima y Ambiental, E.T.S. Ingeniería de Caminos, Canales y Puertos de Barcelona, Fundació UPC. Barcelona –  Spain, 30 May 2008.

Breton, F. (2008). Mapping of socioecosystem using CORINE land cover and new developments. Invited expert presentationt at: 1rst GEO-GEOSS regional meeting, organitzat per Group on Earth Observation-Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEO-GEOSS). Athens – Greece, 9-13 June 2008.

Breton, F. (2008). Work on indicators and data in Europe (WG-ID, DEDUCE). Invited expert presentationt at: Expert meeting on the Action Plan for the Implementation of the ICZM Protocol. UNEP-MAP, PAC/RAC. Split – Croatia, 17-18 June 2008.

Breton, F. (2008). Experience on testing observatories and indicators for the coast and the interface. Invited expert presentationt at: From Interreg and other projects. EEA coastal atlases conference. European Environment Agency (EEA). Copenhaguen – Denmark, 9-10 July 2008.

Breton, F. (2008). Les services environnementaux des zones humides et leur gestion participative. Invited expert presentationt at: Deltas de la Méditerranée, enjeux et gestion pour le 21ème siècle Journées franco-catalanes. République Française – Service pour la Science et la Technologie, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Tour du Valat (Camargue), IRTA, Institut Cartogràfic de Catalunya, Agència Catalana de l’Aigua, Institut  Française de Barcelona. Barcelona and Deltebre – Spain, 1-3 October 2008.

Breton, F.; Ivanov, E.; Haines-Young, R. (2008). Ecosystem accounting for the cost of biodiversity loss:  how to continue. Invited expert presentation. Danube Delta National Institute. Tulcea – Romania, 12-19 July 2008.

Boira, J.V.; Durà, A. (2008). Mediterranean memories: cities and territories in the global context. Valencia and Barcelona strategies in the early XXIth century. Communication presented at: 2008 Association of American Geographers (AAG) Annual Meeting. Sessió: “The Med is the Net: Representing and Remaking Mediterranean Geographies”. Association of American Geographers. Boston – USA, 15-19 April 2008.

Durà, A. (2008). L’Euroregió i les xarxes transeuropees. Invited presentation at: Seminari la cooperació transfronterera a la Unió Europea. Institut Universitari d’Estudis Europeus (IUEE), Consorci Universitat Internacional Menéndez Pelayo (CUIMP). Barcelona – Spain, 1–2 October 2008.

Durà, A.; Boira, J.V. (2008). Rebuilding historical links between Western Mediterranean cities: challenges and opportunities in the changing Euro-Mediterranean context. Communication presented at: 2008 Association of American Geographers (AAG) Annual Meeting. Session: “The Med is the Net: Representing and Remaking Mediterranean Geographies”. Association of American Geographers. Boston – USA, 15-19 April 2008.

Durà, A.; Oliveras, X. (2008). A typology of agents and subjects of regional cooperation: the experience of the Mediterranean Arch. Invited presentation at: Research Network on Sub-national collaboration for regional development: the role of networking among regions. Friedrich Schiller Universität, Jena – Germany, 31 October-1 November 2008.

Durà, A.; Oliveras, X. (2008). La cooperación territorial en el Arco Mediterráneo: una tipología de actores y temáticas. Invited presentation at: Jornadas de la RECOT (Red Europea de Cooperación Transfronteriza). Universidad del País Basco. Bilbao – Spain, 12-13 December 2008.

Mangin, A.: Breton, F.; Fanton, O.; Garnesson, P. (2008). Validation and exploitation of GlobColour-like timeseries of ocean colour as a support to implementation of Water Framework Directive. Invited poster at: 5th EuroGOOS Conference Coastal to Global Operational Oceanography: Achievements and Challenges. Sandy Park (Exeter) – UK, 20-22 May 2008.

Marotta, L.; Cecchi, A.; Ridolfi, E.; Breton, F.; Ceccaroni, L. (2008). Downscaling Indicators of Integrated Coastal Zone Management in the Mediterranean Sea. Communication presented at: 9th International Conference LITTORAL 2008, A Changing Coast: Challenge For The Environmental Policies. EUROCOAST, CORILA, EUCC COASTAL UNION, Università Ca’Foscari, Consiglio Nazionale delle  Richerche, ENCORA, LAGUNET, SPICOSA. Venezia – Italy, 25-28 November 2008.

Tous, C.; Trujillo-Martínez, A.J.; Breton, F. (2008). Percepció del litoral i adaptació al canvi climàtic a Catalunya. Invited presentation at: Consell Assesor per al Desenvoupament Sostenible de Cataluña (CADS), Centre Internacional de Premsa. Barcelona – Spain, 26 November 2008.

Breton, F. (2007). Control, as appropriate, further development of the undeveloped coast. Invited presentation at: Using indicators to measure the sustainable development of the European coast. DEDUCE Technical Conference. Interreg IIIC South Project DEDUCE. Tarragona – Spain, 2-3 March 2007.

Breton, F. (2007). Vulnerabilitat i adaptabilitat del territori al canvi climàtic. Un estat de la qüestió. Presentation at: Seminario Adaptabilitat al canvi climàtic. Ciclo de seminarios “Recerca en Adaptabilitat al Canvi Climàtic”. Research Group INTERFASE, Departament of Geography of Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Bellaterra – Spaing, 24 April 2007.

Breton, F. (2007). Aspectes socioeconòmics de l’evolució del litoral. Invited presentation at: Jornades sobre el Canvi Climàtic a l’Europa Mediterrània: el litoral i les àrees de muntanya. Grup d’Experts en Canvi Climàtic de Catalunya, Institut d’Estudis Catalans. Barcelona – Spain, 8-9 November 2007.

Breton, F.; Fons, J. (2007). Climate change and adaptaion at EU scale. Expert presentation at: Adaptation to climate change: bridging science and decision making. Research Group INTERFASE, ETC-LUSI /EEA, Generalitat de Catalunya. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Bellaterra – Spain, 30 November 2007.

Breton F.; Meiner, A. (2007). Land and ecosystem accounts: application for the coastal zones. Communication for a special session on accounting presented at: Framing land use dynamic II Conference (FLUD). Utrech – The Netherlands, 18-20 April 2007.

Durà, A. (2007). El caso de la Euroregión Pirineos Mediterráneo. Diversidad de iniciativas en el Arco Mediterráneo. Inviterd presentation at: 1er Seminario internacional sobre cooperación transfronteriza. Universidad de Vigo. Allariz, Spain, 30 November–1 Desember 2007.

Durà, A. (2007). Perspectives de futur: reptes i oportunitats. La cooperació regional, instrument per al desenvolupament sostenible”. Invited presentation at: Jornades sobre sostenibilitat i territori. Els límits del creixement als Països Catalans. Fundació Congrés de Cultura Catalana (FCCC), Societat Catalana d’Ordenació del Territori (SCOT). Lleida – Spain, 4 November 2007.

Breton, F. (2006). Indicadors de salud dels ecosistemes per a la Xarxa N2000. Una visió mediterrània des de l’àmbit local. Invited lecture at: Seminari Natura 2000 a l’Arc Llatí. Implantació, compromís, territori i finançament. Una visió mediterrània des de l’àmbit local, Xarxa de Municipis de la Diputació de Barcelona, FEDENATUR, IUCN, Barcelona – Spain, 26-27 October 2006.

Breton, F. (2006). Presentation of the report “The changing faces of Europe’s coastal areas. Invited lecture at: Integrated Coastal Zone Management: from theory to collaborative action towards a sustainable future. Interreg IIIC Projects Initiative COPRANET, Mediterranean SOS Network. Athens – Greece, 23-24 November 2006.

Breton, F. (2006). ICZM Indicators and their implementation. Invited presentation at: Meeting of Action Group on ICZM. Black Sea Commission. Istambul – Turkey, 28-29 June 2006.

Breton, F. (2006). Les littoraux: indicateurs et politiques. Invited presentation at: Action educative internationale sur la GIZC LIMED 21. Université de Nice. Nice – France, 26 June 2006.

Breton, F. (2006). Information and data for ICZM. Invited presentation at: DG-ENV: Expert group ICZM Recommendation. 6th Meeting. Directorate General for Environment (DG ENV) of European Commission. Brussels – Belgium, 1 June 2006.

Breton, F. (2006). Case study on coastal wetlands. Invited presentation at: Expert meeting on land use and ecosystem accounting. European Environment Agency (EEA). Copenhaguen – Denmark, 18-19 May 2006.

Breton, F.; Uhel, R. (2006). Le littoral européen et l’environnement. Invited presentation at: Séminaire technique sur les indicateurs et le suivi de la gestion intégrée du litoral. Institut Français de l’Environnement (IFEN), Ministère Française de l’Ecologie et du Développement Durable (MEDD). Paris – France, 23 March 2006.

Breton, F. (2006). Presentation of the report ‘The changing faces of Europe’s coastal areas’. Invited presentaton at: MEDD conference. Ministère française de l’Écologie et du Développement Durable (MEED). Paris – France, 23 March 2006.

Durà, A.; Boira, J.V. (2006). L’euroregió com a fórmula de cooperació i superació dels conflictos de l’aigua a l’arc mediterrani. Invited presentation at: Seminari “Recursos hídrics en l’Euroregió Pirineus-Mediterrània”. València – Spain, 18-19 May 2006.

Durà, A.; Boira, J.V. (2006). Debating Euroregions in Europe: recent evolution and new emerging realities. The case of the Euroregion Pyrenees-Mediterranean. Communication presented at: 2006 Association of American Geographers (AAG) Annual Meeting. Association of American Geographers. Chicago – USA, 7-11 March 2006.

Meiner, A., Breton, F. (2006). Presentation of the report ‘The changing faces of Europe’s coastal areas. Invited presentation at: Littoral 2006 8th International Conference ‘Coastal Innovations and Initiatives’. EUROCOAST Federation, EUCC The Coastal Union, Gdansk University of Technology. Gdansk – Poland, 18-20 September 2006.

Breton, F. (2005). Tendances des littoraux Européens: mise en perspective. Invited presentation at: Colloque Prospectives pour le litoral. Ministère de l’Environnement et Developpement Durable (MEDD). Paris – France, 1-2 Mars 2005.

Breton, F. (2005). Current state of the assessment on the state of coast. Invited presentation at: State of coast-Stakeholder Consultative Meeting. ETC-TE/EEA. Departament de Medi Ambient i Habitatge – Generalitat de Catalunya. Barcelona – Spain, 9 March 2005.

Breton, F. (2005). Working Plan 2005 of the WG-ID: next steps. Invited presentatoin at: Working Group on Indicators and Data Meeting. ETC-TE/EEA. Departament de Medi Ambient i Habitatge – Generalitat de Catalunya. Barcelona – Spain, 10 March 2005.

Breton, F.; Trujillo-Martínez, A.J. (2005). Grup de recerca INTERFASE. Presentation at: Jornades de Recerca Ambiental a la UAB. Univeristat Autònoma de Barcelona. Facultat de Ciències de la UAB. Bellaterra – Spain, 28-29 June 2005.

Breton F.; Oliver, L.; Planas, M. (2005). Urbanización de baja densidad e incendios forestales. El caso de Maçanet de la selva (Girona). Communication presented at: XIX Congreso de la Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles. Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles, Universidad de Cantabria. Santander – Spain, 26-29 October 2005.

Breton, F. (2005). Instrumentos y experiencias a nivel europeo. Invited presentaton at: Hacia una gestión sostenible del litoral español: Iniciativas a nivel estatal, regional y local. Consorci El Far, EUCC, MMA, DMAH. Barcelona – Spain, 17 October 2005.

Breton, F. (2005). Les indicateurs européens du développement durable des zones côtières. Invited presentation at: Action éducative internationale sur la Gestion Intégrée des Zones Côtières au service du développement durable en Méditerranée. Equipe de Nice UMR 6012 Espace du CNRS, Université Nice Sophia Antipolis. Nice – France, 24-27 October 2005.

Cuadrado, S.; Romagosa, F.; Durà, A.; Estalella, H.; Breton, F. (2005). Espacios públicos. Espacios privados. Un debate sobre el territorio. Communication presented at: XIX Congreso de la Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles. Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles, Universidad de Cantabria. Santander – Spain, 26-29 October 2005.

Durà, A. (2005). L’Arc Mediterrani en el context de la cooperació europea: Euroregions i xarxes de ciutats. Invited presentation at: Seminari Europa i l’arc mediterrani. Entre la dimensió regional i la xarxa urbana. València – Spain, 17-18 November 2005.

Durà, A.; Oliveras, X. (2005). La E-9: eje estratégico en la construcción de la Euroregion pirineo-mediterráneo. Communication presented at: XIX Congreso de la Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles. Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles, Universidad de Cantabria. Santander – Spain, 26-29 October 2005.

Breton, F. (2004). Gestió Integrada del Litoral a Europa. Invited presentation at: Iniciativa estratègica per a la gestió integrada de zones costaneres a Catalunya. Departament de Medi Ambient i Habitage – Generalitat de Catalunya. Tortosa, Spain, 3-4 February 2004.

Breton, F. (2004). Fragmentation issues and coastal management. Inviterd presentation at: High Level Expert Meeting on Fragmentation. ETC-TE of EEA. Barcelona – Spain, 3-4 June 2004.

Breton, F. (2004). An indicators-based method for measuring the sustainable development of the coastal zone. EU Working Group on Indicators and Data. Invited presentation at: Workshop on Indicators and data. ETC-TE of the EEA, Malta Ministry of Environment. La Valleta – Malta, 8-11 June 2004.

Breton, F.; Montori, C., Meiner, A. (2004). Towards an European Coastal Assessment. Communication presented at: The Coastal Conference: European coasts at risk, how to manage? Dutch Presidency of European Union. Rotterdam – Netherlands, 12-13 December 2004.

Pickaver, A., Gilbert, C., Breton, F. (2004). Further Advances in the Development of and Indicator to Measure the Progress in the Implementation of Integrated Coastal Zone Management in Europe. Communication presented at: Littoral 2004: 7th International Symposium: Delivering Sustainable Coasts: Connecting Science and Policy. Aberdeen, (Scotland) – UK, 20-22 September 2004.

Breton, F. (2003). Gestió de Zones Costaneres a Europa: implicacions per a Catalunya. Invited presentatoin at: Iniciativa Estratègica en GIZC de Catalunya. Departament de Medi Ambient i Habitage – Generalitat de Catalunya. Sant Feliu de Guixols – Spain, July 2003.

Breton, F. (2003). Indicadores y datos para apoyar la Estrategia Europea en Gestión Integrada de Zonas Costeras. Invited presentation at: Primera reunión de alto nivel en Gestión Integrada de Zonas Costeras (GIZC). Dirección General de Costas – Ministerio de Medio Ambiente. Madrid – Spaing, 19-20 February 2003.

Trujillo-Martínez, A.J.; Breton, F.; Pino, J. (2003). The role of Coastal Zone Information Systems in the social-environmental changes study within a spatiotemporal and interdisciplinary approach: a case study of the Catalonian coastal zone. Communication presented at: CoastGIS’03, Fifth International Symposium on GIS and computer Cartography for Coastal Zone Management. Geographical Information Systems International Group (GISIG), International Centre for Coastal and Ocean Policy Studies (ICCOPS). Palazzo Ducale, Genoa – Italy 16-18 October 2003.

Weber, J.L.; Páramo, F.; Breton, F.; Haines-Young, R.; Soukup, T.; Kupková, L. (2003). Development of Land and ecosystems Accounts in Europe. Implementation of land cover accounts, discussion of accounts of land use functions. Invited presentation at: London Group Meeting, Land and Ecosystem Accounts, session II. The London Group on Environmental Accounting. Roma – Italy, 5-7 November 2003.

Breton, F. (2002). Indicators on coastal issue and ICZM: perspective from ETC-TE and possible applications to the Black Sea. Invited presentation at: First meeting of the Advisory Group on ICZM. Black Sea Commission. Istambul – Turkey, 18-19 June 2002.

Breton, F. (2002). Soil and Territory. Invited presentation at: Foro de trabajo “La gestión del suelo”. Gobern Illes Balears. Palma de Mallorca – Spain, 23 May 2002.

Páramo, F., Ripoll, A., Weber, J. L., Breton, F. (2002). The building of Indicators on coastal issues at European scale: perspective and methodology. Communication presented at: Litoral 2002: The Changing Coast. Sixth International Conference. Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto. Porto – Portugal, 22-26 September 2002.

Breton, F., Tulla, A.F., Sempere, J. (2001). Landscape transformation and social impacts: the embeddedness of agrarian societies in metropolitan areas: the case of Llobregat Delta (Catalonia, Spain). Communication presented at: 4th Moravian Geographical Conference-CONGEO’01. Institute of Geonics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. Tisnov – Czech Republic, 10-14 September 2001.

Breton, F. (2001). Indicators on coastal issues and ICZM: perspective from the ETC-TE. Invited presentatoin at: Expert Meeting on Launching the Distance Training Programme on ICZM (Med Open Meeting). UNEP-MAP, PAP/RAC. Split – Croatia, 26-27 July 2001.


1999 and earlier

Breton, F.; Buxó, R.; Carulla, N.; Mcglade, J.; Picazo, M.; Romagosa, F.; Serra, P.; Saurí, D. (1999). Human ecodynamics and land use conflict in the Empordà, north-east Spain. Communication presented at: XVI Congreso de Geógrafos Españoles. Departamento de Geografía – Universidad de Màlaga, Consejería de Medio Ambiente de la Junta de Andalucía. Málaga – Spain, 9-12 December 1999.

Breton, F. (1999). El litoral del Maresme com a sistema. Processos naturals i antròpics. Invited presentation at: I Seminari sobre Sostenibilitat al Litoral del Maresme: un repte col·lectiu. EcoMediterrània. Casa de Cultura, Malgrat de Mar –  Spain, 30 June 1999.

Romagosa, F.; Breton, F. (1999). The Empordà wetlands (NE Catalonia): from the destruction to protection and restoration. New alternatives for coastal tourism. Communication presented at: VII EUCC International Conference, Coastline’99. European Union for Coastal Conservation (EUCC). Miedzydroje – Poland, 7-11 June 1999.

Cebollada, A.; Romagosa, F.; Martí, N.; Breton, F. (1998). Towards a methodology of participation in integrated coastal management: a reflexion on processes of information, education and decision making on the basis of local planning and management experiences in Catalonia (Spain). Communication presented at: International Conference on “Education and Training in Integrated Coastal Area Management: The Mediterranean Prospect”. International Center for Coastal and Ocean Policy Studies (ICCOPS), Università di Genoa. Genoa – Italy, 25-29 May 1998.

Breton, F.; Buxó, R.; Carulla, N.; Saurí, D.; Mcglade, J.; Picazo, M.; Romagosa, F.; Roset, D. (1998). The transformation of a mediterrranean landscape in a long term perspective: an interdisciplinary methodology: The case of Lower Ter. Communication presented at: The Earth’s changing land, GCTE-LUCC Open Science Conference on Global Change. Global Change and Terrestrial Ecosystems and Land-Use/Cover Change Core Projects. Generalitat de Catalunya, Institut Cartogràfic de Catalunya. Palau de Congressos, Barcelona – Spain, 14-18 March 1998.

Saurí, D.; Breton, F.; Picazo, M.; Mcglade, J. (1998). Recent land use changes in the Emporda region of Catalonia: driving forces and environmental impacts in very humanizad systems. Communication presented at: The Earth’s changing land, GCTE-LUCC Open Science Conference on Global Change. Global Change and Terrestrial Ecosystems and Land-Use/Cover Change Core Projects. Generalitat de Catalunya, Institut Cartogràfic de Catalunya. Palau de Congressos, Barcelona – Spain, 14-18 March 1998.

Breton, F.; Doody, P. (1997). The European Coastal Guide. Invited presentation at: International Workshop on Deltas and Coastal Lowlands: their sustainability and Conservation. UAB, UB, ICHN, SEO-Birdlife, DEPANA. Casa de Cultura, Sant Carles de la Ràpita – Spain, 2-5 October 1997.

Ribas, A.; Pujadas, M.; Saurí, D.; Breton, F. (1997). Agricultura y sistemas de compensación en el Parc Natural dels Aiguamolls de l’Empordà (Girona). Communication presented at: Dinámica Litoral-Interior. Actas del XV Congreso de Geógrafos Españoles. Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela. Santiago de Compostela – Spain, 15-19 September 1997.

Tulla, A.F.; Sanjuan, M.; Breton, F. (1997). The role of Natural parks in rural development. Communicatoin presented at: 2nd Moravian Geographical Conference, Congeo’97. Institute of Geonics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. Lednice, Czec Republic, 13-19 September 1997.

Breton, F.; Llurdés, J.C.; Ribas, A.; Saurí, D. (1997). The ecological values of tradicional land use in low-lying coastal environments: the example of the aiguamoll de l’Empordà (Costa Brava, Spain). Communication presented at: Environmental Management and Planning at the Regional and Local Level. Planning and Environment Research Group (IBG/RGS). Departament of Geography of Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Hotel Campus UAB, Bellaterra – Spain, 9-11 June 1997.

Breton, F. (1997). Proposta per a un litoral sostenible: repensar el lleure i el turisme com  activitats integrades en el medi. Invited presentation at: Forumed’97. Patronat Municipal de Turisme de Torredembarra, Generalitat de Catalunya, Universitat Rovira i Virgili. Torredembarra – Spain, 7 June 1997.

Breton, F.; Saurí, D. (1997). Short, ephemeral streams and urban growth in coastal areas: the case of Catalonia, Spain. Communication presented at: VI International Conference EUCC, Coastline’97, “Connecting European and Mediterranean Coasts”. European Union for Coastal Conservation. Maschio Angioino, Napoli – Italy, 2-6 June 1997.

Breton, F.; Cebollada, A.; Ollé, R. (1996). A global recuperation Project for the low course of the Foix River and its coastal waterfront (Catalonia, Spain). Communication presented atl: 28th International Geographical Congress “Land, Sea and Human Effort”. International Geographical Union (IGU). Hague International Congress – The Netherlands, 4-10 August 1996.

Breton, F.; Saurí, D.; Ribas, A. (1996). New contexts for flood management in low-lying coastal alreas: an example from the Empordà Plain of Catalonia. Communication presented atl: 28th International Geographical Congress “Land, Sea and Human Effort”. International Geographical Union (IGU). Hague International Congress – The Netherlands, 4-10 August 1996.

Saurí, D.; Ribas, A.; Breton, F.; Llurdés, J.C. (1995). Estrategias tradicionales de aprovechamiento de espacios inundables. El sistema ampurdanés de las ‘closes’.  Communication presented at: Cambios regionales a finales del siglo XX. XIV Congreso Nacional de Geografía. Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles. Salamanca – Spain, 5-8 December 1995.

Breton, F.; Cebollada, A.; Ollé, R. (1995). Une expérience d’amènagement et gestion de l’espace litoral avec la participation de l’administration locale et des habitants. Vuelques réflexions sur l’aménagement intégrée et le développement durable. Communication presented at: Colloque Internacional “Continuités et ruptures sur les littoraux européens: de la mer de Barents à la Méditerranée et de l’Atlantique à la mer Noire, Littoral 95”. IGARUN/CNRS. Nantes – France, 16-18 November 1995.

Breton, F. (1995). Ordenación y gestión integrada del litoral Mediterraneo. Invited presentation at: Forum Alternativo Euromed. Ecologistas en Acció. IC-Verds. Vila Olímpica, Barcelona – Spain, november 1995.

Breton, F. (1995). Tourism and habitat destruction in the Mediterranean coasts. Invited presentationa at: European program “For safe and clean cost”, EUCC. MEDCOAST Secretariat, University of Ankara, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Autoritat Portuària de Tarragona, Tarragona – Spain, 26 October 1995.

Breton, F.; Cebollada, A.; Ollé, R. (1995). Territorial diagnose and proposals for coastal open areas planning and management: the role of participation as a new trend for sustainable development. Communication presented at: 2nd International Conference on the Mediterranean Coastal Environment, MEDCOAST’95. Medcoast Secretariat, Middle East Technical University of Ankara, Laboratori d’Enginyeria Marítima and International  Center for Coastal Resources Research (CIIRC) of Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC). Autoritat Portuària de Tarragona. Tarragona – Spain, 24-27 October 1995.

Breton, F.; Esteban, P. (1995). An experience of recuperation of natural beaches (example of Catalonia): necessity of new trends for coastal integrated management. Communication presented at: Vth EUCC (European Union for Coastal Conservation) Conference, Coastline’95. EUCC. Swansea, Wales – UK, 1-7 July 1995.

Breton, F. (1995). The new logistical development for Barcelona’s port and airport: sustainable development? Communication presented at: Erasmus Symposium. Royal Institute of Technology of Stockholm. Stockholm – Sweden, 6-8 April 1995.

Breton, F. (1994). Patrimoines maritimes ou cultures maritimes?. Invited presentation at: Séminaire internacional “Les hommes et leurs bateaux: usages, appropiation et représentations. CETMA-GDR 719/CNRS. CETMA, Museum d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris – France, 7-9 June 1994.

Breton, F. (1994). Una experiència de treball en Geografia social. Invited presentation at: Jornades “L’Autònoma i la Innovació docent”. ICE-UAB. Sala de Grau de Ciències, UAB. Bellaterra – Spain, June 1994.

Ribas, A.; Roset, D.; Sorribas, E.; Saurí, D.; Breton, F. (1993).  Les changements dans l’occupation et la gestion des aires inondables: L’exemple de la Basse Vallée du Ter (Gérone, Espagne). Invited presentation at: Colloque “Aménagement et gestion des grandes rivières méditerranéennes”. Departament de Géographie – Université d’Avignon. Avignon – France, 8-10 September 1993.

Breton, F.; Gordi, J.; Vila, J. (1993). Stratégies de protection d’un espace natural et éco-développement: l’exemple de l’Alta Garrotxa. Communication presented at: Colloque “Aménagement et Environnement”. Centre d’Etudes Supérieures d’Aménagement et l’Association des Sciences Regionales et de Langue Française. Parc Grandmont – Université Rabelais, Tours – France, 30 August-1 September 1993.

Breton, F. (1993). Quines fòrmules per a protegir el litoral mediterrani: experiències europees i presentació de la iniciativa del Fons per a la protecció del litoral. Invited presentation at: II Forum per a la protecció de la Mediterrània. Ecomediterrània, Cursos de verano de la Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo. Empúries, L’Escala – Spain, 16-17 June 1993.