57% of Barcelona residents are exposed to excess noise

A new report – published by Barcelona’s Public Health Agency with contributions from INTERFASE and UAB researchers – found that 57% of the city’s residents are exposed to noise levels that are harmful to health as defined by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Gestionant l’exposició al soroll a Europa

La contaminació acústica representa un alt risc per a la salut humana i mediambiental. Aquesta comunicació presenta les dades actualitzades sobre el nombre de persones exposades a la contaminació acústica ambiental a Europa, així com un nou resum de les mesures que s’utilitzen en els Estats membres per a la gestió del soroll.

Noise activities

Interfase-UAB, inside the ETC/ACM consortium, is responsible for the provision of support to EEA, the Member States and the EEA member countries on the environmental noise field: mainly supporting the collection and quality checking of noise data, assessing it and disseminating the main figures at European and country level. The Environmental Noise Directive (END) entered […]

New contract between EEA and ETC/ACM Consortium

The European Topic Centre on Air Pollution and Climate Change Mitigation (ETC/ACM) and the European Environment Agency (EEA) negotiated the third yearly contract to start in January 2016. The SGR-Interfase team leads the tasks related to environmental noise in the ETC/ACM Consortium. The main tasks to be accomplished in 2016 are focused on the management […]