Interfase-UAB has participated in the ESPON seminar focused on ‘Transforming Territorial Thinking Through Digitalisation”, representing two ongoing projects: ESPON 2020 Database Portal and ESPON GRETA.

Interfase-UAB has participated in the ESPON seminar focused on ‘Transforming Territorial Thinking Through Digitalisation”, representing two ongoing projects: ESPON 2020 Database Portal and ESPON GRETA.
The EEA has recently published a report entitled “Land recycling in Europe“, which presents approaches to measuring the extent and impacts of redevelopment and densification of previously developed land.
The European Copernicus programme, previously known as Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES) is an EU-wide programme that aims to support policymakers, business, and citizens with improved environmental information. Copernicus integrates satellite and in-situ data with modeling to provide user-focused information services. UAB is leading the Copernicus task EEA/IDM/15/010 under the ETC-ULS consortium including […]